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My Enemy, My Brother

Traditional Task

After watching the movie, answer the following two questions:

1. How is Zahed’s and Najah’s story an example of living in a nonviolent way?

2. What do you think the filmmaker is telling the world by filming Zahed and Najah's story?

Your work will be assessed using language and literature criterion C, parts ii and iii (producing
text) and criterion D, parts i, iii and iv (using language).

Authentic Task

● Goal: The goal is to show your understanding of how peace and conflict management
creates connections between context and purpose.
● Role: You are a writing contestant.
● Audience: The judges are members of the United Institute for Peace.
● Situation: The situation you find yourself in is that this institute was created to "mitigate
international conflict through nonviolent means”. The contest guidelines specify that the
writing submissions clearly show an example of living in a nonviolent way to manage
● Product: Write two paragraphs that describe how Zahed and Najah's story is an example
of the connection between peace and conflict that results in living in a nonviolent way.
Write one paragraph about how that story influenced your own thoughts about the
value of peace and conflict management.
● Success: Your writing will be assessed using language and literature criterion C, parts i, ii
and iii (producing text) and criterion D, parts i, ii, iii, iv (using language)

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