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Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2

Deepak Sharma, Nazanin Farahbakhsh, Sweta Shastri & Pradeep Sharma

To cite this article: Deepak Sharma, Nazanin Farahbakhsh, Sweta Shastri & Pradeep Sharma
(2016) Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal
Medicine, 29:24, 4037-4048, DOI: 10.3109/14767058.2016.1154525

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J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(24): 4037–4048

! 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. DOI: 10.3109/14767058.2016.1154525


Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2

Deepak Sharma1, Nazanin Farahbakhsh2, Sweta Shastri3, and Pradeep Sharma4
Department of Pediatrics, Pt B.D. Sharma, Post Graduate Institute of Medical and Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India, 2Department of Pediatrics,
Shiraz University of Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, 3Department of Pathology, N.K.P Salve Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, and 4R.N.T Medical
College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Abstract Keywords
Small for gestational age (SGA) infants have been classically defined as having birth weight less Asymmetrical IUGR, foetal insulin hypothesis
than two standard deviations below the mean or less than the 10th percentile of a population- and MODY genes, foetal origin of adult
specific birth weight for specific gestational age, whereas intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) disease, IUGR, symmetrical IUGR, thrifty
has been defined as a rate of foetal growth that is less than normal for the population and for genotype, thrifty phenotype (Barker
the growth potential of a specific infant. SGA infants have more frequent problems such as Hypothesis)
perinatal asphyxia, hypothermia, hypoglycaemia, polycythaemia and many more when
compared with their appropriate for gestational age counterpart. They too have growth History
retardation and various major and subtle neurodevelopmental handicaps, with higher rates of
perinatal and neonatal mortality. With the advent of newer technologies, even though the Received 22 December 2015
perinatal diagnosis of these SGA/IUGR foetuses has increased, but still perinatal morbidity and Revised 9 February 2016
mortality rates are higher than normal foetuses and infants. In this part, we have covered Accepted 11 February 2016
neonatal IUGR classification, postnatal diagnosis, short-term and long-term complications faced Published online 11 March 2016
by these IUGR infants.

Introduction  Moderate: Birth weight in the 3–10 percentile

 Severe: Birth weight less than 3 percentile
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as a rate of
foetal growth that is less than normal for the growth potential of
Classification of IUGR
a specific infant because of genetic or environmental factors.
These neonates who are born with IUGR have different types There are three types of IUGR, namely symmetrical IUGR
of short-term and long-term problems making them vulnerable (hypoplastic small for date), asymmetrical IUGR (malnour-
to mortality and morbidity, both immediately and also on long- ished babies) and mixed IUGR based on the clinical and
term follow-up. These neonates need to be followed up for anthropometric features. There are multiple differentiating
delayed onset of neurological problem so that early interven- features between symmetrical IUGR and asymmetrical IUGR
tion can be started on both neurological and physical aspect (Table 1). A third variety is also seen in developing countries
and lead to better outcome of this group. The preterm IUGR is termed as mixed IUGR. This is characterized by both
more susceptible to these problems as they are faced with more reduction in cell number and cell size and has clinical
perinatal insult as compared with term IUGR and these preterm features of both symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR. This
IUGR also face other problems of prematurity. In this part, we occurs when early IUGR is affected further by placental
have covered the classification of IUGR with their short-term causes in late pregnancy [4].
and long-term morbidities. In this article, IUGR and small for
gestational age (SGA) are used interchangeably though there Postnatal diagnosis of IUGR
are some subtle difference [1,2]. The postnatal diagnosis of IUGR involves myriad of compo-
nents such as clinical examination, anthropometry, Ponderal
Definition Index, Clinical assessment of nutrition (CAN) score,
SGA refers to a weight below the 10 percentile for gestational Cephalization index, mid-arm circumference (MAC) and
age as per the population growth charts. It can be further mid-arm/head circumference (HC) ratios.
classified as [3]
Address for correspondence: Dr Deepak Sharma, Department of Assessment of weight at birth less than 10 centile labels a
Pediatrics, Pt B.D. Sharma, Pt. B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of
Medical and Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India. E-mail: neonate IUGR. There are controversies over the type of growth chart to use as these growth curves may not be true
4038 D. Sharma et al. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(24): 4037–4048

Table 1. Features of symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR.

Characteristics Symmetrical IUGR Asymmetrical IUGR

Period of insult Earlier gestation Later gestation
Incidence of total IUGR cases 20–30% 70–80%
Etiology Genetic disorder or infection intrinsic to foetus Utero-placental insufficiency
Antenatal scan (head circumference, abdominal All are proportionally reduced Abdominal circumference-decreased biparie-
circumference, biparietal diameter and femur tal diameter, head circumference and
length) femur length- normal
Cell number Reduced Normal
Cell size Normal Reduced
Ponderal Index Normal (more than 2) Low (less than 2)
Postnatal anthropometry (Weight, length and Reductions in all parameters Reduction in weight length and head cir-
head circumference) cumference-normal (brain sparing growth)
Difference between head and chest circumfer- Less than 3 cm More than 3 cm
ence in term IUGR
Features of malnutrition Less pronounced More pronounced
Prognosis Poor Good

representation of the total population because of small sample continuously exposed to amniotic fluid leading to cracking
size and heterogeneity of population. It has been proved that and peeling of the skin which leads to more mature sole
customized growth charts that account for maternal charac- crease pattern, less well-formed ear cartilage, diminished
teristics such as height, weight or body mass index (BMI), breast bud (due to decreased blood flow, low estradiol level
ethnicity, parity and neonatal sex are more accurate at and low subcutaneous fat), and less mature-appearing female
diagnosing foetal and neonatal IUGR [5]. In symmetrical genitalia (due to reduced fat deposit in the labia majora). The
IUGR, weight, HC and length will be less than 10 centile neurologic component of the Ballard scoring system is less
whereas in asymmetrical IUGR only weight will be less than affected in IUGR and can be used more accurately to confirm
10 centile and rest will be as per gestation age [6]. gestational age assessment of these infants [1,2].

Clinical examination Ponderal index

IUGR newborns have varied typical features of malnutrition Ponderal Index is also used to determine the degree of foetal
(Figure 1). These include malnutrition. It is calculated as ratio of body weight in grams
 Weight less than expected for the gestational age to length in cm expressed as (PI ¼ [weight (in g) 
 Relatively large heads compared with rest of the body 100] 7 [length (in cm)3]). PI of less than 10 percentile
 Large Anterior fontanelle because of decreased mem- reflects foetal malnutrition; PI of less than 3 percentile
branous bone formation indicates severe foetal wasting [7,8].
 Loss of buccal fat, face has a typical shrunken or
‘‘wizened’’ appearance (Old Man Look) Mid-arm circumference and MAC/HC ratios
 Small or scaphoid appearing abdomen, thin umbilical (Kanawati and McLaren’s index)
cord often stained with meconium The normal value of MAC/HC ratios is 0.32–0.33 and in a
 Decreased skeletal muscle mass and subcutaneous fat term IUGR infants, value less than 0.27 is considered as
tissue with thin arms and legs features of foetal malnutrition [9].
 Skin is loose, dry and easy to be peeled away
 Long finger nails Clinical assessment of nutrition score (CAN Score)
 Relatively large hands and feet compared with body with
increased skin creases CAN score was developed by Metcoff J and used in
 Loose folds of skin in the nape of neck, axilla, inter- assessment of nutritional status in newborns at birth. It
scapular area and groins includes nine parameters, namely, hair, cheeks, neck and chin,
 Anxious and hyper alert arms, legs, back, buttocks, chest and abdomen. The maximum
 Diminished breast bud formation and immature female score is 36 with each parameter given maximum score of 4
genitalia due to loss of subcutaneous fat. and minimum score is 1, in which 4 denotes normal nutrition
In the case of symmetrical IUGR examine such neonate for and 1 denotes malnutrition. A neonate with CAN score of less
any associated dysmorphic features, congenital anomalies than 25 is considered to be malnourished (Table 2) [10]. CAN
(suggestive of chromosomal abnormality, syndrome or intra- score has been shown better than anthropometry, Ponderal
uterine drug exposure) and features of congenital viral index, weight for age, MAC/HC and BMI [11–13].
infection especially TORCH group (microcephaly, petechiae,
blue-berry muffin, cardiac defect, hepatosplenomegaly, chor- Cephalization index
ioretinitis and cataracts). This was first studied by Harel et al. and they coined the term
The physical component of the Ballard scoring system for cephalization index. This is calculated as ratio of HC to body
gestational age assessment is misleading in these IUGR weight. They postulated that higher the brain:body ratio, the
infants because of diminished vernix caseosa, skin is more severe is the IUGR and higher cephalization index
DOI: 10.3109/14767058.2016.1154525 Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2 4039

Figure 1. Clinical features of infants at birth that are having intrauterine growth restriction. Figure Copyright Deepak Sharma.

Table 2. The nine signs for CAN status in the newborn.

Hair Large amount, smooth, silky, easily groomed [4], Thinner, some straight, ‘‘staring’’ hair [3], still thinner, more straight,
‘‘staring’’ hair which does not respond to brushing [2], Straight ‘‘staring’’ hair with depigmented stripe (flag sign) [1]
Cheeks Progression from full buccal pads and round face [4], to significantly reduced buccal fat with narrow, flat face [1]
Neck and chin Double or triple chin fat fold, neck not evident [4]; to thin chin. No fat fold, neck with loose, wrinkled skin, very evident [1]
Arms Full, round, cannot elicit ‘‘accordion’’ folds or lift folds of skin from elbow or tricep area [4]; to a striking ‘‘accordion’’ folding
of lower arm, elicited when examiner’s thumb and fingers of the left hand grasp the arm just below the elbow of the baby
and thumb and fingers of the examiners right hand circling the wrist of the baby are moved towards each other; skin is loose
and easily grasped and pulled away from the elbow
Legs Like arms
Back Difficult to grasp and lift skin in the interscapular area [4]; to skin loose, easily lifted in a thin fold from the interscapular area
Buttocks Full round gluteal fat pads [4]; to virtually no evident gluteal fat and skin of the buttocks and upper posterior high loose and
deeply wrinkled [1]
Chest Full, round, ribs not seen [4]; to progressively prominence of the ribs with obvious loss of intercostal tissues [1]
Abdomen Full, round, no loose skin [4]; to distended or scaphoid, but with very loose skin, easily lifted, wrinkled and ‘‘accordion’’ folds

Adopted from Ref. [10].

reflected a greater degree of brain vulnerability and increased onset sepsis, pulmonary haemorrhage and so on (Table 3 and
likelihood of cerebral palsy and severe psychomotor retard- Figure 2) [2].
ation. The mean HC: body weight ratio for preterm IUGR was Perinatal mortality is high in these neonates as compared
0.0209 ± 0.001 (SD ¼ 0.0045) and for term IUGR was with their appropriate for gestational age (AGA) counterpart.
0.0170 + 0.00059 (SD ¼ 0.003). The cephalization index This is seen because of adverse effect prolonged intra-uterine
may serve as an additional screening device for the future hypoxia, birth asphyxia, sudden sentinel events, including
risk categorization of an IUGR infant [14]. abruption, cord prolapse and associated congenital anomalies
seen in this group [15,16]. Perinatal asphyxia is the result of
acute foetal hypoxia superimposed on chronic foetal hypoxia
Short-term complications of IUGR neonates
and acidosis, placental insufficiency/preeclampsia and asso-
These newborns are faced with many problems after birth. ciated glycogen deficiency [17]. The prevention of perinatal
Severely affected IUGR infants, deprived of oxygen and asphyxia includes regular ante-natal and intrapartum moni-
nutrients, may have difficult cardiopulmonary transition toring, regular foetal growth monitoring by ultrasound,
with perinatal asphyxia, meconium aspiration or persistent biophysical profile, conducting delivery at appropriate time
pulmonary hypertension (PPHN). Immediate neonatal com- and early identification of complications with prompt referral
plications include hypothermia, hypoglycaemia, hypergly- and efficient neonatal resuscitation. The management of
caemia, hypocalcaemia, polycythaemia, jaundice, feeding hypoxia includes multi-organ system support, controlling
difficulties, feed intolerance, necrotizing enterocolitis, late seizures, maintaining adequate perfusion, glucose, calcium
4040 D. Sharma et al. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(24): 4037–4048

Table 3. Immediate complications of intrauterine growth restricted newborn.

Morbidity Pathogenesis/pathophysiology Prevention/treatment

Asphyxia Acute foetal hypoxia superimposed on Regular antepartum and intrapartum monitoring
chronic foetal hypoxia and acidosis Foetal growth monitoring by USG
Placental insufficiency/preeclampsia Biophysical profile
Glycogen deficiency Delivery at appropriate time
Efficient neonatal resuscitation
Hypothermia Impaired thermoregulation Protect against increased heat loss during resuscita-
Increased surface area tion
Decreased body and subcutaneous fat store Thermo-neutral environment
Catecholamine depletion Nutritional support including aggressive breastfeed-
Hypoxia ing
Hypoglycaemia Warm transport, Kangaroo care
Hypoglycaemia Decreased stores of glycogen of hepatic/ Monitoring of blood glucose 6 hourly for the first
muscle 72 h
Decreased alternative energy sources Early and scheduled feeding
Comorbidities like hypoxia, hypothermia Early intravenous glucose support when needed
Decreased production of glucose
Decreased counter-regulatory hormones
Increased insulin sensitivity
Hyperglycaemia Low insulin secretion rate Strict glucose monitoring
Excessive glucose delivery Avoiding high glucose infusion
Increased catecholamine and glucagon effects Insulin administration
Polycythaemia/hyperviscosity Chronic intra-uterine hypoxia Monitoring of haematocrit at 12 and 24 h after birth
Maternal-foetal transfusion Partial volume exchange and fluid supplementation
Increased erythropoiesis due to hypoxia if symptomatic
Persistent pulmonary hypertension Chronic hypoxia Avoiding hypoxia
(PPHN) Remodelling of pulmonary vasculature Cardiovascular support
Secondary hypocalcaemia, polycythaemia, Mechanical ventilation, nitric oxide
Meconium aspiration Hypoxia Resuscitation as per the NRP 2015 guidelines
includes avoiding tracheal suctioning for
depressed and vigorous newborn and early
establishment of respiration
Feed intolerance/necrotizing enterocolitis Decreased intestinal perfusion Avoiding rapid increase in feeds
Focal ischemia Cautious enteral feeding
Hypoperistalsis Only breast milk (either mothers or donor milk)
Renal dysfunction Hypoxia/ischemia Cardiovascular support
Renal tubular injury Maintenance of perfusion
Immunodeficiency Immunological immaturity Early, aggressive and optimal nutrition
Malnutrition Prevention of sepsis
Congenital infection Specific antibiotic and immune therapy
Decreased T and B peripheral lymphocytes
Pulmonary haemorrhage Hypothermia, polycythaemia Avoid cold stress
Asphyxia Gentle ventilation
Mortality Increased incidence due to associated other Adequate post-natal care
Intrauterine foetal death Chronic hypoxia Antenatal surveillance
Placental insufficiency Regular foetal monitoring
Malformation Delivery for severe/worsening foetal distress
Sudden sentinel events including abruption,
cord prolapse

Adapted from Ref. [1].

and blood pressure and therapeutic hypothermia [18]. Ananth and perinatal insults faced by these infants [20]. Katz et al. in
and Vintzileos in their study showed that the rate of score a pooled analysis of 20 cohorts from developing population
Apgar57 at 5 min of life was significantly high in SGA showed that in comparison with term AGA infants, the RR for
infants when compared with AGA (RR ¼ 2.0; 95% CI ¼ 1.9– neonatal mortality was 1.83 (95% CI 1.34–2.50) and post-
2.1) [19]. neonatal mortality RR was 1.90 (1.32–2.73) for SGA infants.
Neonatal mortality is higher in the SGA neonates because The risk of neonatal mortality was maximum in babies who
of the associated co-morbidities and also because of antenatal were both preterm and SGA in comparison to babies who
DOI: 10.3109/14767058.2016.1154525 Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2 4041

Figure 2. Immediate neonatal complications seen in intrauterine growth restricted neonates. Figure Copyright Deepak Sharma.

were either SGA or preterm alone (15.42; 9.11–26.12) [21]. after birth [25]. There are multiple causes for predilection for
The risk for mortality increases further in preterm SGA when hypothermia which includes relatively large body surface
compared with preterm AGA. In study conducted by Sharma area, decreased body and subcutaneous tissue fat, impaired
et al. results showed that when controlling for GA, premature thermoregulation and catecholamine depletion. In addition,
SGA infants were at a higher risk for mortality (Odds ratio simultaneous occurrence of either hypoxia or hypoglycaemia
3.1, p ¼ 0.001) and at lower risk of respiratory distress can interfere with heat production. For the prevention of
syndrome (OR ¼ 0.71, p ¼ 0.02) than AGA infants [22]. hypothermia we should deliver and nurse these infants in
Hypoglycaemia is seen because of decreased glycogen thermo-neutral environment (use of warmer) and ensure
stores, gluconeogenesis, increased sensitivity to insulin, nutritional support, including aggressive breastfeeding and
decreased fat (adipose tissue) and decreased ability to oxidize warm transport, and kangaroo mother care [28].
free fatty acids and triglycerides effectively. Hypoglycaemia Polycythaemia defined as venous haematocrit more than
could also be a result of asphyxia, polycythaemia or 65% is seen in these IUGR infants. This polycythaemia and
hypothermia. The risk of hypoglycaemia is more in initial leukoneutropenia is due to increased synthesis of erythropoi-
few days because of sudden disruption of the maternal etin secondary to chronic intra-uterine hypoxia and some-
glucose supply and delay in post-natal adaptation. These times because of maternal-foetal transfusion [29,30]. This
neonates need sugar monitoring with early feeding after birth polycythaemia can lead to myriad of symptoms and involve
with monitoring of sign and symptoms of hypoglycaemia all the system of the infant. These IUGR infants should be
[2,23]. Whole blood glucose levels persistently less than monitored for haematocrit at 2, 12 and 24 h after birth. If the
40–45 mg/dL and not responding to enteral feeding or infant is symptomatic, polycythaemia can be managed with
symptomatic hypoglycaemia and any asymptomatic infant partial volume exchange and fluid supplementation [31,32].
with very low glucose concentrations (less than 20–25 mg/dL) IUGR/SGA is prone to develop early onset hypocalcaemia,
requires immediate intravenous glucose and strict monitoring because of decreased transfer of calcium in-utero and also
[24]. Doctor et al. in their study showed that SGA infants had sometimes secondary to hypophosphatemia induced by
significantly higher rates of hypothermia (18% versus 6%) chronic hypoxia [33]. Muhammad et al. in their prospective
and symptomatic hypoglycaemia (5% versus 1%) [25]. study, that enrolled 100 SGA and 100 AGA very preterm
Similar results were reported by Deorari et al. from India babies and reported that SGA had significant increase in
who reported incidence of hypoglycaemia as 17% and hypocalcaemia (24% versus 10%, p ¼ 0.02) were compared
polycythaemia as 10% [26]. AGA infants [34]. The incidence of hypocalcaemia is highest
Hyperglycaemia is also seen sometimes in these IUGR at 48–72 h of life and needs monitoring [35]. Hypocalcaemia
infants because of result of low insulin secretion rate, needs management with either intravenous or oral supple-
excessive exogenous glucose delivery and increased catechol- mentation depending on whether it is symptomatic or
amine and glucagon effects [23]. Management includes asymptomatic [36].
regular monitoring of sugar level and avoiding too much PPHN is seen in these IUGR infants because of chronic
glucose infusion [27]. hypoxia in these infants that lead to remodelling of pulmonary
Hypothermia is a common complication in these IUGR vasculature, with extension of muscularis layer of blood
infants if proper care of temperature maintenance is not done vessels to intra-acinar arteries. This PPHN could also be a
4042 D. Sharma et al. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(24): 4037–4048

secondary with associated hypocalcaemia, polycythaemias, of growth factors, and diminished antioxidant capacity [16].
hypoglycaemia or infections, seen in them. Management of Bardin et al. showed that SGA infants (less than 27 weeks
PPHN involves avoiding hypoxia and hyperoxia, normaliza- gestation) were at greater risk for developing severe ROP
tion of metabolic milieu, cardiovascular support, pulmonary (stage4/¼III) (65% versus 12% for AGA) [53].
vasodilator and mechanical ventilation [37,38]. FGR has also Neuro-behavioural abnormalities are also seen in this
been seen as an independent risk factor for chronic lung group of infants. In a study conducted by Padidela et al. who
disease in preterm IUGR infants [39,40]. evaluated the neuro-behaviour of term appropriate for gesta-
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is seen in these tional and SGA babies during the first two weeks of life using
IUGR infants because of chronic hypoxia leading to meco- Brazelton neuro-behavioural assessment scale reported that
nium-stained liquor (MSL) and aspiration. The severity can the behaviour performance of SGA babies on day 3, compared
vary from mild to severe MAS requiring ventilation. with AGA babies, was lower in all the clusters except
Management includes intra-partum foetal monitoring and orientation where they performed much better. The percent-
early detection of MSL. There is no role of amnio-infusion for age improvement of scores in SGA babies was higher than in
prevention of MSL except in places where facilities for AGA babies and by day 14, SGA babies were scoring higher
perinatal surveillance are limited [41]. Treatment involves than AGA babies in orientation, autonomic stability and
adequate ventilation with prevention of hypoxia, adequate regulation of state [54].
lung recruitment and management of PPHN [42]. These Low serum ferritin is seen in these infants, secondary to
infants develop secondary surfactant deficiency, hence few decreased transport through placenta and also because of
infants may benefit with surfactant instillation [43]. Routine increased prematurity seen in this group. Mukhopadhyay et al.
tracheal suctioning in non-vigorous MSL infants have been in their study to evaluate the iron status at birth and at four
removed from latest neonatal resuscitation programme (NRP- weeks in preterm-SGA infants in comparison with preterm
2015) [44]. and term-AGA infants reported low cord serum ferritin levels
Pulmonary haemorrhage is seen because of abnormal in preterm-SGA group as compared with preterm-AGA
vasculature and also because of other comorbidities such as group. The proportion of the infants with ‘‘low’’ serum
hypothermia, polycythaemia, asphyxia and infection/DIC. ferritin was significantly more in preterm-SGA than in
Management involves prevention of hypothermia and gentle preterm-AGA, with similar results in follow-up too [55].
ventilation and supportive care for pulmonary haemorrhage
[45]. Long-term morbidities
Feed intolerance and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is IUGR infants are at risk for impaired growth and neurode-
seen frequently in these neonates [46]. These are due to in- velopment and are prone to develop adult onset disease in
utero decreased intestinal perfusion due to shunting of blood their infancy (Figure 3).
in response to hypoxia to vital organs, including heart, brain
and adrenals, focal ischemia and hypoperistalsis [47]. The
Long-term physical growth
incidence of NEC is increased further in IUGR infants with
absent or reversed end diastolic flow in the umbilical artery There are many postnatal factor that determine the postnatal
Doppler’s [48]. Management includes avoiding rapid increase growth of IUGR baby like cause of the growth retardation
in feeds, cautious enteral feeding, minimal enteral nutrition (most important), the postnatal nutritional intake, economic
and only breast milk (either mothers or donor milk) [49]. status of parents, and the surrounding social environment. The
Dogra et al. from India, in their prospective observational IUGR infants who are symmetrical IUGR have poor growth
study reported that there was a trend towards more feed postnatally and remain small throughout life as they have
intolerance (22% versus 12%, p ¼ 0.183) and NEC (12% reduced cell number at the time of birth. In compared to
versus 6%, p ¼ 0.295) in SGA group and these babies also had symmetrical IUGR, asymmetrical IUGR has better prognosis
significantly more hypoglycaemia (p ¼ 0.000) and polycy- and they have good postnatal growth as the cell number is
thaemia (p ¼ 0.032) and longer hospital stay (p ¼ 0.017) [50]. normal and only defect in cell size is there, but the growth
Renal dysfunction is seen usually secondary to hypoxia/ depends upon the optimal environment and adequate post-
ischemia leading to renal tubular injury and usually manifest natal caloric intake provided to such neonates [56–58]. Leger
as oliguria and deranged renal parameters. Management et al. in their follow-up study from birth to puberty of IUGR
includes cardiovascular support and maintenance of renal infants showed that individual final height and individual
perfusion [26]. height gain in the IUGR infant could be explained at birth
Immunodeficiency seen in these IUGR infants makes them from mother’s height, father’s height and birth length [59].
more prone for post-natal infection. The pathogenesis of A study conducted from India by Chaudhari et al. in which
immunodeficiency is immunological immaturity, associated the growth and sexual maturation of low birth weight infants
malnutrition, congenital infection and decreased T and B was assessed at 12 year of age enrolled 180 LBW infants
peripheral lymphocytes. Management includes prevention of who were grouped as preterm SGA (n ¼ 73), full term SGA
postnatal infection by asepsis measurement, enhancing (n ¼ 33) and preterm AGA (n ¼ 74). Ninety full term AGA
immunity with early, aggressive and optimal nutrition and infants were taken as controls. The result of this cohort study
treatment of postnatal infection with antibiotics and immune showed that preterm SGA children had significantly less
therapy [51,52]. anthropometric measurement compared with the others two
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) incidence is increased group. There was no significant difference in sexual maturity
in these infants because of intrauterine hypoxia, altered levels and onset of menarche [60].
DOI: 10.3109/14767058.2016.1154525 Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2 4043

Figure 3. Long term physical and neurodevelopmental problems faced by intrauterine growth restricted neonates when they reach their childhood and
adulthood. Figure Copyright Deepak Sharma.

Table 4. Various foetal origin of adult disease

Chaudhari et al. followed the above cohort till age of 18 (FOADs).
years and the population of this LBW infant cohort consisted
of preterm SGA (n ¼ 61), full term SGA (n ¼ 30) and preterm  Hypertension
AGA (n ¼ 70) infants. Seventy-one full term AGA infants  Ischemic heart disease/stroke
were the controls. They reported that preterm SGA males had  Type 2 diabetes
height which was significantly less than that of controls.  Kidney disease
Preterm children had short stature in spite of normal mid-  Liver disease
parental height. Preterm SGA and AGA children had smaller  Hypercholesterolemia
HC [61].  Metabolic syndrome X
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome (Figure 3)  Lung abnormalities- reactive airways disease
 Cancer breast, ovarian, colon, lung, and blood
These IUGR infants have high probability of having subtle to  Schizophrenia/Parkinsonism
major cognitive and neurodevelopmental abnormalities when  Alzheimer disease
compared with their AGA counterparts of same gestational  Polycystic ovarian syndrome, premature pubarche
age. The neurodevelopmental outcome of IUGR infants  Shortened life span
depends upon the type of IUGR, perinatal events like  Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder
maternal hypertension [62], Doppler abnormalities [63,64],  Immune dysfunction
and perinatal asphyxia and also on the postnatal course like  Osteoporosis
hypoglycaemia, neonatal sepsis, meningitis, hypoxic-ische-  Social problems
mic encephalopathy and necrotizing enterocolitis [65]. The  Poor cognitive performance
common neurological problems seen in these children include
 Lower scores on cognitive testing
 School difficulties or requirement of special education  Lower Intelligence
 Gross motor and minor neurologic dysfunction  Poor perceptual performance.
 Behavioural problems (attention deficit hyperactivity Grantham-McGregor studied association between IUGR
syndrome) and cognitive development and behaviour in the first six years
 Growth failure of life and found out that performance deficits was early in
 Reduced strength and work capacity onset and begins to appear between 1 and 2 years of age with
 Cerebral Palsy more deficits in high risk subgroups though the size of the
 Low social competence difference was less at 4–7 years of age [70]. Martorell et al. in
 Poor academic performance their systematic review of 12 studies reported that IUGR
4044 D. Sharma et al. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(24): 4037–4048

Figure 4. Figure showing various adult diseases the IUGR infant is prone to develop in his adulthood as per FOAD. IUGR infants undergo epigenetic
modification in-utero and postnatally have abnormal nutrition and growth leading to various diseases of adulthood in these infants. Figure Copyright
Deepak Sharma.

Figure 5. Barker Hypothesis (thrifty phenotype) explaining the FOAD in IUGR infants. Figure Copyright Deepak Sharma.

males and females performed poorly on tests of strength and In a study from India, cohort of 161 low birth weights
hence could apply approximately 2–3 kg less force to a hand (weight 52000 g at birth) were followed from birth till 18
grip dynamometer and had lower work capacity in compari- years of age. The authors reported that among the enrolled
son to their normal counter-parts [71]. In a recently published infants PT SGA subjects had the lowest IQs (percentile 35.5)
study, the investigator showed that SGA was associated with although within the normal range for age. PT SGA infants
hyperactive behaviour, but not with cognition and neurode- were also poor in visuo-motor perception, motor incompe-
velopmental impairment [72]. tence, reading and mathematics learning [73].
DOI: 10.3109/14767058.2016.1154525 Intrauterine growth restriction – part 2 4045

Figure 6. Follow-up programme of infants who are born with intrauterine growth restriction. Copyright of image: Deepak Sharma.

Foetal origin of adult disease abnormal vascular development during foetal life and early
childhood, leading to increased risk of hypertension and
Barker observed that babies who were born in the 1920s and
vascular disease. They concluded that predisposition to type 2
1930s and were low weight at birth or at age of one year, when
diabetes and vascular disease is common output of both
grew to age of 50–70 years had high incidence of coronary
genetic and foetal environmental factors. This foetal insulin
heart disease, Diabetes mellitus, hyperinsulinemia and hyper-
hypothesis is supported by individuals who suffer from
cholesterolemia [74–76]. Similar findings were observed by
MODY type 2. These individuals have mutations in the
other investigators and proposed that insult during foetal life
glucokinase gene that results in decreased insulin secretion,
give pathway to these adult diseases [77–79]. Three different
reduced foetal growth and MODY2 [82].
hypotheses have been purposed for this association, namely
foetal insulin hypothesis and mature onset diabetes of the
young (MODY) genes, thrifty genotype and thrifty phenotype Thrifty genotype
(Barker Hypothesis) and the last one is the most accepted one
This theory was purposed by Neel in 1962. The investigator
[80]. These IUGR infants are susceptible to number of adult
stated that genes which are responsible for causing diabetes
disease in their life [81] (Table 4 and Figure 4).
had been retained in the genome of all individual as a result of
natural selection, as they are beneficial to the infant. These
Foetal insulin hypothesis and MODY genes genes result in a greater capacity to store fat during times of
Hattersley and Tooke purposed this theory of and purposed starvation and undernourishment, and recently these genes
the possibility of genes causing both low birth weight and have become detrimental because of overeating and lack of
increased risk of type 2 diabetes. They stated that genetically exercise, henceforth leading to early onset of obesity [83,84].
determined insulin resistance results in impaired insulin-
mediated growth in the foetus and also is responsible for Thrifty phenotype (barker hypothesis)
insulin resistance in adult life leading to susceptibility to type This is the most accepted hypothesis for explanation of foetal
2 diabetes. Due to the result of this insulin resistance, there is origin of adult disease (FOAD). This hypothesis suggested
4046 D. Sharma et al. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(24): 4037–4048

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