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A minimum of 200 word count of content, (all posting) which does not

A minimum of 200 word count of content, (all posting) which does not include, quotes, “I
agree”, summations/synopsis of another posting, and/or the critiquing of another
posting, and/or salutation and pleasantries, and/or a restatement of the question(s)·
Integrate your perspective, theory, research, and/or professional experience in your
own words· Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence· Include
where and when applicable in-text citations and references in APA format(No citation are
not required)· Stay on topic· Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly
toneRespond to the belowThinking effectually simply means that rather than defining a
specific plan to reach a specific goal, you should focus on what means are available to you
right now. Thinking effectually increases entrepreneurs’ ability to create successful
ventures as they are seeking future opportunities. Effectually thinking is more fluidly,
beginning with what they have at the present, such as ideas, personal strengths and
materials at hand, and then work by combining the elements available to them and
adjusting their plans as they progress. Effectual thinking is slightly different from causal
thinking because we are looking at the means, resources, skills, and networks.Causal
thinking is much more structured, whereas effectual thinking is more creative and
exploratory. Entrepreneurs are necessary for economic development because they think
effectually. Causal thinking and effectual thinking are two different, innate styles. When
entrepreneurs understand what causal thinking is by defining what a cause is and thinking
of causal thinking as a goal or aim in which we act on that leads to customers giving the
business money. Causal thinking is connecting events and outcomes to help define a
problem in a logical manner. Effectual thinking is inherently creative it is uniquely suited to
entrepreneurs. Effective thinking is more about the endpoints of our thinking.When starting
my business, I started with an effectual thinking process. I had to learn that the business
plan alone would not survive first contact with customers. Effectual thinking allowed me to
be creative and deliver something of mine to the market.

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