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Pematang Siantar, January 19th 2023

Endamia Tabitha br Ginting


Miss you
Hi Bitha, how are you?
I hope you are fine there, oh yes how about your new school and your new friends there? is it as fun as
it is here? I hope you get better there and that you are comfortable with your new environment. Don't
you have any plans to visit Siantar? This month, it's even 1 year since you moved from Siantar, to be
honest, I miss you very much. I really hope that we can meet again but I don't know when I don't know I
hope you also feel that way again

Bitha, do you still remember when the four of us were friends in the dorm? we were in one room, there
were 6 people but the four of us were really close and everywhere the four of us were always in trouble
at the hostel too, but it only lasted about 1 year but the memories are gone a lot, isn't it? but it's a
shame we can't get together as the four of us again like before, I hope we can all be better in our own
way, I really miss our time together.

I hope you can read this letter well. Thank you Bitha for being a good friend to me. I miss you so much

You friend

Astrid Gultom

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