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By :
Hanif Sri Wahyuni
NIM. 2214050024
English Tadris Department, Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training,
State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang

Written : November, 1 2022

There are various types of reading, one of which is reading
comprehension. Reading comprehension is a silent reading activity that is carried
out for learning purposes so as to gain broader insight about something that has
been read. Based on the results of observations, it shows that the ability of 7th
grade students of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School in
reading comprehension is still low. This is evident from the results of students'
reading comprehension, which is 60.61% of the 33 students who have not been
able to reach the KKM that has been set, which is 70. The cause of the problem of
learning reading comprehension for grade 7 is that the teacher has not used
appropriate reading learning techniques. This study aims to describe the
application of scanning techniques to improve reading comprehension skills,
students' reading comprehension learning outcomes, the obstacles that occur
during reading comprehension learning how to overcome them. This study used a
classroom action research design, which was carried out in 2 cycles. The subjects
of this study were teachers and students of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir
Boarding School . The data collection technique used is interviews. The data
analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results
showed that the implementation of teacher activities during the implementation of
the learning cycle I and cycle II got a 100% implementation percentage.
Meanwhile, the teacher activity achievement scores in the first cycle were 76.42
and 90.71 in the second cycle. The results of learning to read students'
understanding in the first cycle obtained a percentage of completeness of 72.72%
and 87.88% in the second cycle. Constraints that arise in the learning process of
reading comprehension by applying scanning techniques can be overcome by
providing examples of how to find specific information with the right steps. So, it
can be concluded that applying scanning techniques can improve the reading
comprehension skills of 7th grade students of Islamic Junior High School
Annadzir Boarding School.
Keywords: scanning techniques, reading comprehension, special text.

Reading skill is one of the skills that must be mastered by school students.
Through reading skills, students can understand reading that includes the content
and information in the inside. In reading there is a process in message acquisition
due to the nature of reading skills is a receptive activity.
There are various types of reading wrong The other is reading
comprehension. Read Understanding is an activity of reading silently carried out
to gain an understanding of something or for the purpose of learning so as to
obtain broader insight into something that has been be read. In reading
comprehension, speed The reading used depends on the reading material that have
been read (Mulyati, 2009:4.5).
In accordance with the Unit Level Curriculum Education (Depdiknas,
2006:328), competency standards reading skills that must be mastered for class 7
is “Understanding the text by reading” skimming, scanning, and reading children's
stories. One of the basic competencies is “Discovering” information quickly from
various special texts (books, telephone directions, itinerary, schedule list, menu
lists, etc.)”.
The results of observations with 7th grade teachers of Islamic Junior High
School Annadzir Boarding School, it was found that the students' ability in read to
find information regarding the schedule travel in grade 7 is still low. It was proven
from student learning outcomes, namely, 60.61% of 33 students have not been
able to reach the KKM (completeness criteria) Minimum) Indonesian language
that has been determined, namely 70.
Furthermore, learning observations are carried out reading in class 7th
grade Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School. Observation results
shows that students are not yet able to read to find information quickly from
various custom text. In addition, when asked to write travel list into a paragraph
still not many can do it.
The student's inability is caused by by the inappropriate use of learning
techniques reading used by teachers in learning read to find information quickly
from various special texts. Cause in steps the learning carried out by the teacher is
as follows: following. At the beginning of the teacher's activities in the process
Learning only explains the material at a glance. Given an example taken from the
package book Indonesian. The teacher gives a way to find how to find the perfect
itinerary conducted. After being given a brief example, teacher give assignments
to answer the questions given by the teacher which was also taken from the 7th
grade textbook.
In order to overcome the problems that occur in 7th grade Islamic Junior
High School Annadzir Boarding School, the author collaborates with classroom
teachers to improve and improve the quality reading learning. As for the efforts
made is to do Classroom Action Research (CAR) by using a scanning reading
Scanning technique is a technique in learning to read which can be used as
a learning support tools to help fluency effectiveness and efficiency of achieving
learning objectives to be achieved. Application of scanning techniques in scanning
reading skills learning, will can motivate students in the learning process. With
the scanning technique, students are expected to be more easy to find information.
Because when students read scan, he will go beyond words without having to read
it in its entirety (Rahim, 2009:52).
This is also explained by Nurhadi (2010:115) that people who read who
use the technique scanning does not see word for word or even paragraphs but
sweeps the page thoroughly. Only when what you are looking for is found, read it
with normal or thorough speed.
Similar research has been carried out by Boboy (2011) with the title
"Application of Reading Techniques" Scanning to increase Ability Finding
Messages for Class V Students at SDN Made I/475 Surabaya". The results of this
study indicate that learning by applying scanning techniques can improve
students' reading learning outcomes. Difference This research lies in the location
and subject under study different from previous research
Based on the background above, the writer put forward the title
"Application of Scanning Techniques for Improve Reading Comprehension Skills
7th grade students of Annadzir Islamic Junior High School Boarding School”.
Purpose of holding this research so that students' abilities in learning read to find
information quickly from various special texts can be increased by apply scanning
Based on the background of the problems that have been described
previously, a problem formulation can be formulated which will be solved in this
research. Formulas the problem, which are as follows: (1) how ? application of
scanning techniques to improve reading comprehension skills of 7th grade
students of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School ?, (2) how are
the results of learning to read understanding of 7th grade students of Islamic
Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School with application of scanning
techniques ?, and (3) what are obstacles that arise in the implementation learning
reading comprehension of 7th graders of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir
Boarding School with the application of scanning and techniques how to solve
it ?.
The aims of this researcher are (1) describe the application of scanning
techniques to improve students' reading comprehension skills grade 7 Islamic
Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School, (2) describe learning outcomes
reading comprehension of 7th grade students of Islamic Junior High School
Annadzir Boarding School with the application of scanning techniques, and (3)
describe the obstacles that arise in the implementation of learning reading
comprehension of students 7th grade Islamic Junior High School Annadzir
Boarding School with the application of scanning techniques and how to
overcome these obstacles.
In the context of learning Indonesian, Subana and Sunarti (2009:20)
suggest that technique contains various methods and tools that used by the teacher
in the classroom. In learning read scan, Tampubolon (in Rahim 2009:52) explains
that to find special information there are several reading techniques that used,
namely (1) read select (selecting), (2) read skipping, (3) skimming, and (4) face
reading (scanning).
Learning comes from the word "teaching" which means means instructions
to people so that they are known (to be followed) (Depdikbud.1996:14) the word
'teaching' is then get the prefix “ber” because of the allomorphic process the prefix
'ber' changes to 'bell' then then the word 'teaching' becomes 'learn' which means
trying to gain knowledge or knowledge. From the word 'learn' then gets the affix
(konfik) "pe- an" then it becomes the word "learning" which meaning is the
process, method, making people or living things to learn.
Based on the above understanding can be drawn conclusion, that the
learning technique is a skills and ways to carry out systematic steps in effective
learning given by the teacher in the classroom. In learning must also be
accompanied by a desired goal achieved in learning.
There are various techniques in reading. Tampubolon (in Rahim 2009:52)
explains that to find specific information there are several techniques reading
used, namely (1) read select (selecting) is that the reader chooses reading material
and or parts (sections) of reading that he deems relevant, or contains the focus
information it specifies, (2) read jump (skipping) that the reader in finding
relevant passages or passages, go beyond or skip other passages, (3) read
skimming is skimming or reading quick to get some information from us read.
Skimming is done to do the reading speed in general in a reading material. In
skimming, the reading process is carried out by jumping by looking at the main
ideas in reading material while understanding the big theme. In addition to getting
the main idea of a text., and (4) face-to-face reading (scanning reading
comprehension) is a very fast read. When someone reading comprehension, he
will be beyond words. According to Mikulecky & Jeffries (in Rahim, 2009:52),
reading comprehension is important to improve reading ability. This reading
technique is useful to find some information as quickly as possible. Usually we
read word for word from every sentence which he reads. By practicing reading
techniques understanding, one can learn to read for understand reading text in a
faster way. But, reading in this way of understanding is not random used. If for
purposes of reading a book texts, poems, important letters from lawyers, and so
on, need to read in more detail).
In language learning, there are several techniques that can be used by
teachers, especially reading skills. One of them is technique scanning. According
to Soedarso (2006:89), scanning is a reading technique for get some information
without reading anything else. So in reading scanning students go directly to The
problem sought is about specific facts and certain information. Scanning
techniques in everyday used, among others, to (a) look up telephone numbers, (b)
look up words in the dictionary, (c) look up entries in index, (d) look for statistical
figures, (e) look at television broadcasts, and (f) view travel lists.
Assessment is an activity that is used to know the level of success to
achieve goals that have been set (Nurgiyantoro, 2010:6). In the assessment of
learning to read, Nurgiyantoro (2010:368) explains that the reading competency
test is the ability to capture and understand or while responding to the information
submitted through a written symbol that represents a particular sound which has a
certain meaning. For assessing the task of reading comprehension in writing can
using an assessment rubric that includes seven points. The seven points are
understanding the content of the text, understanding of the details of the content of
the text, the accuracy of the organization of the text, accuracy of diction, accuracy
of sentence structure, spelling and grammar write, the meaning of obedience.
In this study, the aspects assessed for know students' improvement in skills
reading comprehension by applying the technique There are three types of
scanning: accuracy in finding specific information, completeness in finding details
special information and time speed in find specific information in the text. The
three aspects it is taken from the opinion expressed Nurgiyantoro (2010:368). Of
the seven points that used by researchers only took three aspects. Because the
aspect used adapts to learning provided to students. Writer assess the results of
reading comprehension in finding specific information using objective tests in the
form of short answer questions and description questions. Evaluation This is done
so that the aspects that have been can be achieved in learning reading
comprehension with scanning techniques to find information specifically from a

In accordance with the title of the study, namely "Application" Scanning
Techniques to improve Skills Reading comprehension of students in Grade 7
Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School, then the type of research
is descriptive research qualitative. Qualitative descriptive research is a The form
of research is carried out after the incident takes place to collect information and
then describe the data as it is and explain the data carefully, detailed and complete
This research uses Action Research Class. According to Aqib (2011:13),
research classroom action is research conducted by teachers in their own
classrooms through self-reflection with the goal is to improve its performance so
that the results student learning increases. This research aims to improve students'
scanning reading skills 7th grade of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir
Boarding School. As for the efforts made is to apply scanning techniques in
teaching and learning process. The subject of this research is teachers and students
of grade 7 Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School, while the
location research at Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School.
The procedure used in this research is classroom action research (CAR)
with the following stages: the following (1) planning (2) treatment and
observation (3) reflection (Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Arikunto, 2006:92). The
stages in each cycle classroom action research in reading skills scanning by
applying scanning techniques can described as follows: (1) planning stage, (2)
implementation of actions and observations, (3) reflection.
At the planning stage, the researcher explains about what, why, when and
how the action is conducted. The following are the things that researchers do in
the planning stage is (a) analyzing the curriculum grade 7 semester 2, (b)
designing devices learning about reading comprehension material, (c) compiling
research instruments in the form of sheets observation of teacher activities,
reading test sheets, and field notes, (d) prepare media in accordance with
information to be sought, and (e) develop indicators success.
At the implementation stage of Action and observation, This stage is the
initial stage of implementing the design which has been made. The
implementation of this action is in the form of: learning reading comprehension
by applying scanning technique, and the execution of this action is designed using
repeated cycles. Meanwhile, at the observation stage, it is carried out by the
teacher 7th grade acts as observer 1 and peer as observer 2. At this stage the 7th
grade teacher and friends colleagues as observers try to observe intensive
implementation of all learning activities reading stories in Indonesian subjects
from the beginning to the end of the lesson.


In cycle I and cycle II, the results of the research implementation of
reading comprehension learning with the application of scanning techniques is
described in accordance with the stages in classroom action research, namely
planning stage, action implementation stage and observation and reflection stage.
At the planning stage, the researcher conducted preparation to carry out
the learning process in cycle I and cycle II, as follows: (1) analyzing the 7th grade
Indonesian curriculum semester 2, (2) designing learning devices about reading
comprehension material. Planning learning in the first cycle consists of one
meeting. This is adapted to the learning materials that will be delivered. The
components in learning tools include: syllabus, lesson plans (Learning
Implementation Plan), Worksheet Students and Assessment Sheets, (3) compiling
The research instrument is in the form of a reading test understanding, teacher
activity observation sheets, and worksheets field notes to find out the obstacles
that occurs during the implementation of reading learning understanding by
applying scanning techniques, (4) prepare learning media in the form of media
telephone number list, (5) compiling indicators success.
The success indicators used are: by researchers in cycle I and cycle II,
namely the value of implementation of teacher activities in learning reading
comprehension is 80%, achievement score implementation of learning by 80 and
learning considered complete if 75% of students get a score of KKM which is 70
and observe the obstacles that arise and and how to overcome them, and (6)
determine the schedule research with the school. Implementation schedule Cycle I
and Cycle II which have been approved by the 7th grade teacher of Islamic Junior
High School Annadzir Boarding School, namely in the first cycle it is carried out
on the day of Tuesday, October 28, 2022 and in the second cycle it is carried out
on Wednesday, October 29, 2022 in 3×35 minutes.
Meanwhile, the observation stage in cycle I and cycle II on teacher
activities in the process learning is observed by two observers, namely as 7th
grade teacher at Annadzir Islamic Boarding School and a colleague. Activity
Observations are carried out simultaneously with the process learning. In this
observation activity obtained the results of observations of teacher activities in
applying techniques scanning in learning reading comprehension, reading
comprehension test results and note results field.
In the first cycle, the teacher's activities during implementation learning in
cycle I get a percentage 100% implementation with an achievement score of
76.42. Obtaining the achievement score of teacher activities in carry out reading
comprehension learning in Cycle I is categorized as good. It shows the process
learning is going well but still need repaired again for the next cycle because it's
still available other aspects that have not been implemented properly as planned
The average value of mastery learning to read understanding of 72.93 with
students who get the value of 70 as many as 29 students and the percentage of
completeness student learning outcomes of 87.88%. The percentage if qualified
on the completeness of student learning outcomes, then the completeness of
student learning outcomes is very high, and has reached the target of the
researcher, namely the completeness of the results learning 80% then this research
is categorized as successful.
In the implementation of reading learning understanding by applying this
scanning technique there are obstacles that occur in the results of the record field.
The obstacles faced are teachers it is still difficult to control students, the teacher's
voice is not loud, so that the student sitting at the back does not can listen to the
teacher's explanation clearly and teachers are less able to manage time well. As
for The way to overcome the obstacles above is the teacher create a comfortable
learning atmosphere for student. For example by using songs and movements
"Dancing Marina". In addition, teachers also improve volume so that all students
can hear explanation from the teacher..
Meanwhile, the results of the reflection made by the teacher with observer
1 as a 7th grade teacher at the Annadzir Islamic Boarding School and observer 2
as a colleague, in this cycle indicates that there is no need for trouble repaired.
The teacher has reflected on the learning process in cycle I, so that in cycle II this
has been achieved the expected results are in accordance with the achievement
value from teacher activities and student learning outcomes experience
enhancement. Therefore, learning in cycle II run with fun because students are
active and enthusiastic in participating in the learning process.
The learning activities carried out by the teacher have good at conveying
learning objectives, then when demonstrating reading understanding with
scanning techniques to find special information, distribute worksheets to each
groups and provide feedback on the results of the LKS that been done.
The results of the research on the application of scanning techniques to
improve reading comprehension 7th grade students of Annadzir Boarding School
Islamic Junior High School achieved great results maximum. Overall students
follow learning well during the implementation of cycle I and cycle II. In the
implementation of learning to read understanding by applying scanning
techniques in cycle I and cycle II the percentage of implementation reached 100%.
So that both cycles have reached the percentage implementation set is > 80%.
Learning achievement score in cycle I has not reached the expected
criteria. That matter seen from the results of observations of teacher activities in
cycle I obtained an achievement score of 76.42. This matter because the teacher
has not been able to condition the students in the learning process and the
teacher's voice is less loud, so the class gets crowded.
After there is an improvement in learning activities in cycle II, it is seen
that there is an increase that occurs in cycle II obtained an achievement score of
90.71. The achievement score in cycle II is already achieve the criteria for success
in learning, namely > 80 of all teacher activities. Obtaining the score if it is
criteria for the achievement score of the teacher's activity, then the achievement is
very good. It fits with the opinion of Djamarah (2005:263) states: that the level of
achievement of teacher activities is said to be successful or very good if you get a
score of 80-100.
Student learning outcomes in the first cycle is completeness classical
students obtained reached 72.72%. Score the completeness has not reached the
criteria of completeness classically expected. In cycle II the results student
learning has increased that is 87.88%. Score completeness in cycle II reaches the
criteria of completeness classically >80%. If it is criteria for completeness student
learning outcomes, then the completeness of student learning outcomes already
very high. This is in accordance with the opinion Aqib, et al (2011:41), stated that
the level of The success of the teaching and learning process is said to be very
high if it gets a percentage > 80%.
In addition, the average class value also experienced enhancement. In the
first cycle of 72.93. In cycle II increased to 79.98. Average value this class is
good and successful. This corresponds to opinion of Aqib (2009:48). The class
average is said successful and good if it reaches a score of 76-90.
The obstacles that arise in the process learning reading comprehension by
applying scanning technique, the teacher is still difficult to control the students
and the teacher's voice is not loud enough. To overcome the above constraints,
teachers in learning to read understanding by applying scanning techniques must
be more able to create a comfortable classroom atmosphere and able to control the
class so that the teacher can control student. Teachers also have to maximize the
sound to make it more loud so all students can hear. Teacher using an ice breaker
in the form of color pats. This used by teachers to control students when students
starting to get busy in doing good group assignments as well as individual tasks.
Judging from all the results that have been obtained in the process of
learning reading comprehension with applying scanning techniques from cycle I
and cycle II, then the application of scanning techniques can improve reading
comprehension skills that have been carried out by researchers in the 7th grade of
Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School. This is supported by the
opinion of Soedarso (2006:89), which states: stated that through the scanning
technique students straight to the problem you are looking for, which is about the
facts specific and specific information. Harras (in Somadayo, 2011:43) also added
that with the technique scanning students get information quickly without
neglecting the understanding of the information other. With this technique,
students will find it easier to find the information they are looking for, because
students only focus on what you're looking for and don't need to read overall.

From the results of research conducted for 2 cycle, indicating that the
application of the scanning technique to improve scan reading skills 7th grade
students of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School showed an
increase. This increase can be seen in the activities of teachers, student learning
outcomes, and the obstacles that can handled well.
From the results of research conducted for 2 cycle, indicating that the
application of the scanning technique to improve reading comprehension 7th
grade students of Islamic Junior High School Annadzir Boarding School showed
an increase. This increase can be seen in the activities of teachers, student learning
outcomes, and the obstacles that can handled well.
In the implementation of reading learning understanding by applying
scanning techniques, can well implemented starting from and up to end activities.
This is based on the results of observations that conducted by two observers,
indicating that the percentage of learning implementation is achieved 100% in
cycle I and cycle II as well as teacher activities in obtained an achievement score
of 76.42 in the first cycle and 90.71 in cycle II. Teacher activities in cycle I and
cycle II increased by 14.29.
Student learning outcomes in learning to read understanding by applying
scanning techniques to the first cycle reached 72.72% and 87.88% in the second
cycle. Thing This shows that there is an increase in learning outcomes students
from cycle I to cycle II. Learning outcomes experience the increase from cycle I
to cycle II was 15.16%.
The obstacles that arise in the process learning reading comprehension by
applying scanning technique, the teacher is still difficult to control the students
and the teacher's voice is not loud enough. To overcome the above constraints,
teachers in learning to read understanding by applying scanning techniques must
be more able to create a comfortable classroom atmosphere and able to control the
class so that the teacher can control student. Teachers also have to maximize the
sound to make it more loud so all students can hear. Teacher using an ice breaker
in the form of color pats. This used by teachers to control students when students
starting to get busy in doing good group assignments as well as individual tasks.

There are some suggestions that the researcher conveys: namely as
follows. For teachers, so that develop learning by applying scanning techniques
and children are more motivated to learn so that it can improve the learning
outcomes achieved student. For schools, in order to develop quality learning that
is in school so that they experience improvement for the better develop reading
comprehension learning by applying the scanning technique. For other
researchers, it is recommended that researchers do the learning reading
comprehension by applying the technique scanning so that learning is carried out
make it easier for students to find specific information so that students become
more interested in learning.
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