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Dra. Fransiska E. Kapoyos, M. Hum

Name: Graciatri Rappun Salman
NIM: K011211238
Class: Kesmas E
Kesehatan Masyarakat
Exercise 12 (Page: 118)
Using some of the signal words for comparison-contrast, write a paragraph about one of
the following topics. You can write about similarities, differences, or a combination of
similarities and differences.
Male friends and female friends
It's nice to have lots of friends. You can be friends with anyone without having to
discriminate, especially gender. Friendship between men & friendship with women is very
different. In terms of thinking, men think using logic while women use feelings more.
Unlike men, women's friendships are usually more intimate, and it is easier to show affection
through physical contact, on the other hand, men have less physical contact. Friendship
women & men sometimes have different topics of conversation. Women usually talk about
people they like or hate and tend to gossip in contrast to men who talk more about hobbies,
politics, hot news, and sports. Men and women also have differences in spending time
together, men prefer to watch together, play games, exercise, watch football matches, races or
other sports. Different from men, women prefer to go shopping, dress up, take care of
themselves such as spa, salon, pedicure or just talk to their friends. Same-sex friendships are
usually not questioned about their relationship status, but if they are of the opposite sex, they
usually ask for the clarity of their relationship. Despite having many differences, there are
some similarities, such as in terms of keeping secrets, men will keep secrets very well as
well as women even though secrets are often leaked. Then the matter of humour, both tend
to have the same sense of humour. Friendship is not limited to gender, but depends on the
character, heart and mind of the person. If they match, they will be friends. And it is possible
that the habits of men and women are mixed.

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