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My Reflection to the Movie “The Teacher’s Diary”

The movie was all about the two teachers, a not so smart teacher and a smart teacher. The
movie was really entertaining. It made me realize lots of things in life and as a future teacher. It taught
me right morals and things that are not suppose to be done as a teacher. The movie didn’t just portray
the story about being a teacher; they also included love, courage, self-motivation, self-respect, etc…

From what I’ve internalized on the story, pondered a lot about it. It made me think, how should I
act and respond towards my students in the future. What behavior to use and how will I communicate
to them. That I should not use brute force and indecent words to because it will affect their ways of
thinking and doing things by that the parents could put the blame on me.

Being a teacher is no easy task, there’s a big possibility that I may be assigned far away from my
home, just like the main characters on the movie. The challenges that I may face may not be easy that is
why studying on this college should be on my top priorities. So I will not be like the male character on
the movie, which is not in demand because of his inadequateness, unlike the female teacher who is

As a future teacher, I should also follow the rules and regulations of the school that I’ll be
working. Be a good example to my students and other fellow workers. Because having a job is not easy. I
am motivated to pursue the course that I took, finish it with high grades. Because this will be the only
change that I can return to my parents for letting me study on this college.

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