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Exercise 1:

Write an introduction and overview for this task. (you should not exceed 60 words)

The given graph illustrated the percentage of four different materials that were recycled
between 1982 and 2010 in a specific country. From the observation of the data, we can see
that paper and cardboard were the most matters that were converted, meanwhile the least
was plastics. It is also noticeable that the recycling of alumininium cans escalated over the
period given.
Exercise 2:

Write an introduction and overview for this task. (you should not exceed 60 words)

The given graph indicated the proportion of scotland visitor that visited 4 dissimilar
location in Edinburgh from 1980 to 2010. It is clear from the data that castle was the most
attractive place for tourists to Scotland although it fluctuated over the period given,
festival kept stable pace. Also zoo went up and down during the time given and aquarium
fell steeply since 1995

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