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The Word Charisma

     I think everybody wants to be a charismatic person. Because people want to be

cared for by others. This is nature thing. So many teachers today want to be a
charismatic person too.
     If you ask me, yes, I would definitely want to be a teacher who has his own
charisma. That way, my students would listen more carefully to what I will say to them,
they would understand me more easily and the things that I will teach them would last
much more in their minds. But the problem is I do not know exactly what should I do
for to be a charismatic teacher, and I do not want to act like someone else just to be a
charismatic teacher. I will act like how I want to act. I also think that being an English
teacher is already a charismatic thing.
     For this reason, in the future, I will not try to be a charismatic teacher. I will just be
me. I think that would be enough. 

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