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Leaflet Writing

Write a leaflet, telling your friends on how to protect yourself from heat
Heat stroke happens when the body overheats, typically to 104 degrees
Fahrenheit or higher. It’s a serious condition and requires immediate emergency
treatment. If it’s not treated, heat stroke can damage the brain, heart, kidneys and
muscles which lead to death. Therefore, it is very important to keep us away from
heat stroke. Below are some measures to prevent yourself from heat stroke.
Things we should do:
 Stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining a healthy body
temperature, particularly during exercise. Drink plenty of fluids the day before
and the day of physical activity.
 Wear appropriate clothing. Limit sun exposure when you’re outside by wearing
a wide hat and light, loose-fitting clothing. Also consider bringing an umbrella
to protect yourself from the sun.
 Get to a shady or air-conditioned place. If you don't have air conditioning at
home, go someplace with air conditioning, such as the mall, movie theater or
public library.
 Cool off with damp sheets and a fan. If you're experiencing heat-related symptoms, cool
yourself by covering him or her with damp sheets or by spraying with cool water. Direct air
onto yourself with a fan.

 Take a cool shower or bath. If you're outdoors and not near shelter, soaking in a
cool pond or stream can help bring your temperature down.

Things you should not do:

 Drinking cold water on an empty stomach as it may cause stomach cramping.
Leaflet Writing
 Avoid too much exercising, especially when on empty stomach or when
 Refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, or sodas as these can accelerate loss
of fluids from the body.
 Avoid staying inside a closed car for long durations, especially when the car is
under the fiery heat of the sun,
 Wear any excess clothing. Too much clothing in hot temperatures hampers your
body’s ability to sweat and cool itself down. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting
clothing when possible.

Well, I hope you take these measure seriously, You can follow the steps if you
want to protect yourself from heat stroke.

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