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International Journal of Laboratory Hematology

The Official journal of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology


Guidance for storing blood samples in laboratories performing

complete blood count with differential
E. CORNET* , † , 1 , C. BEHIER* ,1 , X. TROUSSARD* , †

*CHU de Caen, Laboratory of S U M M A RY

Hematology, Caen, France

University of Caen, Medical Introduction The complete blood count (CBC) with differential leu-
School, Caen, France kocyte count (DIFF) is an important part of clinical laboratory anal-
yses and provides crucial data for clinicians. Delivery time after
Edouard Cornet, Laboratory of blood collection and conditions of storage is known to affect the
hematology, CHU de Caen, reliability of results of some hematologic parameters. The aim of
Avenue Côte de Nacre, 14033 this study was to assess the variations of hematologic parameters
Caen Cedex 9, France.
Tel.: +33 2 31 06 33 15; over time and the influence of storage temperature.
Fax: +33 2 31 06 50 99; Methods Blood samples were randomly selected from hospitalized
E-mail: patients and stored at room temperature and at 4 °C. CBC and
DIFF were performed on an automated hematology analyzer and
doi:10.1111/j.1751-553X.2012.01452.x the results between the two groups were compared.
Results Samples stored at room temperature showed an important
Received 1 February 2012;
increase in mean corpuscular volume and hematocrit and a
accepted for publication 8 May
2012 decrease in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Neutro-
phil counts tended to increase, whereas monocyte counts tended to
Keywords decrease.
Blood cell count, laboratories/ Conclusion Storing samples at 4 °C improved reproducibility over
standards, reproducibility of time of all quantitative and qualitative parameters. We also
results, blood preservation, tem-
perature observed that NEUT-X, a routine parameter useful in detecting
myelodysplastic syndrome, became unreliable when analyzed 24 h
after sample collection. Our results led us to recommend that sam-
ples should be analyzed within 6 h, particularly if samples are
transported at room temperature. We also recommend storing sam-
ples at 4 °C in case of remote CBC analysis, especially in the con-
text of clinical trials.

formed laboratory tests in our institution, with about

190 000 analyses performed in 2011. It is a valuable
The complete blood count (CBC) with differential leu- screening tool for a wide variety of medical conditions
kocyte count (DIFF) is one of the most routinely per- and is an essential routine in the optimal management
of patients. Compliance with International Organiza-
These authors contributed equally to this work. tion for Standardization (ISO) 15 189, the international

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int J Lab Hem. 2012, 34, 655–660 655

standard for the accreditation of medical laboratories mum time interval between blood collection and sam-
(1), is becoming progressively accepted as the optimal ple analysis at t0 (reference values) was 4 h. All
approach to assure quality in medical testing. samples were normal blood samples, without any
The main objective of any clinical laboratory is to qualitative abnormalities.
produce results that are accurate and precise enough
for clinical use, and therefore, the correct pre-analyti-
Laboratory methods
cal procedures are essential. Many external variables
can influence laboratory results, including conditions Analyses were performed in automatic mode on a
of blood collection, storage and delivery time of sam- Sysmex XE-2100 automated multiparameter hematol-
ples to the laboratory. It is particularly critical when ogy analyzer (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) in
blood samples are collected at the patients’ home. accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Delivery time to the laboratory can exceed 8 h. The analyzer was calibrated by the manufacturer.
The development of clinical trials and centralized Two levels of controls (internal quality control) were
analyses will impose adoption of strict pre-analytical run on a daily basis (e-check® XE control) according
rules. Healthcare laboratories must establish limits to manufacturer’s recommendations. Only the data
for delivery time and conditions of storage and the from the CBC, DIFF and Immature Myeloid Informa-
impact of pre-analytical conditions on hematologic tion channels were taken into account, we did not
parameters must be known for accurate interpre- consider reticulocyte count or nucleated red blood
tation of all parameters provided by an automated cell count (NRBC) in this analysis. Parameters of
analyzer. CBC measured in this study were the following:
This study confirms the impact of pre-analytical white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell count
conditions on variations of CBC-DIFF parameters and (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (HB), hematocrit
also highlights new data to interpret NEUT-X, which (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpus-
is a routine parameter useful in detecting myelodys- cular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemo-
plastic syndrome (MDS). Performing CBC/DIFF analy- globin concentration (MCHC) and platelet count (PLT).
sis within 6 h after sample collection guarantees good The study assessed relative percentages of clusters: neu-
reliability of the results. trophil (NEU%), eosinophil (EOS%), basophil (BASO
%), lymphocyte (LYMPH%), monocyte (MONO%)
and immature granulocyte (IG%). All presented per-
centages were automatically generated parameters.

Samples and analyzer

Statistical analysis
We studied 64 venous peripheral blood samples,
randomly selected among hospitalized patients in As previously described in the literature, stability of
Caen University Hospital. Samples were collected in an analyte was defined in relation to the imprecision
vacutainers containing dipotassium ethylene diamine- of the respective analytical method. A parameter was
tetraacetate (K2EDTA – BD Vacutainer; Becton and considered stable when its average change was smaller
Dickinson, Le Pont-De-Claix, France), which is the than one coefficient of variation (CV, %) of the
anticoagulant of choice in specimen collection for assessed method, allowing a 5% risk of error (4, 5).
blood cell counting and sizing, as recommended by CV was obtained with daily controls. Except for EOS
the International Council for Standardization in %, BASO% and IG%, we evaluated the variability of
Hematology (2). This salt also has been shown to each parameter at each time point by calculating the
affect red blood cell size less than tripotassium salt mean percent change from the initial value (t0). We
(3). Thirty-two samples were stored at room tempera- evaluated the variability of EOS%, BASO% and IG%
ture (RT) (Group 1) and 32 at +4 °C (Group 2). CBC/ by calculating the mean absolute difference from the
DIFF was processed at different time points during a initial value rather than percent change because some
period of 3 days, that is, at delivery (t0) then 6, 12, initial values were at zero. Statistical analyses were
24, 48 and 72 h (t6, t12, t24, t48 and t72). The maxi- performed for the two groups. Mean, standard

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int J Lab Hem. 2012, 34, 655–660

deviation (SD) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI)

Table 1. Initial characteristics (t0) of the 32 samples
were calculated with MicrosoftTM Excel® software. stored at room temperature (Group 1) and the 32
samples stored at +4 °C (Group 2)
R E S U LT S Group 2 (+4°
Group 1 (RT) C)
Samples characteristics Mean SD Mean SD P

All samples were normal blood samples. Characteris- White blood cell 9.75 3.83 8.50 4.83 0.25575 (NS)
tics of the two groups were comparable for all mea- count (109/L)
Red blood cell 4.04 0.83 3.86 0.76 0.38470 (NS)
sured parameters (P > 0.05) (Table 1). We considered count (1012/L)
values at t0 as reference values. Hemoglobin (g/dL) 12.30 2.58 11.66 2.15 0.28535 (NS)
Hematocrit (%) 36.3 7.2 34.7 6.0 0.34182 (NS)
Mean corpuscular 90.3 5.9 90.4 5.5 0.94268 (NS)
CBC parameters volume (fl)
Mean corpuscular 30.6 2.3 30.4 2.4 0.72081 (NS)
Many parameters of CBC were stable throughout the hemoglobin (pg)
Mean corpuscular 33.8 1.3 33.5 1.4 0.39222 (NS)
study period. No significant difference was observed hemoglobin
for WBC, RBC, HB, MCH and PLT in Group 1 and concentration (g/
Group 2 until 72 h. Conversely, there was a signifi- dL)
Platelet count 224 87 225 87 0.97345 (NS)
cant MCV difference from t0 to t6 in Group 1. At 6 h, (109/L)
the percent change was 4.2% (95% CI, 1.91; 6.42) Neutrophils (%) 67.73 13.56 62.65 16.46 0.18334 (NS)
and regularly increased, reaching 17.5% (16.6418.42) Eosinophils (%) 2.22 1.79 3.33 2.85 0.06595 (NS)
Basophils (%) 0.34 0.26 0.50 0.47 0.11342 (NS)
at 72 h (CV for MCV was 0.96%) (Figure 1). In Lymphocytes (%) 18.22 10.84 22.36 14.12 0.19332 (NS)
Group 2, percent changes at t6 and t72 were, respec- Monocytes (%) 10.75 4.28 10.15 5.33 0.61772 (NS)
tively, 1.2% (1.08; 1.31) and 1.5% (1.14; 1.85). Immature 0.74 0.92 1.01 1.49 0.38757 (NS)
granulocytes (%)
Hence, MCV increased at both RT and +4 °C but this
change was more limited in case of refrigerated stor- Results are expressed as mean and standard deviation
age. As a consequence, we also observed a significant (SD). NS: Not significant.
variation of MCV-related parameters at RT with a pro-
gressive decrease in MCHC and a progressive increase temperature (4, 6–9). All of these studies described an
in HCT. increase in MCV and a variation of its related
parameters (HCT and MCHC). These observations
were independent of the type of automated analyzer.
DIFF parameters
Similarly, our study demonstrated a significant varia-
No significant variations of the WBC count were tion of many hematologic parameters over 3 days
detected between t0 and t72. Only samples from related to storage conditions of blood. The largest vari-
Group 1 showed an increase in NEU% from t48 ation concerned erythrocyte parameters. MCV
(Figure 1). Percent change at t72 was +8.2% (5.84; increased dramatically from 6 h if samples were kept
10.54) (CV for NEU% was 1.62%). In contrast, at RT, but was limited in case of refrigerated storage
MONO% decreased from t48 ( 28.4%, 36.87; (+4 °C). This observation could be related to a swell-
19.88) (CV for MONO% was 7.08%). No significant ing of red blood cell because of a decrease in mem-
variation was detected in Group 2. Both groups brane resistance and an increase in cell permeability.
showed no LYMPH% variation, and no significant This phenomenon seemed to depend on storage dura-
variation was observed for EOS%, BASO% and IG%. tion and temperature. As expected, these modifica-
tions also affected MCV-related parameters, such as
HCT and MCHC, which are calculated from the MCV,
with an increase in HCT and a decrease in MCHC. As
A few studies have analyzed variations of CBCDIFF previously described (6), RBC, HB, MCH and PLT
with regard to the storage of blood specimens at room measurements were unmodified until 72 h at RT.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int J Lab Hem. 2012, 34, 655–660

from reference value (t0)


from reference value (t0)

from reference value (t0)


% - Mean (CI95%)

% - Mean (CI95%)
% - Mean (CI95%)

Percent change

Percent change
Percent change

±1 CV% 1
±1 CV% 0
0 (±0.68%)
(±0.62%) –1 ±1 CV%
–1 RT (±0.81%)
RT –2
+4 °C –1 RT
+4 °C
–2 –3 +4 °C
t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72


from reference value (t0)

from reference value (t0)

from reference value (t0)

6 15 RT
% - Mean (CI95%)

% - Mean (CI95%)

% - Mean (CI95%)
+4 °C
Percent change

Percent change

Percent change
RT 10
+4 °C
4 +4 °C 5 5
2 0
±1 CV%
(±2.91%) 0
±1 CV%
±1 CV% –5
0 (±2.81%)
(±2.15%) –10 –5
t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72


from reference value (t0)

from reference value (t0)

from reference value (t0)

* 20 * 5
% - Mean (CI95%)

% - Mean (CI95%)

% - Mean (CI95%)
Percent change

Percent change
Percent change

15 * RT * RT ±1 CV%
+4 °C 15 +4 °C (±1.25%)
10 * 10
* –5
* * * * * *
5 5 * RT
±1 CV% ±1 CV% –15
* +4 °C
(±0.96%) –20
t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72

from reference value (t0)

from reference value (t0)

* RT 20
% - Mean (CI95%)
% - Mean (CI95%)
Percent change

Percent change

+4 °C ±1 CV%
* 0
±1 CV% –20
(±1.62%) RT
–5 –40
* +4 °C
–10 –60 *
t6 t12 t24 t48 t72 t6 t12 t24 t48 t72

Figure 1. Average percent changes from reference value (t0) of complete blood count and differential leukocyte
count (DIFF) parameters for Group 1 (RT) and Group 2 (+4 °C). Percent changes were calculated from reference
values at t0. Each data point represents the mean percent change and each bar represents the 95% confidence
interval (95% CI). A parameter was considered as unstable if its average change (with 95% CI) was higher than
the coefficient of variation (CV) of the method. Results are presented for samples stored at room temperature (RT)
and under refrigeration (+4 °C). CV% was obtained with daily controls. WBC indicates white blood cell count;
RBC, red blood cell count; HB, hemoglobin concentration; HCT, hematocrit; MCV, mean corpuscular volume;
MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; PLT, platelet count;
NEU%, neutrophils (%); LYMPH%, lymphocytes (%); MONO%, monocytes (%). *Significant variation as
compared to CV of the method. All parameters were stable until 72 h at +4 °C. Significant variations were
observed at RT from t6, for erythrocyte volume-related parameters, such as HCT, MCV and MCHC. Significant
variations were observed at RT for NEUT% (increase) and MONO% (decrease) from t48.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int J Lab Hem. 2012, 34, 655–660

In our study, leukocyte count (WBC) was (Figure 2). Analysis of the DIFF scattergram confirmed
unchanged until 72 h at both RT and +4 °C. Modifica- that the position of neutrophils on the x-axis had
tions of DIFF were exclusively observed at RT, with shifted to the left (NEUT-X) and showed that position
an increase in NEU% and a decrease in MONO%. of monocytes on the y-axis tended to shift down into
Indeed, modification of cellular structure over time the neutrophil cluster (Figure 2). Lymphocyte mor-
could alter detection and identification of cells, partic- phology seemed to be less affected by this cellular
ularly if blood specimens are stored at RT. To evaluate deterioration. As recently demonstrated (11) that
this progressive cellular deterioration, we tested sec- NEUT-X value is correlated with hypogranularity of
ondarily eight normal blood samples at RT (data not neutrophils and therefore is useful in detecting MDS.
shown). In addition to the usual DIFF parameters, we Our observations indicated the unreliability of NEUT-
also considered the neutrophil structural and matura- X when samples were analyzed 24 h after collection.
tion parameters provided by our analyzer: NEUT-X Checking the time between sample collection and
(10). NEUT-X is the direct measurement of side scatter analysis should be given high priority before reporting
diffraction and is representative of neutrophil struc- results, because significant variations were observed for
ture. We compared NEUT-X with manual differential RBC volumetric indices from 6 h and from 48 h for dif-
and cell morphology analyzed by microscopic meth- ferential WBC. These variations may have conse-
ods. Microscopic DIFF count became unreliable from quences on diagnostic classification and clinical
48 h, with a decrease in monocyte count and an strategies (12). For instance, a false increase in MCV,
increase in neutrophil count. We observed a progres- especially if associated with a false decrease in NEUT-X,
sive decrease in NEUT-X from 48 h, which was corre- could be interpreted as a sign of MDS. Such a mistake
lated with an increase in neutrophil cellular could result in unnecessary complementary tests, espe-
deterioration on blood smears (karyorrhexis) cially invasive procedures such as medullar biopsy. In

Figure 2. Influence of time on differential leukocyte count (DIFF) parameters and neutrophils cellular structure for
a sample stored at RT. DIFF parameters and neutrophils cellular structure were analyzed by automated method
(NEUT-X) and microscopic method. Analyzer graphs, automated and manual DIFF are represented. We observed a
progressive increase in neutrophils (NEU%), a progressive decrease in monocytes (MONO%). Microscopic analysis
revealed a progressive neutrophil cellular deterioration on blood smears from t48 (karyorrhexis at t96), correlated
with a degradation of neutrophils structure (side scatter on x-axis) identifiable by the progressive decrease in
NEUT-X. LYMPH%, lymphocytes (%).

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int J Lab Hem. 2012, 34, 655–660

contrast, this false increase in MCV could hide a real To conclude, we recommend that CBC and DIFF
microcytosis in case of iron deficiency anemia. analysis should be performed within 6 h after blood
Limits for delivery time and storage condition could sample collection. In samples analyzed 24 h after col-
be defined with goals for desirable bias for each lection, a decreased NEUT-X, which is associated with
parameter. Quality specifications have been published: morphological degradation of neutrophils, has to be
(13) proposed recommendations for maximum allow- interpreted cautiously and, in particular, should not
able storage time on EDTA-anticoagulated blood: 6 h be used for detecting MDS. This recommendation has
for CBC and DIFF at RT and 24 h at +4 °C. Various to be taken into account when blood samples are col-
systems were used to propose tolerance limits for lected at home or in clinical trials, where analysis is
analytic bias (13). The method based on variations in sometimes performed in remote analytical platforms.
population test distribution seemed to be the best, In cases where the time between collection and analy-
even though it is based on relatively complicated sis is longer than 6 h, we recommend that samples
calculations. It is the method that best meets clinical should be stored at +4 °C to maintain the stability of
needs (14). For example, they proposed a desirable CBC/DIFF parameters and a good reliability of results.
bias of 0.7% for MCV (15). Our MCV results did not Complying with ISO requirements, especially for con-
comply with these recommendations from 6 h at RT trolling the pre-analytical phase, appears to be imper-
and +4 °C. For MONO%, the decrease did not comply ative to avoid erroneous conclusions.
with specifications from 48 h only at RT (desirable
specification for bias is 3.5%). Regarding the other
parameters for which percent changes were calculated,
the bias was not higher than that recommended. The authors disclosed no potential conflicts of interest.

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© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int J Lab Hem. 2012, 34, 655–660

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