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42 multiple choice
2. Listings
a. ‘[3 ways the patriots fought against taxes and examples of each?
i. Protest
1. Townshend act - colonists refused to pay taxes on household
goods and once again boycotted british goods.
ii. Boycott
1. Boston tea party - colonists boycotted british tea
iii. Violence
1. Violence in boston - colonists set off riots and refused to pay the
taxes. Groups of colonists threw snow and rocks at the soldiers.
Custom officers seized ships for smuggling.
2. Boston massacre - soldiers set open fire
b. What are the 2 parties that came about during the time period and
i. Jefferson was Democratic-Republicans
ii. Hamiliton was Federalist
iii. Washington tried to solve the differences between Hamiliton and
Jefferson, but was unable to do so, so the two parties were created
c. 3 basic stages for becoming a state
i. Congress would appoint a territorial governor and judges
ii. when a territory had 5,000 voting residents the settlers could write a
temporary constitution and elect their own government
iii. When the total population of a territory reached 60,000 free inhabitants,
the settlers could write a state constitution which had to be approved by
congress before it granted statehood.
3. Short Answers
a. Mulberry vs. Madison and explain importance
i. A few days before thomas jefferson’s inauguration, outgoing
president john adams appointed william marbury to be a justice of
peace. But the commission was not delivered to marbury. Later,
Jefferson's new secretary of state, James Madison refused to give
Marbury the commission. Marbury asked the supreme court to
force Madison to give him his commission. The court declared that
the law on which Marbury based his claim was unconstitutional and
therefore it refused to order Madison to give Marbury his
ii. Ended in the judicial review
b. Explain how the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan created the
Great Compromise. What did it create - straight from google lol
i. The Virginia Plan was used, but some ideas from the New Jersey
Plan were added. The Connecticut Compromise (AKA Great
Compromise) established a bicameral legislature with the U.S.
House of Representatives apportioned by population as desired by
the Virginia Plan and the Senate granted equal votes per state as
desired by the New Jersey Plan. it created two houses of
c. What did the Louisiana Purchase bring about and explain importance
i. The purchase doubled the size of the United States, greatly
strengthened the country materially and strategically, provided a
powerful impetus to westward expansion, and confirmed the
doctrine of implied powers of the federal Constitution.
d. Summary of the war of 1812- include battles of Canada, US, and at
i. A war between the U.S. and Great Britain caused by American
outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British,
the British seizure of American ships, and British aid to the Indians
attacking the Americans on the western frontier. Also, a war against
Britain gave the U.S. an excuse to seize the British northwest posts
and to annex Florida from Britain's ally Spain, and possibly even to
seize Canada from Britain. The War Hawks (young westerners led
by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun) argued for war in Congress.
The war involved several sea battles and frontier skirmishes. U.S.
troops led by Andrew Jackson seized Florida and at one point the
British managed to invade and burn Washington, D.C. The Treaty of
Ghent (December 1814) restored the status quo and required the
U.S. to give back Florida. Two weeks later, Andrew Jackson's troops
defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans, not knowing that
a peace treaty had already been signed. The war strengthened
American nationalism and encouraged the growth of industry.
e. Christian Reflection
i. Shouldn't start war, turned out good blah blah blah
1. How much did the Louisiana Territory cost the United States
a. 15 million
2. The first president of the United States
a. George Washington
3. The american who helped convince the French to aid in the Revolutionary War
a. Benjamin Franklin
4. How many American ships were seized during the British blockade
a. Over 1000
5. What american warship did the British attack in 1807
a. Chesapeake
6. Who was the leader that defeated the Creek Indians
a. Andrew Jackson
7. Which treaty ended the War of 1812
a. Treaty of Ghent
8. Who did the US buy the Louisiana Territory from
a. France
9. The law that provided for a Supreme Court consisting of a Chief Justice and 5
justices was
a. Judiciary Act of 1789
10. Who wrote Common Sense, which argued for independence from Britain
a. Thomas Paine
11. Which European power shifted the balance of power between the colonist and
Britain during the Revolutionary War
a. France
12. Who was the Prussian captain that trained the colonists
a. Friedrich von Steuben
13. What is the date of Independence
a. July 4, 1776
14. Opponents of the Constitution
a. Anti-Federalist
15. After the ratification of the Constitution what was added to it
a. Bill of Rights
16. Which acts raised the residence requirement for American citizenship from 5
years to 14 years
a. Alien and Sedition Acts
17. Wasington’s department heads became known as the
a. Cabinet
18. Who served as an interpreter and guide
a. Sacajawea
19. What did the British burn in the War of 1812
a. Washington D.C
20. Right after the American Revolution what new government was proposed
a. Articles of Confederation
21. Who was sent to explore the Louisiana Territory
a. Lewis and Clark
22. What was the end result of Marbry v. Madison
a. Judicial review
23. The divided power between the national government and state government
a. Federalism
24. The battle of Fallen Timbers ends that Native American resistance in
a. Ohio
25. Who won the Battle of New Orleans
a. Andrew Jackson
26. What rebellion confirmed that the Articles of Confederation were flawed
a. Shay’s rebellion
27. The treaty of paris gave the US the western border of the
a. Mississippi River
28. This group of people pushed the US to get involved in the War of 1812 against
a. War Hawks
29. The first person to sign the Declaration of Independence
a. John Hancock
30. Which compromise brought together the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan
a. Great Compromise
31. Supporters of the Constitution
a. Federalists
32. What ordinance provided a structure for dividing the land into territories
a. Northwest ordinance of 1787
33. Who was president during the war of 1812
a. James Madison
34. Who forced Spain to give them the Louisiana Territory
a. Napoleon Bonaparte
35. Who became president in 1801
a. Thomas Jefferson
36. Which act lowered current tax on molasses, but enforced it
a. Sugar Act
37. Who became president in the election of 1800
a. Thomas Jefferson
38. The french aristocrat who lobbied for French reinforcements was
a. Marquis de Lafayette
39. What Native American leader workers to form confederacy against the US
a. Tecumseh
40. What city was gained in a treaty with Spain that allowed settlers to move West
a. New Orleans

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