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Unit 3 Test Study Guide

Topics Covered in Unit 3:

 Washington’s Presidency and Challenges he faced
 Adams’ Presidency
 The Louisiana Purchase
 The Lewis and Clark Expedition
 The War of 1812
 Nationalism
 Foreign Policy After the War of 1812

1. What are two challenges Washington faced as President?

A. Whiskey Rebellion
B. The War of 1812
C. The XYZ Affair
D. Neutrality

2. Washington’s Presidency set a ______________ for all future Presidents.

3. Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important?

A. It nearly doubled the size of the country with this investment.

B. It helped to challenge French control over North America.
C. It gave Jefferson ownership of all territories on the Pacific Ocean.
D. It took the city of New Orleans out of Spain’s control.

4. In order to expand the powers of the President, Thomas Jefferson authorized the
purchase of ____________________ without the approval of Congress.

5. Why could some people claim that President Jefferson’s decision to purchase the
Louisiana Territory was illegal?
A. He did not receive permission from the Supreme Court to make this decision.
B. Congress did not approve the treaty he negotiated with France.
C. The words of the Constitution did not specifically say a President could do this.
D. He did not consult the states prior to approving the purchase.

6. Which of the following is the primary reason why Lewis and Clark were sent on their
expedition in 1803?

A. To give Americans their first description of the Northwest.

B. To establish the Corps of Discovery.
C. To form good relationships with American Indian tribes.
D. To find a river route to the Pacific Ocean.

7. Who was the Native American guide who assisted the Corps of Discovery?

A. Pocahontas
B. Squanto
C. Tecumseh
D. Sacagawea

8. Which of the following statements about the Star-Spangled Banner is true?

A. It was written by a British sailor during the bombardment of Fort McHenry.

B. It was written by Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans.
C. It was written by Francis Scott Key at the Battle of New Orleans.
D. It was written by Francis Scott Key while observing the bombardment of Fort

9. What country did the United States declare war upon in 1812?

10. The practice of capturing American sailors and then making them serve on British
ships was known as______________.

Causes of the War of 1812:

The United States felt its ships had the right to sail the open seas. Britain continued to
capture and impress American sailors. In 1807, the British ship Leopard attacked the
U.S.S. Chesapeake off the coast of Virginia. Twenty American sailors were wounded, three
killed, and four kidnapped. President Jefferson, still hoping to avoid war for the young
nation, asked Congress to pass the Embargo Act. The Embargo Act of 1807 forbade
American merchants from trading with foreign nations. Merchants lost money and sailors
lost their jobs. They pressured Congress to repeal the Embargo Act, which it did on March
1, 1809.

11. The U.S.S. Chesapeake was attacked by _________________.

12. Congress passed the _______________stopping trade.

13. Merchants and sailors did not like the Embargo Act and pressured Congress to
Conditions between Americans and Native Americans also contributed to the War of 1812.
In 1809, a treaty had been made by several Indian leaders giving up three million acres of
land for less than half a cent an acre. Not all Indians agreed with this treaty. They felt that
the chiefs who signed the treaty had no right to sell land that belonged to all Native
Americans. Two brothers, Tenskwatawa (known as the Prophet) and Tecumseh began to
organize many Native Americans into a united confederation to claim their right to the land.
Their followers built a village along Tippecanoe Creek in Indian Territory. In 1811, the
Governor of Indian Territory led a troop of 1,000 soldiers to attack these Native Americans.
Neither side won a clear victory in the Battle of Tippecanoe. However, the War Hawks,
convinced that the British were arming the Indians, used this incident to justify their
demand for war against Britain.

14. Tenskwatawa and _____________organized Indians in claiming their right to the land.

15. _______________________ justified the demand of the War Hawks to go to war against

Give a brief description of each of the Causes of the War of 1812

16. Impressment:

17. Embargo Act of 1807:

18. War Hawks:

Written Response (30 pts)

Using the discussion posts you completed for the “What is Nationalism?” discussion—
create a written response that expands that response to the following questions:

 How is Patriotism different from Nationalism?

 Why is Nationalism a negative thing in today's society?
 In what ways do we see Nationalism displayed in our society today?
 After the War of 1812, how was the country displaying Nationalism and how does
that connect to the way we see Nationalism today?

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