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Saturday, May 28, 2022 8:28 PM

• Maintain the same internal environment as long as we are alive.

Homeostatic Control Mechanism:
1. Detect deviation
2. Integration
3. Make appropriate adjustment

- Process that governs concentration of salt and water in body
- Controls Na particles and the movement of water (osmosis)
- Osmosis: movement of water through its concentration
- Tendency of water is to regulate itself
- Water M is dependent on solute M
- Cell cannot survive with substantial gain or loss of water
a. Osmoconformer
- Organism that has a tendency to conform with the external solute
- Ex: squids, sea stars, and most marine invertebrates
- Their body solute concentration is equal with the solute M in the external
- Stenohaline
□ Unable to tolerate much variation in environmental salinity
□ They don't spend much energy to regulate their salt and water
b. Osmoregulator
- Use energy in controlling water loss/gain
- Euryhaline
□ Able to tolerate a broad range of environmental salinity
- Ex: freshwater fish (hyperosmotic); marine fishes (hyposmotic)
i. Hyperosmotic regulator
- Environment has low concentration
- These species tend to gain more water and loss electrolytes. That's
why, they will excrete several diluted urine and uptake as many salt
as possible from the water
ii. Hyposmotic regulator
- Environment has high solute concentration
- Excrete excess ions in concentrated urine
- Gain of water and salt ions from food and by intake of seawater

II. Osmotic Regulation in Terrestrial Animals

a. Water is gained through
- Water in food
- Drinking water
- Formation of metabolic water by oxidation or carbohydrate
b. Water is lost through
- Evaporation from respiratory surfaces
- Excretion in the urine
- Elimination in the feces

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A. Macro anatomy
- Cortex: outer layer
- Major calyx
- Minor calyx
- Medulla: inner region
- Renal pelvis: space
- Ureter
B. Blood Flow
- O2 blood will enter through renal artery --> medulla --> renal cortex -->
renal pyramid --> blood will be filtered, unO2 blood will go out through
renal vein --> filtrates will go through the renal pelvis --> ureter -->-->
urinary bladder--> urethra--> urine
- Renal pyramid
- Arrangement of nephrons in the kidney that gives rise to renal cortex
and renal medulla
- Looks pyramidal with certain level of striation of cortex and medulla
C. Micro anatomy
- Nephron
- Functional unit of kidney
- Always has 2 components:
 Renal corpuscle
◊ Made up of the bowman's capsule and glomerulus
(dense network of capillaries)
 Renal tubules
◊ Collections of nephritic tubules
◊ Made up of 3 portions:
 Proximal convoluted tubule
 Distal " "
– Will empty out to collecting duct
– Collected urine --> collecting duct --> renal
pelvis --> ureter --> urinary bladder -->
 Loop of Henle
– Ascending
– Descending
i. Glomerular Filtration
- occurs in glomerular capsule and glomerulus
- This is where blood is filtered
- Glomerular filter has:
 Fenestrated capillary endothelium
 Glomerular basement membrane (blocks large proteins)
 Filtration slits diaphragms between pedicels/prodocytes (block
many small proteins)
 Filtration slits are the pathway where the filtrates leave from
capillaries to the bowman's capsule
- Glomerular (blood) hydrostatic pressure
 Important for the generation of filtrate (urine)
 Exerted pressure: 55 mm Hg
 Pressure from the blood being pumped from the heart.
Net pressure in the capillaries

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 Net pressure in the capillaries
- Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure
 Exerted pressure: 30 mm Hg
 Pressure that builds up to let water enter the capillaries
 Counteracts the glomerular pressure because there are more
proteins inside
- Capsular Hydrostatic Pressure
 Exerted Pressure: 15 mm Hg
 Wants to let water in the capillaries
- Net Outward Pressure: 10 mm Hg
 There's an occurrence of filtrate that includes water, glucose,
amino acids, ions, urea, many hormones, vitamins B and C,
ketones and very small amounts of protein

ii. Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion

□ Occurs in convoluted tubules and loop of Henle (collectively called as
peritubular capillary as these are lined by capillaries).
□ Filtrate --> Proximal Tubules --> Descending LoH --> Ascending
LoH --> Distal --> Collecting Tube
□ Reabsorption
 Where water and solutes are reabsorbed in the blood and
occurs in the entirety of the tubules
□ Secretion
 Occurs in the proximal and distal tubules
 Where wastes are secreted

ADH: Anti-diuretic hormone

Diuretic: cause dehydration

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• Juxtaglomerular apparatus: secretes renin in response to a fall in sodium
concentration, extracellular fluid volume, blood pressure
• Renin: acts as enzyme to activate angio-tensinogen and convert it to
angio-tensin I
• Angio tensin I: when it goes to the lungs, there is a certain enzyme (ACE)
abundant in the pulmonary capillaries, that will convert angio-tensin I to
angio-tensin II
• Angio-tensin II: will go to the adrenal gland and stimulate it to secrete
• Aldoesterone: increase the Na+ reabsorption in the collecting tubules

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