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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

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Design considerations for industrial water

electrolyzer plants

€ schke a,*
Md Rizwan a, Vidar Alstad b, Johannes Ja
Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491, Trondheim, Norway
Yara Technology and Projects, Yara International ASA, Hydrovegen 67, 3936, Porsgrunn, Norway

highlights graphical abstract

 For industrial plants sharing Separate BoP and power supply Shared BoP and power supply
systems systems
power supply and BoP between
stacks will reduce CAPEX. Low CAPEX with
shared BoP and
Poor design can severely reduce the power supply
operational efficiency at different
Lye flow and cooling duty are key
manipulated variables to ensure Design
choices that
optimal operation. enhance
Variable lye flow rate per stack can • Additional cooling capacity: Oversized heat
flexibility of
exchanger in lye circulation loop improves the
shared design
increase the production by 8-12 % performance of the degraded electrolyzers.

alone. • Variable lye flowrate: 8-12 % higher hydrogen

production w.r.t fixed lye flowrate (shown
Operational loss due to varying with dashed lines in the plot)
input electrical power depends on
operating load.

article info abstract

Article history: The motivation of this work is to propose a shared balance of plant (BoP) and power supply
Received 11 July 2021 (PS) design for industrial scale alkaline electrolyzer plant that has reduced CAPEX with a
Received in revised form minimum loss in OPEX for variable load operation. Three important aspects are: a) flow-
28 August 2021 sheet - either shared or individual BoP and PS per stack, b) variable or constant lye flowrate
Accepted 3 September 2021 per stack and c) sizing of cooling duty in the lye circulation loop. Steady-state optimization
Available online 30 September 2021 shows that individual BoP per stack (with higher CAPEX) is optimal when the plant is ex-
pected to operate at high capacity. For shared BoP and PS, the hydrogen production is
Keywords: higher by 8e12% when operated with variable lye flowrate compared to fixed lye flowrate.
Alkaline water electrolysis Our results further suggest that lye cooling duty should be designed based on the cooling
Large scale hydrogen production requirements of the degraded electrolyzer stacks at end of life.
Flexible operation © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications
Optimal flowsheet design LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Flowsheet selection licenses/by/4.0/).

* Corresponding author.
€ schke).
E-mail address: (J. Ja
0360-3199/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37121

In the literature, several demonstration projects are re-

Introduction ported on hydrogen production. Most projects consume power
in the kilowatt (kW) range, an early one among them is the
Hydrogen is an integral part of modern chemical industry. HYSOLAR project in 1986 [18]. More recent projects for inte-
Demand for hydrogen in oil refining, ammonia production, gration of electrolytic hydrogen to renewable energy sources
methanol production and steel production has grown signifi- are present in the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy,
cantly and continues to rise. Hydrogen is light, storable, Norway, Japan, Spain, Finland and United Kingdom [19,20].
energy-dense, and produces no direct emissions of pollutants Historically, the most extensively investigated pathways
or greenhouse gases. However, hydrogen is not available in its include hydrogen to power (HtP) and hydrogen to fuel (HtF)
pure form in the nature. Currently, hydrogen is almost applications [21,22]. Both wind powered hydrogen production
entirely produced from fossil fuels ([1e3]). As a consequence, systems [23e25], as well as solar energy based electrolyzer
production of hydrogen is responsible for CO2 emissions of systems are studied [26e30]. The most studied electrolyzer
around 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year [4]. systems in these demonstration projects involve alkaline
Hydrogen can be produced from renewable sources in the electrolysis at atmospheric pressure, intermediate pressure
form of biomass [5e8] and through processes utilizing water (4e30 bar), and even very high pressure (448 bar). These pro-
such as electrolysis, thermal decomposition and photo- jects mostly discuss their experiences of generating power
catalytic decomposition [9]. Hydrogen from water electrol- from hydrogen using fuel cells (HtP) and hydrogen for trans-
ysis process uses direct electrochemical splitting of water into port and mobility sector (HtF).
hydrogen and oxygen (2H2O ¼ 2H2 þ O2), using water electro- In addition to the demonstration projects, several authors
lyzer system. Hence the electrolytic hydrogen offers a poten- have presented mathematical models to describe water elec-
tial benefit of producing carbon free hydrogen often termed as trolyzer plants [31e35]. David et al. [31] proposed a phenom-
green hydrogen. Despite being relatively expensive, in recent enological based semiphysical model to replicate the current
years electrolytic hydrogen is enjoying increased interest dynamic response of the experimental self-pressurized elec-
around the world because of declining costs for renewable trolyzer assembly. The current-voltage relationship which
electricity, in particular from solar PV and wind. There is describes the performance characteristic of an electrolyzer
growing hope that electrolytic hydrogen can now finally fulfil stack was not developed in this work. They reported to use
hydrogen's longstanding potential as a clean energy carrier [4]. this experimentally validated model as a simulator and as a
The three main water electrolysis technologies available source for model reduction in order to design control strate-
today are alkaline water electrolysis (AEL), polymer electrolyte gies. Persson et al. [32] presented an electrolyzer model which
membrane (PEMEL) and solid oxide electrolyte (SOEL) [5,9,10]. was validated and tested from plant data of a 250 kW PEM
Both AEL and PEMEL are low temperature technologies and electrolyzer at Bright Green Hydrogen's Levenmouth Com-
provide higher technology readiness levels compared to the munity Energy Project in Methil, Scotland. They concluded
SOEL technology which is still in development stage [11]. For that this model can be applied to other commercial electro-
large scale application, the investment costs and the lifetime lyzers of similar type by readjusting the parameters and is
determine whether AEL or PEMEL is the most favorable system useful for whole system modelling for future planning and
design [12]. The current reported investment costs for AEL are optimization. Amores et al. [33] investigated electrolyte con-
from 800 to 1500 V/kW and for PEMEL from 1400 to 2100 V/KW centration and electrode/diaphragm distance in the conjunc-
[12]. Furthermore, the lifetime and the annual maintenance tion with the electrochemical and thermodynamic effects in
costs of alkaline water electrolyzers are lower compared to a the Ulleberg's model [36] to propose a new model for alkaline
PEMEL system [10,13e15]. Therefore, the alkaline water elec- water electrolyzer. They introduced two new parameters in
trolysis is considered as most mature and durable technology, Ulleberg's model to take into account the effect of electrolyte
especially for large-scale and long-term renewable H2 pro- concentration and distance between electrodes. The model
duction [16,17]. Hence, this paper focuses on alkaline water parameters were estimated, and model was subsequently
electrolysis technology and aims to shed insights into validated using the experiments at a laboratory scale alkaline
important aspects of the development of large scale industrial water electrolysis system under atmospheric conditions.
hydrogen production plants. We provide an answer to three In this work we use the Ulleberg's model to model the
key questions related to the optimal design of large scale electrolyzer as it is well known and tested semi empirical
electrolyzer plant flowsheet. These are. model and several studies have used it or based new models
from it [37e39]. To use hydrogen for industry applications,
 Q1: Choice of the flowsheet layout (BoP and power sys- large scale hydrogen production systems involving overall
tems) - Should electrolyzer stacks in the plant have shared power consumption in megawatt (MW) are required. For
or separate balance of plant (BoP) and power systems? example energy intensive industrial processes, like ammonia
 Q2: Variability of the circulating lye flowrate - Should production, steelmaking and oil refining offers significant
electrolyzer plant have fixed or a variable lye circulation decarbonisation potential if the electrolytic hydrogen pro-
flowrate? duced using renewable energy sources is utilized in these
 Q3: Sizing of the heat exchanger in the lye circulation loop - processes [40]. Such a transition from conventional steam
What should be the design basis of the heat exchanger in methane reforming (SMR) generated hydrogen to green
lye circulation loop? hydrogen requires large scale hydrogen production plants
37122 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

consisting of several hundreds of electrolyzer stacks in giga- section discusses the mathematical model of the electrolyzer
watt (GW) range. plant.
This paper continues to develop and expand the work
presented in the scientific literature on the optimal design of Process description
large-scale water electrolyzer plants. Niaz et al. [41] presented
a mixed integer dynamic optimization (MIDO) approach for The electrolyzer plant (Fig. 1) receives renewable power from a
estimating the optimal size and approximate cost of stand- solar or wind farm which is adjusted to the desired voltage Vel
alone renewable energy powered electrolyzer for hydrogen by a transformer and converted to direct current by a rectifier
production at any given location. The proposed hybrid system before sending it to the electrolyzer stacks. The peak load
by Niaz et al. was connected to a battery energy storage sys- from the renewable power system is assumed to be 6.7 MW. In
tem (BESS) to ensure the electrolyzer's operation with no the electrolyzer stacks the water is decomposed to produce
support from the grid electricity. The optimal size for such a hydrogen and oxygen according to following electrolysis
BESS was determined by solving a MIDO problem that mini- reaction:
mize the levelized cost of hydrogen. Along the similar lines,
Varela et al. [42] developed a novel scheduling model for AEL H2 OðlÞ þ electrical energy/H2 ðgÞ þ O2 ðgÞ (1)
to find the optimal number of electrolyzer and production
schedules to fulfill the process goals for a given energy sce- The gas-liquid lye mixture from anodic and cathodic
nario. They presented mathematical description of the oper- chambers of the electrolyzer stack is separated in two gas
ational states, their transitions, and main operational separators downstream. The gases (H2 and O2) exit from
characteristics of AEL, to compute the energy absorption, respective separators and are cooled and stored in storage
production of hydrogen, and costs at production level. How- tanks downstream. The electrolyte from the gas separators is
ever, their model was limited to the calculation at production collected in a small buffer tank present in the lye circulation
level as the phenomena within the electrolysis cell were not loop. Additional water is added to lye in the buffer tank to
directly computed. replenish the water consumed during electrolysis. The outlet
The objective of this work is to investigate how to design a stream from the buffer tank is pumped and cooled in a
shared BoP and power supply system that minimizes the shared heat exchanger and is returned to the electrolyzer
negative effect of sharing on operational flexibility and per- stacks.
formance. The electrolyzer stacks in this work are assumed at In this work, the BoP and power systems for the electro-
different stages of their lifetime and hence have non identical lyzer plant include the separators, buffer tank, pump and
performance due to aging. cooler in the lye circulation loop and the rectifier and trans-
The novelty of the electrolyzer plant flowsheet design in former. In this study we assume a direct coupling of the
this work is characterized by sharing of BoP and power supply electrolyzer stack to the power production system and regard
systems between the electrolyzer stacks that reduces CAPEX input power as a disturbance to the system (see Discussion
with minimum loss in OPEX. We answer the three questions Section for details). In all flowsheet designs we assume that
Q1, Q2 and Q3 to address related challenges of such a shared the lye flow rates qlye,1, qlye,2 and qlye,3 are manipulated indi-
flowsheet design for a large-scale electrolyzer system with vidually. This implies that changing any one of them will
multiple stacks operating at variable load. change the total lye flowrate across the electrolyzer assembly.
This paper is structured as follows: the Process description To keep the complexity low and clearly illustrate our re-
and plant model development section introduces the reader to sults we consider flowsheets consisting of three electrolyzer
the electrolyzer plant flowsheet and the simplified model stacks (see Figs. 1 and 2). Note that this does limit the
developed in this study. Thereafter, Section Steady state generalizability of the answers to Q1 - Q3 because the in-
optimization problem describes the optimization problem sights developed extend to flowsheet with more electrolyzer
used for systematic comparison of the flowsheet designs. The stacks (see Discussion). The flowsheet with separate BoP and
Results section outlines the findings from our steady state power systems Fseparate (Fig. 2) represents the simplest design
optimization simulation study. Thereafter, the Discussion strategy in which the single electrolyzer modules (for
section adresses the impact of key modelling assumptions example atmospheric alkaline electrolyzer A150 from Nel
on the stated results. Finally, the Conclusion section gathers Hydrogen [43]) are directly connected to produce the
the observations from our comparative study of different required hydrogen for large scale industrial processes. This
flowsheet configurations. design is the most capital intensive design as each electro-
lyzer stack has its individual BoP and power systems and
thus higher investment costs are needed. On the contrary,
Process description and plant model the flowsheet with shared BoP and power system (i.e. Fshared)
development can provide a system with lower CAPEX because in this
flowsheet layout, multiple electrolyzer stacks can share the
In this section we begin by introducing reader to a simplified BoP and power supply systems.
electrolyzer plant flowsheet which consist of four sub- In Section Steady state optimization problem, a nonlinear
processes, i.e. electrolyzer stacks, lye circulation system, optimization problem is formulated which provides a basis to
compressors, and the gas storage system. The later part of this decide the trade-off between the low CAPEX and the loss in
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37123

Fig. 1 e Fshared: Simplified flowsheet for state of the art electrolyzer plant with shared BoP and power systems.

plant performance because of shared systems. The findings

from this comparison study are presented in Results Section. DG
Urev ¼ : (2)
Plant model development
Here, DG represents change in Gibbs free energy, z is the
number of electrons transferred in the electrochemical pro-
Here we discuss the mathematical model of the electrolyzer
cess and F is Faraday constant. Electrolysis of water is non-
plant. In the developed mathematical model of the electro-
spontaneous at standard conditions therefore DG is positive.
lyzer plant, the underlying sub-processes i.e. electrolyzer
The total energy needed for electrolysis to happen is equiva-
stacks, lye circulation system, compressor and the gas storage
lent to change in enthalpy DH. The change in Gibbs free en-
system are modelled independently. For brevity and to keep
ergy, DG, includes thermal irreversibilities, TDS, which is equal
focus on the flowsheet selection problem, we only discuss the
to heat demand of a reversible process (as DG ¼ DH - TDS). The
electrolyzer stack and heat exchanger model in detail and
cell voltage at which supplied energy participates both in DG
remaining sub-processes are described in brief. The reader
and TDS is referred to as thermoneutral cell voltage, Utn. It is
can find complete description of the lye circulation system,
expressed as
compressor and gas storage systems in Appendix A.
Utn ¼ : (3)
Electrolyzer stacks zF
The electrolyzer stack model in this work is based on the In Ulleberg's model [36], the cell voltage (Uk) of an electro-
empirical correlations provided by Ulleberg [36]. The electro- lyzer cell of the kth electrolyzer stack when direct current is
lyzer stack is subject to coupled thermodynamic, electro- supplied through it is expressed as sum of reversible cell
chemical and thermal effects. voltage (Urev) and ohmic and activation overvoltages i.e.
The reversible cell voltage, Urev is defined as the electro-
motive force for a reversible electrochemical process and is Uk ¼ Urev þ Uohm þ Uact : (4)
expressed as
37124 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

Fig. 2 e Fseparate: Electrolyzer plant flowsheet with separate BoP and power systems.

The ohmic overvoltages, Uohm (see second term on right current densities, a logarithmic relationship is observed
hand side in Equation (5)) are because of the ohmic losses in which suggests that activation phenomena are predominant
the cell elements (electrodes, current collectors, in- while at higher current densities ohmic losses are dominant.
terconnections, etc.). While activation overvoltages, Uact (see At higher temperatures for a given current density reversible
last term on right hand side in Equation (5)) are due to elec- cell voltage, ohmic overvoltage and activation overvoltages
trode kinetics as charge transfer between chemical species are reduced, which also reduces cell voltage.
and electrodes need energy. The performance of the electro- At cell voltages lower than Urev, cell current is zero and
lyzer cell is modelled using following empirical voltage- electrolysis cannot take place. The cell voltage Uk for electrol-
current relationship proposed by Ulleberg [36]: ysis reaction is always higher than the reversible cell voltage
0 1 Urev because of process irreversibilities, and as a result water
t þ
t3;k electrolysis is accompanied by the release of heat despite being
r1;k þ r2;k Tk B 1;k Tk 2
Tk C
Uk ¼ Urev þ Ik þ sk log10 B
@ Ik þ 1 C
A: (5) an endothermic reaction. The rate of heat generated by the
electrolyzer is directly proportional to the difference between
the cell voltage and the thermoneutral voltage i.e (Uk  Utn).
Here, k in the subscript refers to the kth electrolyzer stack, An industrial electrolyzer plant will likely consist of elec-
r1,k, r2,k are ohmic resistance parameters, sk, t1,k, t2,k and t3,k are trolyzer stacks that are at different stages in their lifetime due
coefficients corresponding to activation overvoltages, and A is to different degradation profiles. Hence, the three electro-
the electrode area. The voltage - current curve (see Fig. 3) lyzers in this study are also assumed to be at different stages
characterizes the performance of an electrolyzer cell. At lower of their lifetime (i.e new, 51% degraded and 80% degraded).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37125

Water consumed during electrolysis to produce hydrogen

and oxygen can be calculated from stoichiometry using
Equation (1) and Equation (7), i.e.

n_H2 O;k ¼ n_H2 ;k ¼ 2n_O2 ;k : (8)

The energy balance for an electrolyzer is written per

stack basis using lumped thermal capacitance model. The
schematic of electrolyzer is shown in Fig. 4. The energy
balance over the control volume, shown with dashed lines
in Fig. 4 is:

¼ H_ in;k  H_ out;k þ Q_ gen;k  Q_ loss;k : (9)
Here dEdtk is the energy accumulated in the electrolyzer stack,
Hin;k is the thermal enthalpy of the incoming lye solution, H _ out;k
Fig. 3 e Performance characteristics of the electrolyzer
is the enthalpy of outlet streams leaving the anodic and
stacks considered in this study. Electrolyzer 1 is the best
cathodic sections of the electrolyzer. Q_ gen;k is the internal heat
performing electrolyzer while Electrolyzer 3 is
representative of the electrolyzer with 80% degradation. generated in the electrolyzer when operating at cell voltages
The dashed magenta lines show the minimum and higher than thermoneutral voltage (Utn). Hence, Q_ gen;k ¼
maximum current density during plant operation. (For nc ðUk  Utn ÞIk , nc is the number of cells in the electrolyzer
interpretation of the references to color in this figure stack, Uk is the cell voltage and Ik is current passing through
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this the electrolyzer. The last term, Q_ loss;k is the total heat loss to
article.) the ambient by convection and radiation which is given by
Ref. [44],
This degradation is represented by choosing different values Q_ loss;k Q_ conv;k Q_ rad;k
¼ As
þ As
of the ohmic and activation overvoltage parameters. The
Q_ loss;k   (10)
electrolyzer 1 is a new electrolyzer at the beginning of the ¼ hc ðTk  Ta Þ þ sε T4k  T4a :
lifetime while the electrolyzer 3 represents an 80% degraded As
electrolyzer coming to the end of the lifetime. The best per- Q_ conv;k and Q_ rad;k are the heat loss to surrounding by
forming electrolyzer has lowest cell voltage for a given current convection and radiation respectively. As is the active area
density and thus has highest electrical efficiency because of for radiation and convection, hc is the convective heat
lower power requirements (Fig. 3). The voltage - current curve transfer coefficient reported to be 5.5[W/m2, K] for large
parameters for these electrolyzer stacks are given in Appendix scale electrolyzers by Kojima [45], s is the Stefan-Boltzmann
B. constant, 5.67  108[W/m2K4] and ε is the emissivity con-
The Faraday efficiency is defined as the ratio between the stant. Emissivity ε is assumed to be 0.8 and the area of
actual and theoretical maximum amount of hydrogen pro- radiating surface As is taken to be 0.1 m2/kA, cell of nominal
duced in an electrolyzer. It is also referred to as current effi- current [46].
ciency and is caused by the parasitic current losses and the Hence, the energy balance for the electrolyzer is written as:
contamination of electrolyte because of dissolution of H2 in O2.
The fraction of parasitic currents to total current increases dt
¼ Ct;k dT

with decreasing current densities. Also, an increase in tem- dEk   

¼ qlye;k Cp;lye TElin  Tk þ nC ðUk  Utn ÞIk  As hc ðTk  Ta Þ
perature reduces resistance, hence parasitic current increases dt
which in turn lowers the Faraday efficiency. For a given tem- þsε T4k  T4a : (11)
perature, Faraday efficiency is described by the following
empirical relation [36]

ðIk =AÞ2
hFk ¼ f2;k : (6)
f1;k þ ðIk =AÞ2

Here, f1,k and f2,k are parameters related to the Faraday

efficiency, A is the electrode area and Ik is the current through
the cell of kth electrolyzer stack. According to Faraday's law,
hydrogen production rate in an electrolyzer cell is propor-
tional to transfer rate of electrons at the electrodes which is
also equivalent to the electrical current in the external circuit.
Hence, the hydrogen production rate in an electrolyzer stack
is given as:

nC Ik
n_H2;k ¼ hF;k : (7) Fig. 4 e Schematic diagram of an electrolyzer stack.
37126 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

Here, Ct,k is the overall thermal capacity of the kth electro- calculated using ideal gas law at isothermal conditions. The
lyzer stack. The ambient temperature (Ta) is assumed 20  C for reader is referred to Appendix A for detailed discussion on
all calculations and Tk is the electrolyzer temperature. We modelling of the remaining subsystems and the assumptions
assume there is no mass accumulation inside the anodic and considered for the plant model development.
cathodic chambers of the cell, and the heat capacity of inlet The electrolyzer plant model parameters are estimated
and outlet lye streams are assumed to be equal as the change based on the specifications from the supplier [43] and state of
in concentration of the liquid phase is negligible. the art CAPEX data for alkaline water electrolyzers by Proost
The separation of lye and the produced gases (i.e. H2 and [48]. All the design parameters used in this work for modelling
O2) from anodic and cathodic chambers happen in the gas the electrolyzer plant are given in Appendix C.
separators. The separation process is assumed to be ideal to
keep the model simple and hence, all the losses are neglected.
Steady state optimization problem
Heat exchanger
The heat exchanger in the lye circulation loop has counter In this section we introduce the reader to the steady state
current flow of hot and cold fluids (see Fig. 5) and is used to optimization problem that we use to systematically compare
cool the lye before it is sent back to the electrolyzers. the flowsheet designs. The nonlinear optimization problem is
The equations for energy balances on the hot and cold side solved for different values of input power to find maximum
of the heat exchanger are [47]: overall hydrogen production. The results of this optimization
problem for different flowsheet designs provide the basis to
rlye Vh Cp;lye ¼ qlye Cp;lye Tbtout  TElin  UAHX DTLMTD (12) compare their performances. This optimization problem is
formulated as:
  dTcwout   X
rcw Vc Cp;cw ¼ qcw Cp;cw Tcw;in  Tcw;out þ UAHX DTLMTD : max n_H2 ;k
dt qlye;k ; UEl;k ; qcw ; zH2 ; zO2
s:t: Plant Model
Here, subscript h and c denotes the hot and the cold streams 32  Iden;k mA cm2  198:5 ck2f1; 2; 3g
respectively. Further, rcw is the density of the cooling water, Vh 25  Tk ½ C  80 ck2f1; 2; 3g
and Vc are the volumes of the hot and cold side of the heat Tk  TEl;in ½ C  30 ck2f1; 2; 3g
exchanger respectively, Cp is the heat capacity [J/g.K], qcw is the
The optimization problem is subjected to process con-
mass flow rate of cooling water [g/s], U is the heat transfer
straints on Iden,k, Tk and TEl,in. In this work N ¼ 3 as we consider
coefficient, and AHX is the heat exchanger area. DTLMTD is the
three electrolyzer stacks in the plant. Iden,k is the current density
logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) for counter-
of the kth electrolyzer stack and should be within the safe
current flow and is given by
limits. At lower current densities, there are technological
ðTbtout  Tcwout Þ  TElin  Tcwin challenges related to alkaline water electrolysis as the
DTLMTD ¼   : (14) hydrogen concentration in oxygen can increase to dangerous
T Tcw
ln TbtElout Tcwout
in in levels (lower explosion limit of hydrogen in oxygen is >4%) [49].
While at higher current density the increased gas production
The design of the cooling capacity in the lye circulation
rate results in rapid bubble formation which increases the
loop is directly related to the heat exchanger size (i.e. UAHX
overpotential due to the greater bubble resistance [50]. The high
value). Appendix D discusses the calculation of the heat
temperature in the electrolyzer reduces the equilibrium
exchanger size for new electrolyzer stacks (i.e. HX0) and 80%
voltage. However the higher operating temperature put strin-
degraded electrolyzer stacks (i.e. HX80).
gent demands for materials for the structural integrity because
The hydrogen and oxygen obtained from the electrolyzer
of the corrosive effects of the electrolyte [50]. Additionally, the
stacks are at atmospheric pressure and therefore, a
inlet lye stream into the electrolyzer should be sufficiently hot
compressor is needed to compress these gases for storage at
so that temperature gradients inside the electrolyzer can be
high pressure. For the developed electrolyzer plant model, a
avoided. This is achieved by ensuring that the temperature
variable speed centrifugal compressor is considered. The
difference between the inlet lye temperature (TEl,in) and elec-
performance of this centrifugal compressor is calculated 
trolyzer temperature (Tk) is always less than 30 C.
based on a polytropic compression step. The gases in the
Also the electrolyzer plant is subjected to constraints on
storage tanks are assumed to be ideal and storage pressure is
the operational decision variables:
. .
0:5 kg s  qlye;k  10kg s ck2f1; 2; 3g
PEl;k  Pnet ck2f1; 2; 3g
0 kg s  qcw  80 kg s
0  zH2  1 (16)
Fig. 5 e Schematic diagram of counter-current flow heat
0  zO2  1
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37127

qlye,k is the lye flowrate at the inlet of the kth electrolyzer, PEl,k is
the power consumption by the kth electrolyzer stack, here
electrolyzer stack voltage UEl,k is used as a degree of freedom
to maintain the total power balance (Pnet) of the electrolyzer
stacks, qcw is the cooling water flow rate in the heat exchanger
present in the lye circulation loop and zH2 ; zO2 are the outlet
valve openings for the hydrogen and oxygen storage tanks. For
the flowsheet with the separated BoP and power systems
(Fseparate) the maximum limit on the cooling water flowrate is
1/3rd of the shared BoP case since each electrolyzer stack has
its individual cooler and lye circulation system. Thus the input
constraints for Fseparate (shown in Fig. 2) are:
. .
0:5 kg s  qlye;k  10kg s ck2f1; 2; 3g
PEl;k  Pnet ck2f1; 2; 3g Fig. 6 e Relative loss in overall hydrogen production, lr for
. . flowsheet Fshared and flowsheet Fseparate. Here HX0 and
0 kg s  qcw;k  26:67 kg s ck2f1; 2; 3g HX80 denotes heat exchanger sizing for electrolyzer stack
0  zH2  1 (17) cooling requirements at beginning of life (i.e. 0% degraded)
0  zO2  1 and when it is 80% degraded respectively. Dotted vertical
lines represent maximum power consumption of the
flowsheet Fseparate for a given heat exchanger size which is
Results higher than the maximum power consumption for the
flowsheet Fshared shown with dashed vertical lines.
In this section we answer the three key questions Q1-Q3 using
the results of the optimization problem described earlier.
shared flowsheet design. Therefore, the flowsheet Fshared has
Q1 - Flowsheet performance with shared or separate BoP lower maximum power consumption than the flowsheet
and power systems Fseparate. The flowsheet Fseparate operate at higher input power
and produces more hydrogen. The maximum power con-
Choice of the flowsheet layout is decided by comparing the sumption for flowsheet Fseparate is 6.5 MW with HX80 (see the
overall hydrogen production by Fshared and Fseparate flowsheet red dotted line in Fig. 6), which is 0.7 MW higher than
designs. We use the relative loss in overall hydrogen produc- maximum power consumption flowsheet Fshared with iden-
tion (lr) for the comparison, the lr is defined as: tical heat exchanger size. Also note that the lr is 100% for lower
input power (between 1.1 and 1.2 MW), this corresponds to the
n_H2 ;Fseperate  n_H2 ;Fshared
lr ¼ : (18) situation when there is no feasible solution for flowsheet
n_H2 ;Fseparate
Fshared while flowsheet Fseparate is still feasible (Fig. 6). This
The results from optimization problem are shown in Fig. 6 confirms that flowsheet Fseparate has higher operational flexi-
which shows the relative loss in production (lr) with respect to bility compared to the flowsheet Fshared.
the available power input. Here it is assumed that the lye The decision on the choice of BoP and power system is
flowrate for each stack can be used as a degree of freedom. dependent on the nature of the renewable input power to the
The non-negative loss (lr [%]) in Fig. 6 shows that flowsheet electrolyzer plant. In a scenario where the power from the
Fseparate has higher hydrogen production rate than flowsheet renewable energy source (most likely wind energy farm) is
Fshared. The relative loss in production is largest at maximum expected to be less than the installed capacity, (for example
input power, i.e. 6.7 MW because flowsheet Fshared has lower below 5.8 MW for the installed capacity of 6.7 MW) the elec-
maximum power consumption than flowsheet Fseparate. This trolyzer plant with shared BoP and power system should be
observation holds true irrespective of heat exchanger design selected. This work compares the electrolyzer stacks that are
basis (i.e. HX0 and HX80). degraded and have different performance characteristics but
The maximum power for flowsheet Fshared corresponds to it is also worth noting that at the start of the production the
the input power after which we observe a steep increase in the electrolyzer stacks have matching performance and the ben-
lr% (see red dashed line at 5.8 MW and blue dashed line at efits of the separate flowsheet design over shared design will
5.5 MW in Fig. 6). For the flowsheet Fshared electrolyzer stacks be negligible. Such a situation will make the shared flowsheet
are connected in parallel and therefore they operate across a design even more attractive.
common electrical potential difference. This potential differ- Also interestingly, for input power values less than the
ence is governed by the voltage across the best performing maximum power consumption of flowsheet Fshared, the rela-
electrolyzer stack (as shown by the horizontal green line in tive loss in the production is almost zero. This suggests that
Fig. 7). Hence, when the best performing electrolyzer stack both the flowsheet designs have near-identical performances
reaches the constraint on maximum current density then the at all these low input powers whenever flowsheet Fshared has a
degraded electrolyzers are restricted to operate at a lower feasible solution (Fig. 6). Thus, if the input power from the
current density corresponding to the common voltage in this renewable energy source is available in this range
37128 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

Fig. 7 e Performance characteristics (UeI curve) of the

Fig. 8 e Loss comparison of all the flowsheet designs w.r.t.
electrolyzer stacks in this study. The horizontal green line
flowsheet design having highest overall hydrogen
represents the operating voltage of electrolyzer stacks in
production. Solid lines represent the flowsheet designs
flowsheet designs with shared BoP and power systems. In
having variable inlet lye flowrate while dashed lines
shared flowsheet (Fshared) the electrolyzer stacks are
correspond to the flowsheet designs with fixed inlet lye
connected in parallel configuration and hence operate
across a common potential difference governed by the best
performing electrolyzer stack (i.e. Electrolyzer 1 in this
study). Dashed magenta lines show minimum and the effect of fixing inlet lye flowrate on the overall hydrogen
maximum operating current density. (For interpretation of production in flowsheet Fseparate is insignificant (see black and
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is magenta plots in Fig. 8), the maximum increment in loss is
referred to the Web version of this article.) only around 1.3%. With fixed inlet lye flowrate the electrolyzer
stacks in flowsheet Fseparate use individual cooling water
(1.2e5.5 MW) then the electrolyzer plant with shared BoP and flowrate qcw to control the inlet lye temperature TElin and
power systems is the logical choice. Therefore, we conclude therefore avoid becoming constrained by limit on electrolyzer
that higher capital investments for flowsheet Fseparate will pay temperature (i.e. Tk < 80). Thus, the electrolyzer stacks in the
off only when the electrolyzer stacks are degraded and the flowsheet Fseparate are able to operate at higher voltage and
electrolyzer plant is operating at input powers higher than the thereby produce more hydrogen even when the circulating lye
maximum power for flowsheet Fshared. For rest of the oper- flowrate is fixed.
ating situations the shared flowsheet (Fshared) is the most Hence it is concluded that if the input power from the
optimal flowsheet design. renewable energy source is close to maximum installed ca-
pacity (for example more than 5 MW for the 6.7 MW installed
Q2: Impact of the variable inlet lye flowrate on steady state capacity in this study) fixing input lye flowrate is near-optimal
performance for the plant flowsheet with separate BoP systems and can
potentially simplify the control structure design later. How-
Impact of the variability of the lye circulation flowrate is ever, for plant flowsheet design with a shared BoP and power
described by comparing the hydrogen production of a given system, the losses because of fixed lye flowrate are significant
flowsheet design with fix and varying inlet lye flowrate. From at higher input power (around 8e12%). In this flowsheet (i.e.
the results we see that the flowsheet design with separate BoP Fshared) all the electrolyzer stacks have same inlet lye tem-
and power systems (Fseparate) having heat exchanger design perature (TElin ) and fixed lye circulation flowrate constrains the
based on the cooling demand at 80% degradation (HX80) is the heat that can be removed from the system (since maximum
flowsheet design with highest overall hydrogen production.

_ in  H
outlet temperature Tk ¼ 80 C and H _ out ¼ qlye;k Cp;lye ðTEl 

Therefore it is considered as basis to compare remaining Tk Þ). Therefore, fixing the inlet lye flowrate for the electrolyzer
flowsheet designs to highlight the loss in production incurred stacks in the flowsheet with shared BoP and power systems is
because of fixed inlet lye flowrate (see Fig. 8). a bad idea and is not recommended. The varying lye circula-
Fixing the inlet lye flowrate to each electrolyzer stack re- tion flowrate provides an additional degree of freedom to
duces the flexibility of the plant which decreases the overall manage the heat removal which helps to increase the
hydrogen production. The loss in production for flowsheet hydrogen production for the shared flowsheet design. Never-
with shared BoP and power systems (i.e. Fshared) increases by theless the effect of the variability of the inlet lye flowrate on
around 8e12% when inlet lye flowrate is fixed (see red and the maximum hydrogen production is negligible at lower
blue plots in Fig. 8). This loss in production is irrespective of input power (i.e. below 5 MW in this work). Therefore, this
the heat exchanger size in flowsheet Fshared. On the contrary, study recommends to operate the plant at varying lye
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37129

circulation flowrate if flowsheet Fshared is selected and higher

input power is expected.

Q3: Effect of cooling capacity in the lye circulation loop on

the steady state performance

Effect of cooling capacity in the lye circulation loop is dis-

cussed by comparing hydrogen production from both the
flowsheet designs (i.e. Fshared and Fseparate) for different heat
exchanger sizes. The maximum hydrogen production by the
flowsheet designs Fseparate and Fshared with different heat
exchanger size is shown in Table 1. The maximum hydrogen
production is higher for larger heat exchanger size. This is
because as electrolyzer stack is degraded (i.e. electrolyzer 2
and 3 in this study), it will generate more heat because of Fig. 9 e Specific electricity consumption of the electrolyzers
reduced energy efficiency (see Fig. 9 for specific electricity considered for the study.
consumption of three electrolyzers which is inversely related
to the energy efficiency). In such situation the performance of
degraded electrolyzers is limited by the maximum operating Number of electrolyzer stacks
temperature of the electrolyzer. The larger heat exchanger
size allows for more cooling in the lye circulation loop. This in In this work, we choose to consider only 3 electrolyzer stacks
turn allows the degraded electrolyzers to operate at the higher in the plant flowsheet to keep the calculations simple and to
current densities for the longer part of their lifetime and make the benefits and the associated trade-off to the shared
produce more hydrogen (see Table 1). BoP and power systems distinct. The results from this work
Also, in the situation when the electrolyzer plant flowsheet are generic and apply to the flowsheet with an even higher
with shared BoP and power system is selected the loss in the number of electrolyzer stacks. The electrolyzer stacks in the
hydrogen production at the maximum input power can be flowsheet with shared BoP and power systems are arranged
narrowed by oversized cooling capacity in the lye circulation in a parallel electrical arrangement and thus operate across a
loop. This is useful in situation where the renewable energy common electrical potential. Having additional electrolyzer
source is capable of providing the maximum installed power stacks in the shared flowsheet design will add lines to the
only for limited time but not at all the times. Hence, the current-voltage characteristic plot corresponding to respec-
compromised flexibility of the selected flowsheet having tive electrolyzer stacks. However, these stacks will always be
shared BoP and power system is improved by larger heat constrained to operate across a common electrical potential
exchanger. This observation concludes that the cooling ca- dictated by the best performing electrolyzer stack (as shown
pacity in the lye circulation loop should be designed based on by the green horizontal line in the Fig. 7). This leads to limited
the cooling requirements of the degraded electrolyzer stacks. overall hydrogen production by the flowsheet designs that
The larger heat exchanger results in higher overall hydrogen have degraded electrolyzer stacks and share BoP and power
production for both flowsheet designs. systems. Hence, the simplifying assumption regarding the
number of electrolyzers does not impact the general con-
clusions from this work.
Power system modelling
In this section we discuss the impact of the simplifying
assumption related of the electrolyzer plant flowsheet on the In this work we focus on the hydrogen production system to
results of this study. explain how multiple electrolyzer stacks can be configured for
large scale industrial hydrogen production. It is assumed that
the electrolyzer stacks are properly controlled to follow a
reference power profile from a renewable energy source. The
Table 1 e Comparison of plant flowsheets designs with
different heat exchanger sizes for maximum H2 integration of the renewable energy to the grid power is not
production. studied in this work. Such complex configurations wherein
Plant flowsheet Heat exchanger Maximum H2 the grid power is integrated with the renewable power will
Size production, Nm3/hr require power system modelling to cover the non ideal situ-
ations and load balancing during the electrolyzer plant oper-
Fshared HX0 1219
Fseparate HX0 1300
ations. The future work can model these electrical behaviors
Fshared HX80 1264 to design power management system together with the
Fseparate HX80 1386 hydrogen production system.
37130 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

Distribution in the degraded state of the electrolyzer stacks The loss in the performance because of fixed lye circulation
flowrate is significant for shared flowsheet design with
In an industrial operating environment, the stacks will degrade degraded electrolyzer stacks especially at higher input power.
differently and also be replaced at different point in time (due to That is why fixing lye flowrate for shared flowsheet is a bad
maintenance principles where one and one stack are taken out idea. On the contrary, for flowsheet with separate BoP and
of service and replaced with a refurbished stack). As such, it is power systems fixing the circulating lye flowrate causes
important to investigate how different BoP and power supply insignificant increment in loss in the performance. Thus the
designs will be affected operationally by differences in stack inlet lye flowrate can be fixed if separate flowsheet design is
performance. To illustrate this point we select three stacks at selected.
different point in their life cycle. We assume electrolyzer stacks Heat exchanger design has a significant impact on the
at different stages of their lifetime, i.e. new (0% degraded), 51% performance of both the flowsheet designs and a higher
degraded and 80% degraded. This degradation is assessed hydrogen production rate is achieved with the larger heat
based on the specific electricity consumption by the electro- exchanger sizes. This is because larger heat exchanger al-
lyzer stack at full load. The 80% degraded electrolyzer (i.e. lows for more cooling capacity that enable the degraded
Electrolyzer 3 in this study) is representative of an electrolyzer electrolyzer to operate at the maximum temperature at
that despite being degraded will remain in the operation for higher current density. Therefore, it is recommended to
sometime before replacement. This case study illustrates that decide the size of heat exchanger in lye circulation loop
with proper design we can have a reduction in CAPEX (by based on the cooling demand of the electrolyzer stacks at the
sharing BoP and power supply) with a minor effect on OPEX (the end of the lifetime.
exact value of which will depend on the level of difference in
degradation of the three stacks).
Declaration of competing interest

Conclusion The authors declare that they have no known competing

financial interests or personal relationships that could have
This work investigate flowsheet design for industrial electro- appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
lyzer systems and how the steady state operational perfor-
mance of the electrolyzer stacks is affected by sharing BoP and
power systems. Acknowledgements
The flowsheet layout with separate BoP and power systems
has higher capital investments and offer greater operational The authors would like to express their appreciation to Dr
flexibility when the electrolyzer stacks are degraded. However Sarmad Munir from Yara International ASA for his valuable
these higher investments can only payback if the renewable and constructive suggestions during planning and develop-
power supply is expected to provide input power higher than ment of this research work.
the maximum power consumption of the shared flowsheet This research did not receive any specific grant from
with degraded electrolyzer stacks. In this work the maximum funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
power consumption of the shared flowsheet with degraded sectors.
electrolyzer stacks is 5.8 MW and the installed capacity is
6.7 MW. The installed capacity corresponds to the power re- Appendix A. Model equations for the subsystems
quirements of the shared and separate flowsheet designs of the electrolyzer plant flowsheet
when all electrolyzer stacks are new. When the electrolyzers
stacks are new, shared and separate flowsheet designs have This section describes the mathematical equations and the
similar performances for all input power values. Also, the two assumptions considered for modelling of the lye circulation
flowsheet designs (i.e. separate and shared) with degraded system, compressor and gas storage system.
electrolyzer stacks have identical performances for input
power in range from 1.2 MW to 5.5 MW. Therefore there are no Appendix A.1 Lye circulation system
incentives of additional investments in the separate flowsheet
design for these operation scenarios. Hence, it is concluded The gas separators separate the gas lye mixture generated
that shared flowsheet layout is most optimal design. from electrolyzers. The separation process is assumed to be
At input power values less than 1.2 MW, when electrolyzer ideal, and all the losses are assumed to be negligible to keep
stacks are degraded significant loss in production is noted in the model simple. The enthalpy of gas streams produced (H2
shared flowsheet design compared to separate flowsheet and O2) is assumed to be equal to the enthalpy of water
design. This is because of process constraints in shared flow- consumed during the electrolysis process. In order to main-
sheet design while the electrolyzer stacks in separate flowsheet tain the concentration of lye in the electrolyzer system, the
design remain operational because of higher operational flexi- liquid streams from the gas separators are collected in the
bility. For this case shutting down one of the stacks in shared buffer tank, and additional water is added. The heat capacity
flowsheet design could be an option to be explored. of 30% KOH electrolyte is taken as 3.1 J/g◦C [51].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37131

Fig. A.1 e Schematic diagram of the lye circulation system. The control volumes are marked with a dashed line.

Appendix A.1.1 Calculation of the mixed lye stream Appendix A.1.2 Mass and energy balances for the buffer tank
temperature from the gas separator The mixed lye stream from the gas separators is collected in
The control volumes considered for modelling of the lye cir- the buffer tank. The schematic of the buffer tank is shown in
culation system are marked in Fig. A.1 The temperature of the Fig. A.2. To keep the model simple, the temperature of the
lye after mixing electrolyte streams from all the electrolyzers additional water (i.e.TH2 O ) added to the buffer tank is assumed
is given by: to be equal to the temperature of the liquid in the buffer tank,

S qlye;k Tk Cp;lye  S qH2 Oloss;k Tk Cp;w þ S qH2 Oloss;k Cp;w  Cp;lye Tref
Tel;mix ¼ : (A.1)
Sqlye;k Cp;lye  SqH2 Oloss;k Cp;lye

Here qH2 Oloss;k is the rate of the water consumed during

electrolysis, this is calculated using Equation (8). Tk and qlye,k
are the temperature and inlet lye flow rate of the kth electro-
lyzer. Cp,w and Cp,lye are the heat capacities of water and the lye
solution respectively. Tref is the reference temperature for the
enthalpy calculation which is chosen as 25  C. Fig. A.2 e Schematic diagram of a buffer tank.
37132 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

pVx ¼ constant : (A.6)

The mass balance for the buffer tank is written as:
Here x denotes the polytropic exponent and p, V represents
dhbt pressure and volume of the process. This polytropic
rlye Abt ¼ qout þ qH2 O  qlye : (A.2)
dt compression describes the actual process involving both heat
where, rlye is the density of the lye stream, V is the volume of transfer and friction happening within the compressor. The
the buffer tank, Abt is the cross sectional area of the buffer relationship between molar flowrate of hydrogen out of the
compressor, n_ H2 and compressor power is [52]
tank, hbt is the height of the liquid in the buffer tank and qout,
qH2 O and qlye are the mass flow rates of the respective streams. a
n_ H2 ¼
The energy balance equation for the buffer tank is: Powercomp (A.7)
d rlye VCp;lye Tbtout and
dt ¼ qout Cp;lye Tel;mix  Tref 2 3
þqH2 O Cp;w TH2 O  Tref xRTel 6psto x1 7
w¼ 4 x
5 (A.8)
  x  1 pel
qlye Cp;lye Tbtout  Tref

The left hand side of the equation above can be rewritten where w is the polytropic work, a is the compressor efficiency,
as: for this work we have used a ¼ 0.63. Powercomp is compressor
  power, Tel and pel are inlet gas temperature and pressure to the
d rlye V dðTbtout Þ compressor, psto is the outlet gas pressure from the
Cp;lye Tbtout þ rlye Cp;lye V
dt dt compressor and is equal to the hydrogen pressure in the
¼ qout Cp;lye Tel;mix  Tref þ qH2 O Cp;w TH2 O  Tref storage tank and R is the gas constant.
qlye Cp;lye Tbtout  Tref comp
As shown in the plant flowsheet (Fig. 1), n_ H2 is assumed to
Simplifying Equation A.4 using eq. Equation A.2 we get, be equal to the total flowrate of hydrogen out from all the
electrolyzers, n_ el
H2 . Solving Equation A.7 and Equation A.8 for
rlye VCp;lye ¼ qout Cp;lye Tel;mix  Tbtout þ qH2 O Cp;w TH2 O Powercomp,
 Cp;lye Tbtout  qout Cp;lye þ qH2 O Cp;w n_H2 xRTel psto x

Powercomp ¼ : : (A.9)
a x  1 pel
 qlye Cp;lye Tref : (A.5)
A centrifugal compressor is a type of rotary compressor
Appendix A.2 Compressor and has fixed pressure ratio, therefore Powercomp is a depen-
dent variable that is calculated from Equation A.9. As given in
The hydrogen from the atmospheric electrolyzer is at atmo- Ref. [53] the polytropic exponent, x is related to adiabatic
spheric pressure and therefore, a compressor is needed to component g, through polytropic efficiency Ep as,
compress hydrogen to high pressure for storage, as shown in
x1 g1 1
Fig. 1. The compressors available in process industry today ¼ : : (A.10)
x g Ep
can be categorized into two distinct categories: reciprocating
and rotary compressors. The polytropic efficiency of the centrifugal compressor is
The developed electrolyzer plant model considers a vari- between 0.7 and 0.75 as mentioned in Ref. [53]. For the cal-
able speed centrifugal compressor. For simplicity, the model culations in this study, it is assumed that Ep ¼ 0.75. The
assumes that is there is perfect control of the compressor adiabatic exponent g for hydrogen which is a diatomic mole-
power such that all the power required by the compressor to cule is 1.4. For this study, from Equation A.10 polytropic
operate is available. Centrifugal compressor is a type of rotary exponent x ¼ 1.62, which is used for all the simulations.
compressor that compresses gas using centrifugal force. In a Similarly, since O2 is also a diatomic molecule, therefore g
centrifugal compressor, impeller and the shaft are only mov- and x for oxygen are same as that for hydrogen. Also, to keep
ing parts, and it consists of a housing with flow passages for the model simple, we have used Equation A.9 to calculate
gas. Work is done on the gas by the impeller mounted on a power requirements of the oxygen compressor (n_ O 2
rotating shaft. After this, the gas is discharged at high velocity calculated from stoichiometry).
into a diffuser. In the diffuser, the velocity of the gas is
Appendix A.3 Gas storage system
reduced, thus converting its kinetic energy to static pressure.
The calculation of the performance of centrifugal com-
Appendix A.3.1 Hydrogen Storage
pressors is based on a polytropic compression step. The pol-
ytropic process is expressed as
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6 37133

Appendix A.3.2 Oxygen Storage

The oxygen production is calculated directly from the stoi-
chiometry. Stoichiometry of the electrolysis reaction as given
by Equation (8).
The overall mole balance for oxygen gas storage is given by
Equation A.11, and assuming ideal gas behaviour the equation
dpsto;O2 ðTsto þ 273:15ÞR comp
¼ n_O2  n_out
O2 : (A.14)
dt Vsto
Fig. A.3 e Schematic diagram of H2 gas storage. The control There is no accumulation of gases in the compressor,
volume is marked with a dashed line.
therefore n_ O2 ¼ n_ O2 . Similar to the hydrogen storage, Tsto is
comp el

ideally controlled at 25 C.
The overall mole balance of a gas storage, as shown in Fig. The outlet molar flow is given by the valve equation
A.3 can be expressed as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
n_O2 ¼ kvlv z psto;O2  pout :
¼ n_H2  n_H2 :
comp out

Here nsto is the molar holdup in the storage tank and n_ H2 is the
out Appendix B. UeI curve parameters for the
molar outlet flow. Inserting ideal gas n ¼ pV/RT in Equation electrolyzers
This section lists the value of electrolyzer characteristic curve
dpsto;H2 ðTsto þ 273:15ÞR comp parameters used in this study. The electrolyzer stacks are
n_H2  n_H2
¼ (A.12)
dt Vsto assumed to be in different stages of their lifetime. The elec-
where Vsto is the storage volume, Tsto is the storage tempera- trolyzer 1 is new, while electrolyzer 2 and 3 are 51% and 80%
ture in ◦C and R is the gas constant. The operating pressure degraded respectively. This degradation is represented by
storage psto;H2 is the dynamic state variable. choosing values of ohmic and activation overvoltage param-
eters for the electrolyzers as given in Table B.1.

Table B.1 e UeI curve parameter values for the electrolyzers

Parameter Unit Electrolyzer 1 Electrolyzer 2 Electrolyzer 3
4 4
r1 Um 2
2.18  10 2.62  10 2.84  104
r2 Um2/◦C 4.25  107 4.25  107 4.25  107
s V 117.93  103 141.52  103 153.31  103
t1 m2/A 145.29  103 145.29  103 145.29  103
t2 m2◦C/A 11.794 11.794 11.794
t3 m2◦C2/A 395.68 395.68 395.68
f1 mA2/cm4 120 144 156
f2 e 0.98 0.97 0.96

The outlet molar flow is given by the valve equation

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Appendix C. Design parameters of the
n_H2 ¼ kvlv z psto;H2  pout :
electrolyzer plant
Here kvlv is the valve constant and z is the valve displace-
ment. The storage temperature Tsto is assumed to be ideally The new electrolyzer stack has a nominal power consumption

controlled to 25 C. The pressure of the electrolyzer is assumed of 2.135 MW and operates at 80◦C. All electrolyzer stacks have
to be constant. The pressure in the vessel increases as it is 230 cells and cell electrode area of 2.6 m2. These cells are
filled with more gas. However, the pressure of the inlet stream connected in series with a common lye inlet and lye/gas outlet
does not change. Note that the pressure of the inlet stream system. The design parameters for the state of the art elec-
must be higher than the storage pressure in order to get it into trolyzer plant are given in Table C.1, these values are esti-
the storage. mated from operation and CAPEX data available in Refs.
37134 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 7 1 2 0 e3 7 1 3 6

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