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Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include
citations and references in case you need to used for the question.Diabetes is a chronic
disease that has been a problem in this country for quite sometime. Mainly because the
course of the disease changes with each passing day. Although it affects individuals of many
types of economic and cultural backgrounds; it tends to be more prevalent in the Hispanic
population (American Diabetes Association, 2014). In the Article, “Health Disparity and
Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes”,
three main dimensions of fear were identified: cost, language discrimination and
immigration status, and cultural disconnect (Page-Reeves et al., 2013, p.36). From a health
providers perspective, the understanding is that prevention and treatment is important.
From the perspective of the consumer, other priorities are to be considered. This article
identified that the immigrants involved had more important obligations such as paying
basic utilities, food, shelter and their own children’s healthcare over theirs. Adding their
own healthcare needs adds to the financial stress of these already low income families.
“People are afraid to go to the doctor…they can’t afford the bills, can’t make the
payment…they are scared, afraid and people are afraid of debt” (Page-Reeves et al., 2013, p.
36). These individuals essentially figure that the effects are long term anyway, so they put it
off and in the long run end up with more costly consequences. Then there is the language
discrimination and immigration status issue where in healthcare institutions were found to
have employees that were making the immigrants feel guilty or less because of their illegal
status or lack of english speaking skills. This included issues with lack of interpretation
services or just having mediocre translation services overall. This made immigrants feel as
though citizens were more deserving of healthcare services than them. Due to these
dynamics, immigrants can feel a sense of intimidation and fear in institutional health
contexts that can lead them to adopt strategies downplaying their real health-related needs
and concerns in an attempt to make themselves seem more “deserving” of assistance (Page-
Reeves et al., 2013, p. 38). This also caused the ripple effect of cultural disconnect; where
immigrants felt disconnected from staff members and other patients. This in turn caused a
gap in communication and participants did not feel comfortable enough confiding their
healthcare needs in fear that their customs would not be understood or undermined.I do
agree that structural violence does create health disparities. Unfortunately, this is unlikely
to change soon. Society as a whole would have to truly change the way they treat the
diverse populations that exist in this country. As it is, this country struggles with providing
healthcare to their own citizens. Providing healthcare to its incoming immigrants will be a
struggle as well. This is where all healthcare professionals and government officials should
unite and work together extensively to address these health disparities until we no longer
inadvertently cause harm to our population.ReferencesAmerican Diabetes Association.
(2014). Prevalence of Diabetes Among Hispanics/Latinos From Diverse Backgrounds: The
Hispanic Community Healthstudy. Retrieved on June 18, 2018 from, J., Niforatos, J., Mishra,
S., Regino, L., Gingrich, A., & Bulten, J. (2013). Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How
Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes. Journal Of Health
Disparities Research & Practice, 6 (2), 30-47. Do you need a similar assignment done for you
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