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Activité langagière : COMPREHENSION ORALE

Watch the document and fill in the following worksheet. (one blank = one word)
5  Pick out the nickname of the city:
 The Venus of the Fjords  The Venue of the Norse
 The Venice of the North  The Venus of Remorse

 Pick out the number of people living in Stockholm: _______ million

10 and the land surface occupied by the metropolitan area:
 1,500  2,500  3,500 square miles.

 Pick out the number of islands and the number of bridges:

_______ islands and nearly _______ bridges
 Pick out two adjectives used to describe the air quality: _____________ and _____________

 Tick the two things Stockholm is famous for:

 its harbor  its shopping centres  its parks  its large parking areas
20  its stinking waters  its sparkling waters  its drinking waters  its roaring waters

 Stockholm is also well-known as a _____________ and _____________ center.

  Hundreds  Thousands  Millions of people visit its _____________ every year.

 The city was founded around the year _______ and consequently it is rich with _____________.

 Pick out three adjectives used to describe the type of architecture you can see in Stockholm:
_____________ _____________ _____________
 Tick the appropriate box:
 TRUE  FALSE Visitors in the city need to use public transports.
Justification: ………………………………………………………………..……………...

35  Tick the appropriate box corresponding to the temperatures you usually have in Stockholm:
 Around 60°F in summer and in the high 20s in winter
 Around 60°F in summer and in the high 30s in winter
 Around 70°F in summer and in the high 20s in winter
 Around 70°F in summer and in the high 30s in winter
 The commentator declares that cruising between the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago is extremely
 Pick out an adjective used to describe this capital city:
45 _____________
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Watch the document and fill in the following worksheet. (one blank = one word)
 Pick out the nickname of the city:
55  The Venus of the Fjords  The Venue of the Norse
 The Venice of the North  The Venus of Remorse

 Pick out the number of people living in Stockholm: 2.1 million

and the land surface occupied by the metropolitan area:
60  1,500  2,500  3,500 square miles.

 Pick out the number of islands and the number of bridges:

14 islands and nearly 60 bridges

65  Pick out two adjectives used to describe the air quality: fresh and clean

 Tick the two things Stockholm is famous for:

 its harbor  its shopping centres  its parks  its large parking areas
 its stinking waters  its sparkling waters  its drinking waters  its roaring waters
 Stockholm is also well-known as a business and cultural center.

  Hundreds  Thousands  Millions of people visit its museums every year.

75  The city was founded around the year 1250 and consequently it is rich with history.

 Pick out three adjectives used to describe the type of architecture you can see in Stockholm:
 traditional – vibrant – clean – modern
80  Tick the appropriate box:
 TRUE  FALSE Visitors in the city need to use public transports.
Justification: “the city is easily traversed on foot” // “many of its attractions are located within walking distance.”

 Tick the appropriate box corresponding to the temperatures you usually have in Stockholm:
85  Around 60°F in summer and in the high 20s in winter
 Around 60°F in summer and in the high 30s in winter
 Around 70°F in summer and in the high 20s in winter
 Around 70°F in summer and in the high 30s in winter

90  The commentator declares that cruising between the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago is extremely popular.

 Pick out an adjective used to describe this capital city:

 beautiful
95 Proposition d’évaluation en langues vivantes
Activité langagière : COMPREHENSION ECRITE

Northern Star


Call it recycling opportunity. After their failed bid to host the 2004 Summer Olympics, Stockholm
city leaders decided to turn a would-be sports village in the Hammarby Sjostad district into one of the
105 world's most successful eco-villages. The practices of powering buses with biogas, recycling rainwater
for irrigation and using organic waste for fertilizer spread to other districts of Sweden's largest city.
Today the city's water is so clean that fishermen actually stand on bridges in the central business
district, catching fresh salmon and trout.
Stockholm was named the first European Green Capital in 2010. Since then, green innovation
110 has become a pillar of Swedish national competitiveness. With its target to become a fossil-fuel-free city
by 2050, Stockholm hopes to turn green into gold by exporting smart power to an energy-conscious
Construction has just begun at the new Royal Seaport, where a smart grid will allow renewable
energy (including solar and wind power) to flow among the homes and offices of residents. Buildings will
115 become "green houses" that not only use but also store green energy and then feed it back into the grid
whenever possible. This should enable yearly carbon emissions to be reduced to less than 1.5 tons per
person by 2020 — well below the U.S. average of 20 tons. Ships will be able to plug in and charge up
using the onshore electric grid, meaning they can shut off noisy engines, making the harbor area more
attractive to live in.
120 Delegations from nearby Copenhagen and Helsinki and places as far-flung as China have
become regulars in Stockholm, taking notes on how the city government is building out its grid through
public-private partnerships involving Finnish utilities and Swiss engineering titan ABB.
The next step is to export Stockholm's smart energy to the world. Denmark, for example, is
connected by underwater cables. There's talk of using such physical connections to enable
125 development of a pan-European energy grid that would theoretically allow all of Scandinavia to export
wind and hydropower southward. Swedish historian Gunnar Wetterberg made waves when he called for
the five Scandinavian countries to form a United Nordic Federation in the next 20 years. There'd be
plenty of votes for Stockholm as its capital.

130 By Ayesha and Parag Khanna, Time, Thursday, June 23, 2011
Read the text and fill in the following worksheet:

Tick the appropriate boxes (multiple answers are possible):

135  The document is  an article  a biography  an extract from a science fiction
 The main topic of the passage is:
 sport  tourism  environmental issues and solutions  future perspectives
140 [Concentrate on paragraphs 1-2]
Read the first paragraph and find the English equivalents of the following words (Not in the right order!):
an offer: – to organize: ______________ – unsuccessful:
145 Pick out the equivalents of the following French words in the first paragraph:
Des déchets: ______________ – un engrais : ______________

Pick out three ecological techniques:

150 ……………………
Say whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE and justify by quoting from the text:
155  TRUE  FALSE These ecological techniques are restricted to a specific area of Stockholm.
Pick out the different fish species which are mentioned in the first paragraph:
165 Tick the appropriate box:
“Stockholm hopes to turn green into gold” (l.9) means that:
 Stockholm hopes to transform the color of its environment
 Stockholm hopes to make big profits thanks to its ecological policy
 Stockholm hopes to make ecologists pay a substantial sum
170  Stockholm hopes ecologists will win a gold medal
[Concentrate on paragraphs 3-4-5]
Use the context to deduce the meaning of the following word:
A grid (l. 11):  une grille  un réseau électrique  un grillage
Pick out a sentence proving that other countries in the world are interested in the project which is under
construction in Stockholm.
[entire text]
Say who or what the following underlined words taken from the text refer to:
“With its target” (l. 8) ………………….…………………...
185 “feed it back” (l. 13) ………………….…………………...
“they can shut off” (l. 16) ………………….…………………...
“its grid” (l. 19) ………………….…………………...
190 ……………
“as its capital” (l. 26) ………………….…………………...

195 Read the text and fill in the following worksheet:

Tick the appropriate boxes (multiple answers are possible):

 The document is  an article  a biography  an extract from a science fiction
200  The main topic of the passage is:
 sport  tourism  environmental issues and solutions  future perspectives

[Concentrate on paragraphs 1-2]

Read the first paragraph and find the English equivalents of the following words (Not in the right order!):
205 an offer: a bid (l. 1) – to organize: to host (l. 1) – unsuccessful: failed (l. 1)

Pick out the equivalents of the following French words in the first paragraph:
Des déchets: waste (l. 4) – un engrais : fertilizer (l. 4)

210 Pick out three ecological techniques:

 “powering buses with biogas, recycling rainwater for irrigation and using organic waste for
fertilizer” (l. 3-4)

Say whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE and justify by quoting from the text:
215  TRUE  FALSE These ecological techniques are restricted to a specific area of Stockholm.
Justification: “The practices […] of powering buses with biogas, recycling rainwater for irrigation and
using organic waste for fertilizer spread to other districts of Sweden's largest city. (l. 3-4)

Pick out the different fish species which are mentioned in the first paragraph:
220  Salmon & trout (l. 6)
Tick the appropriate box:
“Stockholm hopes to turn green into gold” (l.9) means that:
 Stockholm hopes to transform the color of its environment
225  Stockholm hopes to make big profits thanks to its ecological policy
 Stockholm hopes to make ecologists pay a substantial sum
 Stockholm hopes ecologists will win a gold medal

[Concentrate on paragraphs 3-4-5]

230 Use the context to deduce the meaning of the following word:
A grid (l. 11):  une grille  un réseau électrique  un grillage

Pick out a sentence proving that other countries in the world are interested in the project which is under
construction in Stockholm.
235  “Delegations from nearby Copenhagen and Helsinki and places as far-flung as China have
become regulars in Stockholm, taking notes on how the city government is building out its grid”
(l. 18-19)

[entire text]
240 Say who or what the following underlined words taken from the text refer to:
“With its target” (l. 8) Stockholm
“feed it back” (l. 13) green energy
“they can shut off” (l. 16) ships
“its grid” (l. 19) the city government
245 “as its capital” (l. 26) a United Nordic Federation
Proposition d’évaluation en langues vivantes
Activité langagière : EXPRESSION ECRITE
Vous avez finalement décidé de vous rendre à Stockholm afin d’y passer quelques jours. Afin de
préparer votre voyage, vous devez rédiger un court mail en anglais destiné à l’office du tourisme de la
ville dans lequel vous indiquerez la date et la durée de votre séjour, votre mode de transport (avion,
voiture…), le nombre de personnes vous accompagnant ainsi que le mode d’hébergement choisi. Vous
255 devrez poser au moins 5 questions (en variant leur forme et les mots interrogatifs utilisés) afin de
demander de plus amples renseignements (visites et activités possibles, magasins, gastronomie,
hôtels, météo, aéroport, transports publics…)

Environ 100-120 mots


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