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Task 9 to 12

• Task 9

Dear Director,
I’m responding for the new job openings for Software programmer. I’d think I’m making
good for the job because I have just finished my degree, so I have the skills with computers
and a lot of programs related to coding, I’m good at solving problems. Also, I speak English,
so that makes my job easier. I’d make a good Programmer because I’m learning new things
fast, also I’m very patient with people and situations.

• Task 10

Colombia is a South American country; it has a population about 50 million people.

Colombia is famous for exporting coffee, for having a lot of animal species, also have
beautiful churches like ‘‘Santuario De las Lajas’’ that it was opened in 1949.

The country has beautiful landscapes and different kinds of cultures. The peso is used in
Colombia, I know one island in Colombia called San Andres and for me is the most
beautiful island from the view of the sea, the weather is perfect for vacations.

• Task 11

A few months ago, I went to a concert of Maluma, fortunately I got a good seat to see the
singer close. In the concert, everything was going well when surprisingly people behind me
started to argue throwing things at me, that was very uncomfortable but luckily my friend
and I just moved from there and continue enjoying the moment.

• Task 12

I have a favorite movie and is ‘‘Clueless’’ it’s a movie of 1995, it’s about the life of a rich
teenager girl called Cher, her father is a lawyer and her mother died. She is the most
beautiful and famous girl in her school, she loves to help people to be ‘‘cool’’ and one time
she helps her friend, but her friend is in love with her former half-brother (Josh) and the
problem is when Cher realizes that she is too in love from him, so she doesn't know what to
decide, her best friend or her true love.

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