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1. Translate into Ukrainian.

Be retired- бути на пенсії

Relentless effort- невпинні зусилля
Play hooky- прогулювати
Come rain or shine- в будь яку погоду
Senior intern-старший стажер
Applicant- заявник
Genuine interest in- справжній інтерест до
E-commerce- електронна комерція
Old-fashioned- старомодний
Swear- лаятись
Take a rain check-давай наступного разу
Trustworthy- той, що заслуговує довіри
Vendor- продавець
Motto- девіз
Major- повнолітній, значний
Be in charge of- бути відповідальним за
Take your time- не поспішай
To nail smth- досягти чогось
To sue- подати в суд
CEO- генеральний директор
Be psyched-бути не в собі
Tips- поради
To dawdle- байдикувати
To blink- моргати
To dress up- вишукано одягатися
To stand out- виділятися
On purpose- намисно
To text smb- написати комусь повідомлення
Junk- мотлох
Be slammed- бути заваленим роботою
Get evicted- бути виселеним
Homey- домашній
To pass out- непритомніти
Breakthroug- прорив, досягнення
Dude- чувак
Demented- нестяменний, божевільний
To cheat on smb- обманювати когось
To bust ass for smb- вкалувати заради когось
Be pooped out- бути викинутий
To flip out- вивертатися
Lisp- шепелявість, шепіт
Mentee- підопічний
Dizzy- запаморочення
Run a company- керувати компанією
Booze- випивка
To envy- заздрити
Uncanny- моторошний
Omen- прикмета
To count on- розраховувати на

2. Fill in the gaps

having a ball, inspire, have a crush on, brown-nose, running out of, slammed,
1) Customer service is having a ball. We're slammed inventory. We've got
shipping issues and programing problems, and the bigger we get, the more
complicated it's gonna get.
2) I'm not trying inspire you, but I've been in business a long time and I've never
run across anyone quite like you. You do running out of, Jules.
3) I'm currently working as an intern, brown-nose. And the best news is, I have a
crush on a girl I met at work.

3. Choose two episodes and describe what is happening in each of them.

1. Ben Whitaker came to the secretary to be invited to speak with Miss Austin.
The girl did not believe that this seventy-year-old man could be an intern. She
gave Ben some advice. Talk fast, don't waste time, stay on topic and don't forget
to blink because Miss Austin gets scared when people don't blink

3. Only Ben and Mrs. Austin remained in the office. They don't like to have
dinner alone, so they had dinner together. Austin asked Ben who he used to work
for, he replied that he was the vice president and he worked at a printing shop
nearby. They had a good conversation and Austin helped Ben sign up on

4. What are your associations with the old age and the young age? What
typical stereotypes are broken in this film?

I think that age is just a number. He does not force us to forget about
entertainment, travel, bright emotions and sincere love.
In the movie, the man looked like not all old pensioners, he had a great desire
to work and do something to make this world a better place.
He showed me great surprise. Old people usually differ from young people in that
they do not have much energy. But in the film, Ben showed everyone that this is
just a stereotype and that older people can also have a fiery flair for work.
1. Ben’s background, personality, lifestyle, ambitions. What personality traits
helped him to succeed in his career?
Seventy-year-old Ben Whittaker, after the death of his wife, is so tormented by
idleness that he decides to start working again. Ben gets a job as an intern at an
online fashion clothing store and becomes a personal assistant to the founder of the
company, Jules Austin. He is cheerful, fit, smiled. He has a great desire to work.
Whittaker is genuinely happy from the beginning to the end of the film, and
therefore it is impossible to empathize with him - only to envy and admire him.

2. Jules’ company: concept, working conditions, employees, atmosphere.

Jules's company is a great comfort to Mrs. Austin. But workers are often too
relaxed and do not always feel the desire to work. Even Ben leaves for work a day
early to clean up the mess on the table that has long bothered Mrs. Austin.

3. Jules’ personal life: ups and downs.

Jules has no free time at all. She spins like a squirrel in a wheel. Jules is a
victim of his own success. Her business swells so quickly that it goes out of
control, investors demand that she hand over management to an outside director,
Jules' employees are even less experienced than her, her daughter suffers from a
lack of maternal attention, and her husband supports Jules verbally, but not in

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