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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




Topic/Skills No. of No. of Item Item Percentage

Resitation Placemant

1. Identifying the main idea and 2 1 1 2.5

supporting details for a text heard

2. Compound words

2 1 2 2.5
3. Identifying story elements such as
setting, character, and plot
2 1 3 2.5

4. Arranging 8-10 word with different

beginning letters in alphabetical order

5. Using personal pronouns 1 1 4 2.5

6. Using possessive pronouns

7. Verbs in the –s form 2 5 5-9 12.5

8 Using prefixes and suffixes 2 5 10-14 12.5

9. Infer moods or feelings of the character 2 6 15-20 15

based on what

he/she says or does

2 3 21-23 7.5
10. Giving possible ending 2 5 24-28 12.5

11. Use the past form of regular verbs

12. Writing a friendly letter 2 1 29 2.5

2 6 30-35 15

2 5 36-40 12.5

Total 22 40 40 100%

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: ________________________________________ Score: ________________
Grade/Section: ___________________________________ Date: ________________

I. Reading Comprehension.
Read the story below and answer the questions below it. Write your answer on the space provided.

Arthur was a huge brown bear. He had eaten a lot all fall and got fat, but
when winter set in, he went in his den and slept until spring. When he woke up, he
heard the birds singing loudly. Then, Arthur felt a stabbing pain in his stomach. He
was very hungry! He dragged himself out of his den wobbling and then went to the
nearby river to look around for food.
______1.Who was Arthur?
a. A polar bear b. a black bear c.a brown bear d. a whitw bear
______2. When did Arthur go the sleep in his den?
a. In winter b. in summer fall d. in spring
______3.What did Arthur hear when he woke up?
a. Wolves howling b. bees buzzing c. birds singing d. falling leaves
______4. Where did Arthur go when he felt hungry?
a. To the lake b. to the river c. to the pond d. to the mountain
_______5. In the sentence “Joana, Grace, and Susie will join the contest.” What personal pronoun is used to replace to
the underlined nouns.
A. She B. We C. it D. you
_______6. Mr. Leabres is may teacher in mathematics. What personal pronoun is used to replace the name of Mr.
A. He B. it C. she D. they
_______7. Grandmother is still healthy and cheerful. What personal pronoun is used to replace to the underlined
A. they B. he C. we D. she
_______8. My dog has a new collar. What personal pronoun is used to replace to the underlined noun.
A. it B. she C. they D. you

_______9. My brother and I will go to the mall on Sunday. What personal pronoun is used to replace to the
underlined noun.
A. she B. they C. we D. you

II. Choose the correct possessive pronouns from the box that will complete the given sentence.
His mine our theirs

10. This is Joe’s room. ____________room is big.

11. These are my books. They are ____________. v

12. That is my ball. It is _______________.

13. We should be proud of the Philippines. It is __________country.

14. Erwin and Ed have new skates. __________skates were given by uncle Tom.

III. Directions: Circle the collective noun or nouns in each sentence.

15. The army of soldiers walked across the land.

16. The troops headed towards the battlefield.
17. The flock of geese flew over the lake.

IV. Directions: Read each sentence given below. Circle the pronoun that correctly fits each sentence.
18. (They’re / Their) going to the movies after school today.
19. (Their / There) favorite day of the week is Friday.
20. (It’s / Its) favorite food is beans and potatoes.
21. (It’s / Its) a bird! (It’s / Its) a plane.
22. (You’re / Your) one of the most well-behaved students in the class.

V. Choose the meaning of the underlined words in the sentence.

________23. Astie was sad because she was unable to get tickets for the concert.
A. able to get C. not able
B. can get D. not get
________24. Leandro almost fell down because his shoelaces were untied.
A. not tied C. can tied
B. remove D. none of the above
________25. Muning is a good cat. He is harmless with children.
A. can cause harm C. full of harm
B. cannot cause harm D. little harm

V. Read the following situations, then infer the moods or feelings of the character.
________26. Hi! I’m Loisa Cruz, your new classmate. I’m happy that I study here. What ca you say about Loisa?
A. glad B. curios C. fear D. sad
________27. The little rat ran and shouted, “Go away cat, go away”. The little rat was_____.
A. happy B. glad C. afraid D. lonely
________28. Read the selection carefully. What do you think Rica and Rita should do?
Rica and Rita were walking from school, when they noticed a wallet near the trash can.
They picked it up. They opened it and saw a five hundred pesos. They looked at each
other. Both were hungry. They stood for a while thinking.

A. Use the money to buy food

B. Throw the wallet in the trash can
C. Get the money and give it to the mother
D. Keep the wallet and report it to the Police Station with Mother

VI. Encircle the correct adjective in each sentence.

29. That mouse is the (tinier / tiniest) I have ever seen.
30. My travel bag is (heavier / heaviest) than yours.
31. That is the (shiniest / shinier) car in the lot.
32. That test is (more important / most important) than playing video games.
33. You are (most generous / more generous).

VII.Choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____34.I was thrilled to receive a __________________ book with my order.

A. big, beautiful, leather-bound B. leather-bound, big, beautiful
.C beautiful big leather-bound D. leather-bound, beautiful, big
_____35. His clown costume consists of a red nose, oversized shoes, and a ________ jacket.
A. Size 4X polka-dotted silk smoking B. polka-dotted silk smoking size 4X
C. polka dotted size 4x silk smoking D. silk, polka dotted size 4x smoking
_____36. He was wearing a ________ shirt.
   A. dirty old flannel  B. flannel old dirty
   C. old dirty flannel D. flannel dirty old
_____37. Pass me the ________ cups.
   A. plastic big blue  B. big blue plastic C. big plastic blue D. plastic blue big

VIII. Directions: Write each adjective below to complete the table. Write its comparative and superlative form.



40. warm

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