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Payment and AML Agreement

First Name:







I, , (**Client ID number**) hereby declare under oath that I

recognize and agree to deposit my funds for the use the products, services and/or any other offer
that might be presented in the future by the merchant: WWW.Go4Rex.COM.

By signing the below, I hereby declare:

1. The funds used to acquire your products and/or services are legal according to the terms of the
laws and regulations in force, subject prevention of money laundering and financing of
2. The funds used to acquire your products and/or services are not originated from, or are not
directly or indirectly related to: drug trafficking; public corruption offence; terrorism and its
financing; smuggling; traffic of Illegal arms, explosives, ammunitions or material intended for its
production; illicit traffic of organs, tissues, medicine, nuclear substance, works of art, animals
and toxic materials; illicit traffic and human trafficking; kidnapping, extortion, procuring;
swindle; crimes against the intellectual property; trademark crimes; misappropriation; currency
counterfeiting or alteration; conduct related to the child sale, prostitution, utilization of
pornography; or about human trafficking, people traffic or sexual exploitation; fraudulent
bankruptcy or insolvency; corporate fraudulent insolvency; illegal gambling; genocide crime,
war crimes, crimes of less human nature, nor any other concept considered illegal under the
global jurisdictions.
3. I am in complete alignment and in compliance with the tax obligations in the applicable
4. I would like to add that I have read and thus accept and agree with the Legal Terms & Policies
which make part of the Trading & Service Agreement.

Signature: Date: / / (DD/MM/YYYY)

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