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GE Elec 2 – Philippine Indigenous Communities Activity 2

Name: ___________Rada, Ma. Luisa P.__________________ Course/ Block& Year: BSED-Math 1B

Activity Sheet 2 – Mumbaki Film Analysis

Watch movie “Mumbaki”. After watching the film, identify religious activities of Igorots and the importance or relevance of
these activities or rituals. Discuss the spirituality of Igorots.


Ritual / Religious Activities Importance
1 They receive medical assistance from shamans for a range Shamans are mediators in their civilizations. Shamans
of illnesses. claim to be able to communicate with spirits, especially the
souls of the deceased, on behalf of the community.
Shamans think they can communicate with both the living
and the dead to solve problems that haven't been solved
and provide gifts to the spirits. Shamans can be important
tribal leaders who shape their tribe's destiny, or they can
dwell alone on the margins of society.
2 For guidance in healing and other efforts, they rely on the The Igorot tribe held that their gods, or baki, were the
"baki". They also revere baki because that is their deity. greatest source of favors. Because of this, they tried rituals
in an effort to win blessings. They believe that either good
or bad fortune might be bestowed upon them by the gods.
3 They make the offering in the hopes that it will bring them Similar like Christians, when we contribute, we prioritize
blessings in all facets of daily life, especially with our love for God over our lust for wealth. Offering is
reference to their crops and health. important to them since it is how they express their
gratitude, pleas, and requests to their deity.
4 They view mumbaki as their spokesman and advocate A "mumbaki" in Ifugao society and culture is a person who
before God, and mumbaki perform the rituals. conducts important ceremonies. They are Ifugao people
who specialize in religion, and mumbaki is Tagalog for
5 They perform their own distinctive dances for rituals and Like many non-literate tribes, the Igorots dance for
other purposes. healing, to honor ancestors and gods, and to assure success
in conflict, harvests, and weather. They dance to release
repressed feelings, lament misfortune, celebrate life
milestones, and gather and socialize. One of the cultural
arts with significant cultural value that cannot be ignored is
traditional dancing. Traditional dance culture must be
preserved and passed down in order to ensure that the
nation's culture is always strong and intact.
6 A variety of healing rituals are used by the Igorots to The primary objective of the ceremony is to "cleanse" the
appease them. ill group members' thoughts. Additionally, it is done to rid
a place of bad spirits that bring about disasters for the
living. The Igorot employ rituals to strengthen their sense
of kinship with nature and their sense of identity as an
ethnic community with a long history. They use rituals in
every action.
7 They carve trees because they think that they contain the They claim that there are many spiritual beings who care
spirit of nature. about human affairs and who may either support or oppose
human goals through ceremonies performed on trees.
These ceremonies are founded on the idea that all living
things have a soul or spirit that gives them life.
8 Animal blood is used in their rituals. Blood sacrifices' primary purposes might range from
providing a gift, taking part in communion, making a
propitiation, purifying, averting failures or evils, or even
feeding their god, depending on how it affects man.

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