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Task 1 to 4

 Task 1
I love my best friend; she is someone that I can have fun with. I like spending time
with her, she is a person who is outgoing and I’m very shy, so to have a friendship
with her is to complement each other. We known each other since 8 grade and
now we are both in college, so that’s a lot of time.
I met her when I changed school at the age of 12 so I met her in my first day of 8
grade. We are very different, our values are the same but our tastes are a lot of
different, she loves all things pink, she loves to watch romantic movies and I’m the
complete opposite

 Task 2
Something special happened one Tuesday in Ontario, Canada. Some days ago,
two police officers they were pursuing a car thief, the persecution was intense
because the thief was going faster than the cops. While the police officer was
driving, he lost control of the car and unfortunately fall into the river, the car started
to sink, the policemen feared for their lives. In a good deed to help, the car thief
stopped and jumped into the river to help the cops. After that the local police
department dropped all charges against the thief for having a good heart and
helped the cops.

 Task 3
to have a good trip in Colombia are a lot of important things for known about our
country, Colombia is a beautiful country, the capital of Colombia is Bogota is also a
beautiful city with a lot of new things to do, but now we let’s talk about things you
should, or you shouldn’t to do. When you visited the capital at night, you’re not
expected to carry valuable items, for transportation it is better to use the bicycle
because you’re supposed to visit places, also avoid the traffic jam. A good activity
in Bogota is climb mountains for to have a better point of view.

 Task 4
A week ago, I bought a new tablet for Mercado Libre, when the tablet arrives, I was
very happy because I need that tablet for study, when I turned on the tablet
unfortunately the screen started to flicker, the microphone needs to be adjusted
because doesn’t work, the battery keeps dying. For that I need change the tablet or
refund of the money
Definitely I shouldn’t recommend buy in that website, the customer service doesn’t
work, and the objects arrive in the worst condition, and the price is very high.

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