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Why does entrepreneurs need to posses interpersonal skill, managerial skills and creative and
critical thinking skills?
The entrepreneurs need to posses interpersonal skills because this is the most vital skill wherein
these skills will tell how entrepreneurs will go with people around, either corporate or personal, in
corporate world, the careers of people are largely depends on these skills. It helps the entrepreneurs
in getting support of their colleagues, wining their trust and loyalty, getting help in time, gaining
access to important information etc. And finally this skill is helpful not just in corporate life but also in
their personal life and relationships. Furthermore, entrepreneur need to posses the managerial skills
which is also important skill to an entrepreneur to be equipped with. We all know that time is a
resource that is the most important of them all. Time is money, and sometimes this proverbial
masterclass is actually quite true. Time is a resource that is the most important of them all. People
and monetary funds come and go, but Time never stops for anybody. And that is the reason why a
good entrepreneur must understand the true value of time, and must know how to manage it to get
the most out of everything. It is imperative for an Entrepreneur to manage well between professional
and personal life, and short and long term planning, and all this involves the crucial element of time.
Finally, an effective entrepreneur must be creative and have the ability to critic. Being a critical
thinker, entrepreneur will able to to create more opportunities and maintain their competitive edge
in any situation. Entrepreneurs will have a competitive advantage since creativity leads to generation
of novel and innovative ways of doing business. Exploring new niches and generating new ideas lead
to efficiency and eventually give an entrepreneur the required edge over the competition

Entrepreneurs must have interpersonal skills since these abilities will determine how
entrepreneurs interact with others, whether professional or personal. Throughout the corporate
world, people's careers are heavily reliant on these skills. It assists entrepreneurs in gaining the
support of their coworkers, gaining their confidence and loyalty, receiving timely assistance, gaining
access to critical information, and so on. Actually, this capability is beneficial not just in the workplace
but also throughout one's personal relationships and life. Additionally, managers must have
managerial abilities, which are crucial for a business owner must have. If you are entrepreneur you
must know to manage your time since time truly was indeed wealth, and this adage holds true in
several situations. One resource that is more valuable than any others is time. Time never stops for
anyone, regardless of who they are or how much money they have. And for that reason, a great
business owner must recognize the actual worth of time and know how to best utilize it to make the
most of everything. Successful entrepreneur must balance their personal lives and careers, along with
their short- and long-term plans, all of which require the critical component of time. Finally, a
successful entrepreneur needs to be innovative and able to critique. Entrepreneurs will be able to
generate more possibilities and keep their competitive advantage in any circumstance by being critical
thinkers. Since creativity produces new and inventive business practices, entrepreneurs will have a
competitive edge. Finding fresh markets and coming up with innovative ideas increase productivity
and eventually provide business owners the competitive advantage they need.

What are innovators need to possess?

Innovators need to possess different skills and qualities in order for him/her to come up
with better ideas, solutions, and innovations. The skills that innovators need to possess are
associating, asking, observing, networking and experimenting. Associating with others in order to
collect and organize new inputs. Innovators frequently place themselves and thrive at the set of lights
of multiple fields. Asking provocative questions to challenge the status quo. Innovators ask more
questions because questioning serves as a catalyst for creativity. Observing the world as an
anthropologist would in order to discover new methods of doing things. Innovators are often
fascinated by how humans interact with their surroundings. Observing the specific circumstances
under which someone engages a product for accomplish a job gives a multitude more potential for
innovation. Networking from varied points of view would get entirely different insights. Innovators
thrive at concept networking, seeking out other viewpoints to obtain new insights into the world.
Finally, experimentation is essential for a successful invention. Experimenting constantly to put
innovative solutions to the test as well as experiment with new experiences. Experiments assist
entrepreneurs in gaining insights and getting a better grasp of their products.
What differs innovator from entrepreneur?
Innovators are those who come up with amazing ideas and who innovate or discover new things.
Unexpected problems or even difficulties inspire him to ponder and devise solutions. An entrepreneur
establishes a firm or business, incurring financial risks with the intention of making a profit.
Entrepreneurship recognizes the commercial potential of brilliant ideas and adds concrete value to
the invention. Entrepreneurs are always looking for new sources of innovation and generally do not
limit themselves to something like a single sort of invention. Entrepreneurs create and maintain
profitable enterprises based on discovered opportunities. They must be capable of planning, decision-
making, managing plans, inspiring, and taking risks. Entrepreneurship is usually the consequence of
hard effort, dedication, and risk-taking.

Entrepreneur is the one who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of
profit. Entrepreneurship understands the business opportunity for the great ideas innovated and adds
a tangible value to the innovation. Entrepreneurs always search for innovation sources and they do
not restrict themselves for one type of innovation. Entrepreneurs set up business on the opportunity
identified and run it profitably. They need skills like pplanning, decision making, managing planning ,
motivating and risk taking . Successful entrepreneurship is always a result of
hardworking, ccommitment, and risk taking.

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