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Chad Ellingsworth

English 7


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In Scholars, Zarathustra criticizes scholars for being conservative and petty, gathering

knowledge as if it were an entertaining hobby. He also said that although he has been a scholar

for too long, he hasn't been to school. Zarathustra believes that scholars and him have different

desires. On Poets, While Zarathustra admires poets for their creativity, he complains that they try

to appear more profound than they are. Ultimately, one finds old prejudices and assumptions at

the bottom of their pretty writings. Zarathustra also warned us about poets that we all, including

poets, lie too much. On Great Events, Nietzsche discussed the invention of new values, which are

unnoticed. Many religious buildings and statues such as churches or temples are considered

sacred and take people time and money, although having no real impact on things. However,

people didn't take any notice of what Zarathustra has said, as they are more interested in a ghost

of Zarathustra that flew by crying out, "It is time! It is high time! The Soothsayer Zarathustra

hears a soothsayer predicting a tremendous future emptiness, where we will feel incapable of

creating anything new, nor even capable of dying out. This prediction puts Zarathustra into a

deep depression, during which he dreams that he is a watchman in a castle full of coffins.

Suddenly, a wind comes and bursts the gates open, and a coffin bursts open full of laughter. One

of Zarathustra's disciples interprets this dream as meaning that Zarathustra will awaken us from

our gloom and emptiness with his life and laughter.

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