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Asignatura: Idioma Extranj, ero Segundo año de Bach. Modalidad


Tutor: Lic. Carlos E. Escoto.


Modulo 5 Lesson 1 Is recicling really helpful?

Achievement Indicator: Exchange ideas and opinions on environmental issues during group work.

Suggest solutions to environmental and health problems with appropiate use of infinitive clauses
and phrases with correct gramar and syntax.

Grammar in use.

When averb appears in its simple form after the article “to” it is an infinitive . Some examples of
infinitive verbs are”to be”, “to do”, and “to work”. Infinitive verbs are used in english the same
way that they are used in spanish.

Read the paragraph and notice hoew these verbs are used. Organizations are trying to reduce
greenhouse gases . In Europe factories and businesses that produce a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2)
have to pay money for the air pollution they cause. Companies that reduce the amount of CO2
that goes into the atmosphere are able to receive money from the biggest polluters. This
encourages polluters to produce less CO2 in order to save or even to Akey money.

Activities to work.

Activity 1, page: 193 answer the following questions about the conversation of a Project of
cleaning of a river.

Activity 3, page 194 What are some ways that you reuse materials in your home or at work?

Make a list of 5 items that you reuse in a regular basis.

Activity 5, page 5 Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

Activity 7, page 195 complete the following sentences using the infinitive verbs you listed in
activity 6.

Activity 12, page 198 Match the phrases on the left with the phrases on the right to make
complete sentences .

Evaluate. Fluency, grammar aspects, puntuality and responsability.

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