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TASK: Write a reflection paper about the lesson we discussed in Readings in Philippine
History. (30 points)

I have developed a deeper respect for and comprehension of the intriguing and complex past of
the nation as a result of my involvement in Readings in Philippine History. This course has given
me a thorough understanding of the events, people, and beliefs that have molded the
Philippines into what it is now, from pre-colonial societies to the present. Realizing that history
is a narrative that is continuously changing and open to interpretation is among the course's
most important lessons. History is not just a list of facts and dates. I've been exposed to a
variety of viewpoints through the readings and debates, including those of colonizers,
indigenous peoples, and revolutionaries. Additionally, it has emphasized how power dynamics
shape historical narratives and how these narratives are employed to advance particular
agendas. The significance of remembering and recognizing the past remains evident to me
despite the various complexity and ambiguities that come with studying history. Understanding
our origins and how the history of our nation has influenced our current situation is essential
for anyone studying abroad or who identifies as a Filipino. A sense of pride and identification
that can't be found anywhere else is engendered by learning about the challenges and victories
of our ancestors. The knowledge and understanding I received from the class also apply to all
Filipinos, not just to me personally. Numerous issues, like as poverty, injustice, and political
instability, face our nation and can only be resolved by acknowledging and learning from our
past. We can better grasp the underlying causes of these issues and try to improve the future
for all Filipinos by studying the past. Readings in Philippine History has been an interesting and
educational experience for me, to sum up. It has shown me the value of critically analyzing
historical narratives and the significance of knowing our past in order to influence the present
and the future. I will keep looking for opportunities to study and think about the history of my
nation as a student and as a Filipino in order to add to the ongoing discussion of nation-
a. What have I learned in the previous discussions and readings we had?

Throughout the discussion about the Philippine's history, I have learned many things, such as
about our old culture before the Spanish colonization and the events that took place, the time
during Magellan's arrival in the Philippines, the events that led to the Philippine's independence
from the Spanish colonization, and many more.

b. What are the things that still seem unclear to me?

There are some questions in my mind regarding our history, such as what happened to Lapu-
Lapu after his success in killing Lapu-Lapu, why Dr. Jose Rizal only fought for our rights but not
for our freedom, and why there is a rumor that the first flag of the Philippines was waved by
Andress Bonifacio, this is just an example of the questions that I across in my mind during our

c. How relevant are these lessons for me as a student and as a Filipino?

Learning about Philippine history is important for me as a student and as a Filipino because it
helps me better understand who I am and where I came from. It encourages me to take pride in
my background and to work toward helping the nation progress. Additionally, it serves as a
reminder that the battle for national independence is still ongoing and that, as a citizen, I have
a duty to work for a society that is more just and equitable.

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