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Original Content:
Cricket is one of many games in the "club ball" sphere that basically
involve hitting a ball with a hand-held implement; others include baseball (which
shares many similarities with cricket, both belonging in the more specific bat-and-
ball games category[2]), golf, hockey, tennis, squash, badminton and table tennis.
[3] In cricket's case, a key difference is the existence of a solid target
structure, the wicket (originally, it is thought, a "wicket gate" through
which sheep were herded), that the batter must defend.[4] The cricket historian
Harry Altham identified three "groups" of "club ball" games:
the "hockey group", in which the ball is driven to and from between two
targets (the goals); the "golf group", in which the ball is driven
towards an undefended target (the hole); and the "cricket group", in
which "the ball is aimed at a mark (the wicket) and driven away from it".

Rewritten Content:
Cricket is one of many games inside the "membership ball" sphere that essentially
involve hitting a ball with a d1e51e9fa45a0b179488752ec4930123 put in force; others
encompass baseball (which stocks many similarities with cricket, each belonging
within the extra unique bat-and-ball video games category[2]), golf, hockey,
tennis, squash, badminton and table tennis.[3] In cricket's case, a key difference
is the existence of a stable target shape, the wicket (originally, it's far
thought, a "wicket gate" via which sheep had been herded), that the batter ought to
guard.[4] The cricket historian Harry Altham diagnosed 3 "agencies" of "membership
ball" games: the "hockey group", wherein the ball is driven to and from among two
targets (the dreams); the "golfing organization", in which the ball is driven
toward an undefended goal (the hole); and the "cricket organization", in which "the
ball is aimed toward a mark (the wicket) and pushed far from it".

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