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Dear Ms. Sheister,

I’ve noticed your letter to the community; in response I respectfully ask that you take some time

to reconsider your decision. You said that “children who are 12 years old or older will NOT be

allowed to participate in trick or treating from house to house in our subdivision.” I think that

putting an age limit on halloween festivities is not only ill-suited but also discriminatory. If one

wants to dress up and participate in some fun activities such as trick or treating they should be

allowed to, regardless of age.

Don’t children of all ages deserve to have fun and make memories with their friends and

family? Blog and magazine writer Amanda Garrity says, “While there's no definitive answer,

Treetopia, a Christmas tree company, surveyed 700 respondents in 2019 and found that 1 in 4

Americans think you're never too old to go trick-or-treating on Halloween. However, the general

consensus was the teenage years are when kids should stop trick-or-treating — 18.7 years, to be

exact.” So essentially, when one is out of high school and considered an “adult” they are too old

to trick or treat.

I get it, most parents are overprotective of their kids and don’t want older kids hanging

around their little ones. I get it, once kids hit a certain age they start to dress a little more

inappropriate. I get it, some kids at that certain age can be a little disrespectful. But in reality,

having the older kids around while the halloween fun takes place can be more helpful than

harmful. There can be rules set in regards to what to wear, how to act, and where to be. Having

kids of age around while trick or treating can prevent things such as kids wandering off and

getting lost. It also makes things more fun when they dress up and be role models or show

examples to the younger kids. When young, all a little kid wants to be is someone they see most
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growing up and if it’s an antisocial adolescent who stays in while everyone else trick or treats,

they’ll think it's normal.


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