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Activity # 1.

Let’s Arrange the Jumbled

letters !
1. (e n p t r t a )
a particular way in
which something is
done, is organized,
or happens:
2. ( l a o n i z a t o n g i r a )


the act or
process of
3. ( l e p o v e m t n e d)

the act or process

of growing,
progressing, or
Read the following sentences: Analyze the given
procedure below on how to make a pie.
Now take the pie out of the oven and let it cool on the
Mix the dry ingredients with the liquid ingredients.
Set the pie crust aside while you make the filling.
Guide Question:

What have you notice in the following sentences?

Do you think it is properly organized? Why do you think so?

Selecting and developing the main points, applying the principles of clarity, supporting your specific purpose and indicating
the response you want from the audience is all because of the organizational pattern. It helps to avoid chaos and confusion
so that clarity prevails at all costs.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

discuss the different patterns of idea development.

construct a text with the use of appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each
pattern of idea development.
reflect on the importance of patterns in fostering
effective communication.
The Organizational Patterns of Idea
Development show the relationship of sentences
and clauses in different texts that we read, as well
as the information that we write. These
organizational patterns of idea development help
the author to write supporting details or other
important information with the use of grammatical
signals or expressions. They serve as guides for
writers to effectively convey their message to their
1. General – Particular
The General – Particular or General – Specific is the organizational
pattern used to show that the text starts with a general or broad topic
before it discusses the specific details. Signal words used for this
organizational pattern include “for example,” “in addition,” and “such as.”

General: School children nowadays do not like reading

classic literature.
Particular: For example, Ryan is in 8th grade and hates
Charles Dickens’ books.
Writing is a complex socio-cognitive process involving the construction of recorded messages on paper or on some other material, and, more recently, on a computer
screen. The skills needed to write range from making the appropriate graphic marks, through utilizing the resources of the chosen language, to anticipating the
reactions of the intended readers. The first skill area involves acquiring a writing system, which may be alphabetic (as in European languages) or non-alphabetic (as in
many Asian languages). The second skill area requires selecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary to form acceptable sentences and then arranging them in
paragraphs. Third, writing involves thinking about the purpose of the text to be composed and about its possible effects on the intended readership.
The paragraph above shows the use of the general-
particular pattern. The first sentence represents the
general statement about the topic. The underlined
sentences after it are the details and examples.
2. Claim – Counterclaim
● The claim is a statement of a belief, stance, or opinion of a person
while the counterclaim is a statement that provides an opposing or
different belief, stance, or opinion against the claim. Signal words
that can be used include “claim,” “but,” “in opposition,” and “in

Claim : The COVID-19 virus might have come from

an exotic bat cuisine.
Counterclaim : But there are claims that it can be from
another animal.
Advocates of the use of E-cigarettes claim that these electronic
cigarettes are not toxic to others in the smoker's vicinity
because it is just water vapor that is expelled into the air; they
emphasize that there is no tobacco or carbon monoxide
released. While this is true, what these proponents fail to
mention are the other harmful elements that are in the released
The paragraph above shows the use of the claim-counterclaim pattern. The underlined sentences show a claim about the
pros of using E-cigarettes. The last sentence expresses the counterclaim against the given pros, i.e. the proponents failed to
mention the other harmful elements in the E-cigarette’s vapor.
3. Problem – Solution
● The Problem – Solution pattern helps us state or describe the
problem and propose possible solution/s to the given problem.
Signals words for this pattern include “answer,” “improve,”
“problem,” “solve,” and “solution.”

Problem : The problem is that trash can used in the

classroom always fills up quickly.

Solution : To solve it, the teacher bought a bigger

trash can.
Deforestation is a serious problem because forests and trees aren’t
just pretty to look at, they do an important job making the Earth’s
environment suitable for life. One solution to the problem of
deforestation is to use less paper. If you use less paper, fewer trees
will be cut for paper making. How can you use less paper? One
answer is to reduce your paper use by using both sides of the paper
when you photocopy, write a letter, or write an essay. A second
answer is to reuse old paper when you can, rather than using a new
sheet of paper. The backs of old envelopes are perfect for shopping
lists or phone messages, and when you write a rough draft of an
essay, write it on the back of something else. A final answer is to
recycle used paper products instead of throwing them away.
The paragraph above shows the use of the problem-
solution pattern. The first sentence states the
problem, which is deforestation. The sentences that
follow it list down the possible solutions to address
4. Cause – Effect
The Cause – Effect is the organizational pattern used to show how
one event (effect) is the result or consequence of the event that
happened first (cause). Signal words commonly used for this
organizational pattern include “hence” and “because.”

Cause : The price of pork per kilo in the market

went up.
Effect : Because of this, people nowadays only buy
chicken and fish.
Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on a person and the people around them. One important effect is the damage you can do to
your body. Drinking can lead to severe illness and even eventual death; some health consequences to consider might be liver disease, kidney failure and, for
pregnant women, the loss of their unborn child. Another detriment is that an addiction could lead to drinking and driving; possibly causing a fatal car accident for
either yourself and/or an innocent by stander. Another concern to consider is the relationships alcohol can destroy. Alcohol abuse can have very serious effect on a
person’s temperament, which can lead to spousal and even child abuse. Alcohol often is the number one cause in divorce and spending time in jail. It can also
affect relationships outside of the family; many people have lost lifelong friends whether it is due to foolish arguments and behavior or possibly death. Lastly,
drinking has negative effects on self-esteem and rational thinking.
The paragraph above shows the use of the cause-effect
pattern. The highlighted sentence states the cause, i.e.
addiction to alcohol. The succeeding underlined
sentences present the negative effects of the said
5. Comparison – Contrast
● The Comparison – Contrast is the organizational pattern
used to show the similarities and differences of the idea.
Comparison uses words such as “like” and “as well as”
while contrast uses words such as “unlike” and

Comparison : The twins, Alyssa and Alyanna, really

look like each other
Contrast : However, Alyssa is an introvert,
while Alyanna is an extrovert.
Basketball and soccer are played with a ball. They both provide a ton of
cardiovascular exercise such as running; so, if you want to get in shape these are
the sports to play. A referee judges each game. When a player breaks the rules, he
or she is called for a foul. A soccer player receives a red or yellow card and a
basketball player is called for a foul. Finally, a score is kept in each game. The
team with the highest score wins. Even though basketball and soccer are similar,
differences do exist. Even though an athlete dribbles the ball in both sports, a
basketball player uses his hands and a soccer player uses his feet. Usually, soccer
is played outside on a large field and basketball is played indoor on a court made
out of wood. Basketball is played with 5 players and soccer has 11. Lastly,
basketball has four quarters and soccer has two halves.
The paragraph above shows the use of the comparison –
contrast pattern. The underlined sentences present the
similarities of the two sports: basketball and soccer. On the
other hand, the bold-faced sentences present the
differences of the two sports.
How can organizational patterns help us?

The organizational pattern helps in organizing the speech. It is a formal

process that requires that the main points must be relevant to the topic and
must have the necessary balance in terms of relative importance.
The organizational pattern helps to make sense of the information so that
the stated purpose is fulfilled. It provides focus and direction, so that clear
organization helps the receiver to understand and remember the
information that is shared.

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