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What is cyber defense?

 Cyber defense is a computer network defense mechanism which includes response to

actions and critical infrastructure protection and information assurance for
organizations, government entities and other possible networks.
 Cyber defense focuses on preventing, detecting and providing timely responses to
attacks or threats so that no infrastructure or information is tampered with.
 With the growth in volume as well as complexity of cyber-attacks, cyber defense is
essential for most entities in order to protect sensitive information as well as to
safeguard assets.
 Cyber defense protects your most important business assets against attack. By
aligning the knowledge of the threats you face with an understanding of your
environment, you’re able to maximize the effectiveness of your security spend and
target your resources at the critical locations. All this is driven from your business
strategy, by identifying where it may be at risk from a range of threats - from a
malicious insider right through to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT).

Cyber defense covers a wide range of activities that are essential in enabling your business to
protect itself against attack and respond to a rapidly evolving threat landscape. This will
 Cyber preventions to reduce your appeal to the attackers
 Preventative controls that require their attacks to be more costly
 Attack detection capability to spot when they are targeting you
 Reaction and response capabilities to repel them

Typically a cyber-defense engagement will include a range of services aimed at long term
assurance of your business - from the understanding of how security impacts your business
strategy and priorities, through to training and guidance that helps your employees establish
the right security culture.

At the same time, the engagement will include specialist technical analysis and investigation
to make sure you can map out and protect the paths attackers will use to compromise your
most sensitive assets. These activities also enable you to obtain evidence of any previous
threats that have breached your defenses and providing the capability to manage or remove
them as needed.

Using this blend of services, cyber defense provides the assurances you need to run your
business without worrying about the threats it faces, and makes sure your security strategy
utilizes your resources in the most effective manner.

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