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Extreme Cold Weather Safety

Extreme temperatures can put stress on your body and cause health issues. Many of you
work outdoors or spend recreational time outdoors in the heat and cold, making you sus-
ceptible to illnesses. Recognize the signs and take proper precautions to help keep yourself,
your co-workers, and guests safe. Be aware of the symptoms:
 Fatigue, Shallow breathing, and dizziness.
 Difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, or nausea.
 Excessive thirst, weakness, headache, cramping, and even loss of consciousness.
 Low body temperature, shivering,
pale extremities, confusion, frostbite,
and hypothermia.
Safety Tips:
 Increase your fluid intake. Stay away
from alcohol or sodas. These types of
drinks actually cause dehydration.
 In cold temperatures, dress in layers
and wear gloves, hats, and insulated
 Bring extra clothes for sudden tem-
perature changes, and avoid wearing
wet clothing.
 Consume high-carbohydrate, low fat
meals in small quantities frequently
to maintain energy levels.

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