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The charts show information about 3 categories of ages of populations in Yemen and Italy in

2000 and predictions for 2050.

In 2000 in Yemen, the percentage of population aged 0-14 years was the highest, standing
at 50,1% of total populations. Also, the figures for people aged 15-59 years were also high,
accounting for 46.3%, while it was only 3,6% of total people over 60 years. Meanwhile, in
2050, it is predicted that the percentage of people aged 15-59 and over 60 years will
increase to 57,3% and 5,7% respectively, whereas the proportions for people aged below 15
decreased to 37%.

In Italy, there were 61,6% of total people between the ages 15-59 years in 2000, while the
percentage for those aged 0-14 and over 60 years were low, standing at 14,3% and 24,1%
consecutively. It is then forecasted that in 2050, the proportion for the population that are
over 60 years will increase to 42,3%, while the figures for those aged between 0-14 and
15-59 decreased to 11,5% and 46,2% respectively.

Overall, the percentage of people aged over 60 years was dominant in Yemen, but in
France, it was the people aged 15-59 years. However, both countries are predicted to have
the most 15-59 aged populations in 2050.

The first chart shows how energy is used in, and the second chart shows information of the
gas emissions caused from this energy in Australia.

In the first chart, Heating and water heating were the most consuming energy used by
Australian households, standing at 42% and 30% of energies respectively. Meanwhile, the
percentage of energy used in cooling, lighting, refrigeration, and other appliances were only
under 16% for each.

According to the second chart, the proportion of Water Heating causes gas emissions the
most, standing at 32%, and there are 28% of gas emissions that are caused by usage of
other appliances. Meanwhile, the proportions of heating and refrigeration are both around
15%, and the energies used in cooling and lighting only cause below 10% of gas emissions.

Overall, Heating was the most consuming energy used by Australian households.
Meanwhile, the energy usage in water heating causes gas emissions the most.

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