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Being a celebrity: a dream or a nightmare?

Nowadays, many people want to be rich, have so many followers on social media, be
famous, make easy money… In short, Be a celebrity. But are they thinking about the
disadvantages it has being a celebrity (has)/means/involves?

The main advantage is that most celebrities are rich. Usually, celebrities are actors or
actresses, singers, TV presenters, influencers… Most of them have worked a lot very
hard to be there, and the money that they earn is worth it (1), therefore they deserve the
money which they earn. Also, as I have said before, some celebrities can make easy
money. ,for example, collaborating through social media.

(This should be in the second paragraph- advantages)Furthermore, the more famous you
are, the more people you can reach. This can be a very good advantage for those people
that they want to send a very valuable message to society. And along with this, your work
can be recognized by more people, even being able to win a prize. (explain this more

On the other hand, you don’t not have privacy. You cannot go quietly walking walk down
the street quietly/peacefully/calmly (explain why), you always have to be taking care of
your image (2), In addition, you have to travel a lot and that keeps you away from your
friends and family... Besides, being a celebrity does not mean that you will be one in your
entire life. The higher you are, the harder the fall will be. Some of them are thoughtful??(
=considerate??) and they think they are the best.(what do you mean? explain the last
idea more clearly).

In conclusion, being a celebrity would not be a good option for me. , it will would be a
nightmare. And if you are, for me the most important thing is that you must have your
feet on the ground and (that you are the same person) be yourself with or without
popularity. (don't introduce new ideas in the conclusion).

(1) = el dinero que ganan merece la pena??

(2) Is this another disadvantage? Or one of the consequences of being followed around
by paparazzi? Make it clear with the use of linkers (Secondly/ Another disadvantage/ As
a result...)

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