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Q1. Green Bell is a retail giant in India.

Currently only confined to metro cities for their

giant super store outlets, they are planning to spread to smaller cities in India. While
working on the resource allocation, HR is planning on shifting a few of the current staff to
new locations while recruiting local staff at each location in parallel. They need to engage
the current staff in training for the newer audience.
Discuss the expansion from the point of view of Hofstede’s five dimensions to include in the
training. (10 Marks)

Ans 1.
Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions theory, established by Geert Hofstede, is a structure for expertise
cultural variations and figuring out how businesses are performed in different cultures. Corporate
culture can be defined as the pattern of shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and working habits
of people working in an organization. The study is used to understand the differences in culture
across countries and to discern the ways that business is done across different cultures.
Alternatively, the framework is used to distinguish between various national cultures, identify
the dimensions of culture and estimate the impact of each culture on a business setting. Like in
the case of Green Bell, with the use of Hofstede’s dimensions we can train the new employee as:

Five Cultural Value Dimensions

Value Dimensions Other Extreme
Identity Group Individual
Power Egalitarian Hierarchal
Gender Feminine Masculine
Uncertainty Ambiguity Structure
Time Relationship Task
The five dimensions of Hofstede:

Power Distance: 

It refers to the degree of inequality that exists in society and is accepted by people. The process
by which an organization and society decide to allocate energy unequally is called power
distance. An individual may have a power distance because of respect for age, status, and titles.
The high-power distance assesses how much inequity is tolerated in each tradition. An excessive-
power distance index suggests that injustice imbalances is an element that fosters bureaucracy
and places a high significance on rank and authority. A low electricity distance index suggests
that a lifestyle values flat organizational structures, decentralized choice-making, participative
control, and an emphasis on strength distribution.

In Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, such as those in India, there is much power distance, because people
have much inequality across many factors. Employees should be trained to respect their
customers and their traditions so that we can operate the store at these locations. Even the
hierarchy system should also be improved to ensure efficient decision making.

Uncertainty Avoidance 

The step to which a society considers or is uneasy with danger, transition, and situational
ambiguity is uncertainty avoidance. In high-uncertainty societies, one would expect a desire for
control, command, and probability. Procedures are developed on the principle of uncertainty
avoidance when there is a high level of ambiguity and uncertainty. This dimension seems at how
people react to unexpected conditions and unanticipated events. A limited threshold for
ambiguity, confusion, and a high uncertainty avoidance rating shows danger-taking. Through
imposing strict guidelines, laws, and other norms, ambiguity is eliminated.

In a country like India, people are highly uncertain and score low on uncertainty avoidance.
Employees should be well trained with rules and safety measures to avoid risk.


The degree to which an individual's accomplishments and self-interest over the achievements and
interests of groups is referred to as individualism-collectivism. Individualism vs. collectivism is a
measurement that looks at how societies are prepared, along with their recognized obligations
and dependence on them. Individualism refers to putting more effort into achieving one's goals.
A person's self is characterized as "I" in this category. Collectivism suggests a greater emphasis
on the desires and well-being of the collective. A character's self is classified as "We" in this

In a country like India, individualism is more prevalent than collectivism. Employees should be
trained on how to achieve individual goals along with group goals.


The extent to which a philosophy favors assertiveness and materialism over sentiments,
friendships, and pleasant lifestyles is referred to as masculinity-femininity. It tends to emphasize
traditional male or feminine features and attitudes concerning gender roles. The "difficult vs.
soft" thing of masculinity and femininity consists of cultural values for success, perspectives on
gender equity, and behavior, among other matters. Masculinity is characterized by imposing
gender norms, aggressiveness, and a concentration on financial achievement and wealth. All
these traits are signs of femininity, including fluid gender roles, modesty, tenderness, and a
commitment to quality of life.

India has much masculinity inheritance and high on it. Employees can be trained in such a way
that they value the culture of organization, achieve goals and respect every individual.

Time Orientation: 

This is the proportion of a society's immediate or long-term dreams. Staying power, moderation,
and a dedication to work for a long period of time are valued in many Asian cultures. The long-
term orientation versus short-term orientation dimension analyzes how society interprets its
temporal horizon in the context of achieving results. Long-term orientation has been
characterized by a focus on the positives and a determination not to compromise on the present
in pursuit of the future.

As India has a long-term perspective, all employees should be trained to have a long-term goal
and work together to achieve it. 


Therefore, talking about the growth of the inexperienced Bell in the smaller towns of India, all of
the above discussed five dimensions of Hofstede ought to be considered. As every scale is
talking about a specific problem, one can be faced while expanding a business right into a
particular city and hiring of the staff.
Q2. Sateesh is a project manager in an IT company. He needs to deploy some additional
developers to be based on site. He has a meeting with the HR for the same and needs to give
a plan of resource deployment to the HR with clarity on how many new members’ vs how
many current developers can be deployed on site. Managers have to make many decisions.
Discuss various types of decisions managers typically make based on nature of the
decisions, level of the management or capacity.

Ans 2.

There are different classes of choices based on their significance, influence, and extent.
Authorities classify choices in a variety of ways. The choices that managers make in the
corporate world usually fall into four categories: programmed, non-programmed, operational,
and strategic. It would depend on the quantity, relevance, and effect of the decision, as well as
the impact it would have, whether the decision be classified as one of a number of subclasses. An
action of thinking about numerous opportunities and then selecting the most appropriate one that
suits your situation is known as policymaking. It's vital to consider that managers are
continuously making the one choice and added that the integrity of these decisions has a
substantial effect on the organization's and stakeholders' performance.

Concept and application:

Managers are continuously making selections, or even the judgments they make may have a
significant impact on the business and its stakeholders. Complexity, constrained knowledge, and
time constraints outline managerial decision-making, and there is hardly a single correct answer.
It is the management's responsibility to determine which option will produce the desired results
when there are several viable options. Managers have to consider the capacity ramifications of
every choice and acknowledge that there are frequently several stakeholders with competing
wants and choices, making it challenging to fulfill everyone. In the end, managerial selections
may have ethical ramifications, which should be considered before making a final preference.

Diverse types of selections made by the managers based totally on the character, and different
stages of employment of the managers are:
Programmed and Non-programmed decisions 

The essence of programmed selections is that they're repeated. Those conclusions are made in
response to easy, not unusual, and regularly recurring difficulties. Those conclusions are made
primarily based on the company's current policy, regulation, or system. Making purchase orders,
approving various styles of depart, approving salary increases, and so forth. Managers adhere to
installed protocols while dealing with such common occurrences. Non-programmed judgments
are not made on a regular foundation. They're associated with unusual instances for which no
popular method exists. Because hiring is generally continuous, it will be covered by programmed
decision rather than non-programmed decision.

Operational and Strategic Decision

Selections made on the operational or tactical stages are related to current challenges or
challenges, such as hiring, which is a current challenge and can be managed by mid-level
employees too.. Operational decisions are devoted to the short-term or instant present, while
strategic decisions are dedicated to the long-term. Getting the most performance is the main
objective. This includes improved working conditions, qualified supervision, proper use of
current assets, and device protection, among other matters. Expanding the scope of operations,
entering new markets, altering the product mix, moving the production plant, forming strategic
partnerships with other companies, and so on are all important elements of strategic planning.

Organizational and personal decision

Management's organizational alternatives are those made in the ordinary course of business
operations in their position as managers. Managers, for instance, make decisions like
implementing a brand new reward machine, transferring an employee, reallocating or
redeploying staff, and so on so that you can attain specific goals. On the alternative hand,
managers do make certain decisions based on personal experience. Nevertheless, their impact
may have an impact on the organization. For example, the desire of a manager to leave an
organization, albeit as a personal matter, could also bring about some difficulties for the
Individual and group decision

It is normal for individual judgments to be made; however, essential and strategic decisions that
affect many aspects of the company are usually made through a process of group discussion.
These days, organization decision-making is favored because it allows for greater coordination
among those worried about the choice's execution. Like a hiring is generally completed by a
group decision rather than an individual.

Routine and Strategic Decisions 

Tactical or routine alternatives are made on a regular foundation, following rules, procedures,
and rules. They do not necessitate the collection of clean data or sessions with others. As a result,
they may be taken without lots of concepts. They are complicated, yet they're continually one-
dimensional. They do not longer necessitate any additional work on the part of the management.
Supervisors at the mid and bottom management stages often make such judgments. Strategic or
fundamental choices are crucial and regularly made through a pinnacle and center control: the
extra a manager's role, the different strategic judgments he ought to make.

Organizational and Personal Decisions 

Organizational selections are the decisions a manager makes as part of his official position.
Delegation of such picks is possible. Unpublic decisions cannot be delegated because they
challenge the supervisor as a character rather than a member of the company.


Thus, it can be assumed that choice-making will follow a systematic or ordered route. In an
organization there are different types of decisions made on a daily basis. These decisions depend
upon the nature of problems, the requirements of the organization and external threats or
opportunities. The hiring manager is the person who asks for an employee to fill an open job and
takes managerial decisions. Whatever their daily duties, they are a key member of an employee
recruitment team. A manager is responsible for managing the position and department of a new
Q3. EarthMovers Ltd is into providing heavy vehicle services. They have various heavy
vehicles like tractors, cranes, bull dozers, mixer trucks, etc. They have been growing
increasingly and have employed a total staff of 1200. They have divided their business in a
Divisional structure. Based on this information, answer the following questions.
a. Discuss the features of divisional structure of organization and infer the divisions that
EarthMovers may have employed.

Ans 3a.


An organizational structure can be defined as the local arrangement of tasks, duties, and
responsibilities to achieve the predetermined objective of the organization. If there are many
employees, a company structure will need to be formed. Organizational divisions are parallel
divisions or working units. Some of these divisions are in charge of a particular product, a
specific geography, or an organization that provides a service. A company's divisional structure
is one method of organizing the company's obligations. On the basis of products or services,
clients, and location, it develops distinct divisions or divisions and agencies of personnel. There
are many functions within every unit that are autonomous, including advertising, operations, and
human resources.

Concept and application:

As choice-making is decentralized, a divisional corporation generates obvious patterns of duty.

Different phrases let the parent company delegate energy to its branches. It overcomes the
problems that come with a centralized, hierarchical structure.

Each division has complete autonomy in making decisions, formulating strategies, adjusting
operations, and customizing marketing and advertising plans based on the desires of the markets
in its jurisdiction. This is crucial when market conditions are uncertain and unstable.

Capabilities of the divisional shape of organization:

 The divisional shape benefits the business in a number of ways. Due to the fact that the
company's divisions are financially independent, they will create clear lines of duty and
duty. Having economic independence promotes collaboration rather than competition
among the divisions.
 One of kind specialties (divisions) assists personnel in honing their talents in their
selected field. Because each division is self-contained, it can react quickly to changes
within the business environment without harming other divisions.
 Large corporations that function in multiple geographical locations or have distinct
smaller divisions to cover different items or market sectors benefit from divisional
organizational models. Powerful management is the key to long-term success for
companies with divisional systems.

A divisional organization's units might be categorized by using:

 Product,
 Client, or
 Geographic place.

For example, within the agriculture sector, a corporation's organizational structure can be divided
based on its specific product: tractors. Another alternative is to base the shape on consumer
types, with divisions which include "elite," "medium," and "low-profits."  


In the given case, Earth Movers Ltd provides services to heavy automobiles, and they have a
variety of heavy automobiles like tractors, cranes, bulldozers, mixer vans, and others. As a
matter of view, I believe they should classify the divisions based on geographical location where
there is a symmetrical demand. As a result, the department of the employer has been achieved
according to the sort of product to which the services must be provided.
b. Elaborate on the factors that influence organizational structures. (5 Marks)

Ans 3b.


The choice of an appropriate organization structure depends on several factors. These factors can
be internal or external. However, the main factors affecting organizational design are: size,
environment, strategy, and technology. Organizational design is the process of deciding on and
executing a business’ structure. Many elements have a position in the structure of an
organization. There may be both human and non-human elements at work.

Concept and application:

The structure of the corporation is decided using the following variables:

Size of Unit

The size of an operation is indicated by its length. Small, medium, and large are the three smart
operating scales. A company's length has a significant impact on its cost, efficiency, and
profitability. An organization or group of people responsible for any enterprise or non-business
project should determine the unit size that will be most rewarding and viable before starting. An
appropriate or top-of-the-line length is a dynamic concept that varies as knowledge and
technology progress. As a result, technology is one aspect that affects the size and structure of a
company. To convey new technology into a firm, the activity needs to be extended, and the
structure should modify as a result. It takes a lot of labor to build a structure due to different
kinds of heavy vehicles being made, requiring many employees.

Grouping activities

Businesses should be formed based on the nature of the jobs they perform. It's crucial to
institutionalize activities if you want to expand coordination. "Department" is the designation
given to each group. Another component that influences the shape of an employer is the
department. As a result, we see divisions such as publicizing, production, and finance in every
agency company, all of which carry out their roles.

Delegation of Authority

The structure of a corporation is likewise determined by using the authority relationship. If the
span is more, there could be many extra authority tiers, and pinnacle executives might assign
work to every level." The proper to make judgments without acquiring consent from an upper
character," says the authority. Suppose the breadth and stages of organization in a corporation
are more. In that case, the delegation of electricity may be more, and round could be extra
decentralization of authority for seamless process execution. There might be fewer strength
ranges and more excellent centralization if the time is brief. The structure of the employer is thus
decided by using delegation of authority.


Slim spans, homogeneous departments, minimal control, restricted authority, and a compact
structure will be constructed for specialized work designs. Activity designs with small or no
specialization will have a complicated organizational structure, with various departments,
different control spans, and more delegation of power. As a matter of fact, although these are the
variables that determine the form and success of an agency, observation and experience have
confirmed that performance, attitudes, satisfaction, and other factors have an effect too.

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