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Chad Eliingworth

English 7


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In “The Cry of Distress,” Zarathustra was joined by the soothsayer while sitting outside

the cave.. He told Zarathustra to confront his sin: pity. Then Zarathustra heard a cry of call from

the higher man and decided to goes in search of him. In “Conversation with the Kings,” On his

quest, Zarathustra came up to two kings on the road who are riding a pony. Both of them have

abandoned their kingdoms because they feel nauseouseated by the fake goodness of people are

only eager to enjoy tiny pleasures. The kings were very happy when Zarathustra tells them about

his search for the higher man. Then Zarathustra directs them to his cave and invites them to wait

for him there.

In “The Leech Next,” Zarathustra encounters upon a man who is lying down in a swamp

and trying to put leeches to his arm. He represents “the conscientious in spirit,” which mean he

wanted to be suck away ofone all the prejudices and assumptions that based his thinking. Like

the kings, Zarathustra invites him to wait in his cave, and then continues his journey. In “The

Magician”, Zarathustra come cross a magician writhing on the ground, who seem to be confused

with an idea. After a while, Zarathustra becomes furious and accused the magician of being a

copycat. The magician confesses by saying that he was pretending to be an “ascetic of the spirit”

in an effort to test Zarathustra. Zarathustra points out that he wasn’t totally acting—that he is, in

some other way, an ascetic. The magician wants others to know that he is a great man, but he

knows himself that he is not great after all. Zarathustra admires the magician for trying to be
good and for confessing that he is not. Same like the kings and leech man, he directs the

magician to his cave and then continues on his way. In “Retired,” Zarathustra encounters the last

pope, who is mourning the fact that God is dead He tells how God died from pitying humankind

too much. Zarathustra criticizes God for having made us so poorly and then punishing us for

being unable to do his bidding. The pope is impressed with Zarathustra, and Zarathustra directs

him to his cave.

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