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The objectives of phonetics and phonology is the physical manifestation of language in sound
waves and the mental representation of sounds, Phonetics and phonology is a theorical subject
which consists of theories on articulatory rules which covers the features of speech sounds and
organization, the study of the sounds It is concerned with the sounds are articulated and how
listeners perceive them. In phonetics and phonology there is an important distinction to be made
between sounds.

Phonetics and phonology describe:

Articulatory, the study of how speech sounds are produced or articulated.

Auditory, the study of how speech sounds are perceived via the ear.

Acoustic, it deals with the physical properties of the sounds .

Vowels, when we speak, we are produced by directing the flow of air into different parts of the
mouth. They can be adjusted by changing the position of the tongue, by rounding of the lips, and
by the degree of opening of the mouth. The five standard vowels are A, E, I, O and U these are
always vowel sounds regardless of the word. For example, the [æ] vowel in cat, bat, or pat is
considered to be an open front vowel: that is, it’s a vowel where there is a great deal of distance
between the surface of the tongue and the roof of the mouth, all vowels are voiced, vowels are
categorized as follows, depending on the position of the tongue: Front, Central, Back, High, Mid,
Low. Short vowels are very short, and long vowels usually take more than double the time to
pronounce. All the vowels sound different, but if you pronounce them with bad accent some of
them may be confused; respecting the short-long difference will help understand.

Simple vowels: /u/ /ǝ/ /ʊ/ /i/ /æ/


Pull /pʊl/
Put /pʊt/

Cat /kæt/

Consonant is a speech sound produced by completely or partly stopping the air being breathed
out thought the mouth, especially by closing the lips our touching the teeth with the tongue.
Consonants are produced by restricting and then releasing the flow of air in three ways: vibrating
the vocal cords, changing the part of the part which restricts the air flow, and changing the extent
to which the air flow is restricted ; Producing a consonant involves making the vocal narrower at
some location than it usually is. Which consonant you're pronouncing depends on where in the
vocal the how narrow it is. It also depends on a few other things, such as whether the vocal folds
are vibrating and whether air is flowing through the nose. Consonants with little vibration of the
vocal cords are called voiceless consonants. Consonants with relatively more vibration of the
vocal cords are called voiced. In the consonants are found: Labial, Dental, Labiodental, Alveolar,
Palatal, Velar, Glottal.

Consonants can also be categorized by the lack of to which the air flow: Stop, fricative,
affricative, nasal, liquid, glide

The professor taught us the individual sounds of each letter of the alphabet; we then start to put
these sounds together, to make short words, such as: cat, job, box, love etc. We then start to learn
that a word could have a sound in it that is made up of two letters, for example: cat, is made up
of three phonemes: /k/ at the start, /ae/ in the middle and /t/ at the end. We carry out activities to
split words up into sounds, we repeat it to understand the sound and so we are made aware of
how to split a word up to be able to say the sounds. In class we learned consonant descriptions;
articulatory phonetics for consonants, Descriptions for vowels and articulatory phonetics for
vowels and identifying alternatives.

These fields help students learn how to pronounce english words and sentences. I do find that
they way words change in spoken English is very important for students to understand native
speakers and the language because teaching the mechanics of the sound changes is useful. The
process of language production in the study is concerned to the speech production. Phonetics and
phonology be for oral language. It is to help us understand the language, which, while it isn’t
used much in every day life for most people, that can be helpful in a number of capacities, such
as learning an accent that isn’t native, learning how to speak another language more accurate It’s
quite important for example because linguists have to be able to write down the sounds between
those sounds which, in turn, is the subject of phonology, and is used to understand out the sounds
(phonemes) that a language uses. Language is unique, cannot be separated between one and
another to comprehend and produce meaning. Language production is process of conveying the
meaning or experience in spoken and written language by of course the speaker or writer to who
receives it and is said in process of listening or reading by listener or reader.

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