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Energy source

 Teacher:
Mario Pedro
Duran Cruz.
 Student:
Lizeth Paola
 Grade and
Group: 5 ° ”A”
 Specialty:
What are renewable energies? Consider sustainable because they emit less gases of
greenhouse effect, they are a priority to fight climate change.
The United Nations (UN) defines renewable energies as energy derivative from
natural sources which, at their time, they replenish at a mayor rate than it is
consume. In this sources that renew from nature we can find the hydraulics (from
rivers), the solar (from the sun), the wind (from the wind), the biomass (from
organic material), the geothermic (from the inside of the earth), the oceanic (from
the oceans and the waves), according to the energy research company of the ministry
of mines and energy of brazil. We cover “the difference between renewable and
fossil sources”; the combustible fossil like carbon, petroleum, and natural gas are
resources that take hundreds of millions of years to form in the nature. And when
they are use as sources of energy, normally in form of burning, the emit harmful
substances to the clean environment, like the gasses of greenhouse effect.
The renewable sources, according to the UN, are those that renew constantly and are
given abundantly by nature, like solar light and the wind, for example. Besides,
using them to generate energy produces less emission in comparison to the
combustible fossils.
To finish we take notice of “the importance of the transicional energy”; the necessity
to increment sostenible methods of energy generation in the global energetic matrix
was one of the main topics in the climate summit of the UN (COP27), that took
place on November of 2022. According to the UN, the transition of combustible
fossil, that currently generates the majority of the emissions, to the renovable energy
is fundamental to fight against the climatic crisis. This means prioritizing the
generation on natural sources and to not consume petroleum and carbon.

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