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1. Matching north and south colonies - the stuff in the multiple choice below
2. Multiple choice - 40
3. 4 people to know- JUST THESE 4
a. Hernando De soto - explored Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, and
Tennessee. Prosperous slave trader
b. Rene Tobert de la Salle -explored the Mississippi and Arkansas River to the Gulf
of Mexico, set up fur trade in Canada
c. Juan Ponce de leon - explored florida and tried to start a spanish colony in florida
d. Jean ribault - explored Florida to North Carolina, established Charlesfort, and
lead protestan huguenots to the Americas
4. Listing
a. Differences in treaty agreements between native americans and british
i. Natives saw it as limited times
ii. Europeans saw it as a one time deal - idk why its europeans in my notes
b. two significant consequences for west africa and the americas and the
african trade with portugal
i. Portugal had direct trade with west africa causing the trade routes to
bypass the Sahara and have closer ties with the european countries
ii. Portugal and European countries started the west African slave trade.
c. Why slavery becomes entrenched in the South
i. 80%-90& of slave work in fields, 10-20% work in houses or as artisams
ii. Slaves work full-time from age 12 until death
iii. Owneres beat, whip slaves considered as disobedient and disrespectful
iv. English colonists increasingly unable to enslave Native Americans
v. Indentured servant price rises; slaves work for life, are better buy
vi. Most white colonists think Africans’ dark skin justifies slavery
d. Explain the expansion of the slave trade from Africa to the Americas
i. Portugal claimed uninhabited islands. They had lots of sugar plantations
there. Because it was very labor intensive, they began shipping slaves
there. This was very successful and looked good to the Americas so it
was started on a much larger scale in the Americas.
e. Reflect
f. Which groups thought that treaties they made in the Americas were
i. Britain
5. Short answers
a. puritan city upon a hill
i. Create a city that everyone looked up to
ii. Not a democracy but political power was spread more broadly than in
iii. All adult males who belonged to the Puritan church (40% of the men)
could vote
iv. Voted for the General Court - who then chose the governor
b. changes that took place in europe for exploration of the new world
i. Social change
1. Social reasons for exploration
a. Crusades opened up Asian trade routes
i. They wanted silk, porcelain, tea and rugs
b. New trade routes were opened
c. Europe rapidly becoming overpopulated
d. Many were looking for quick profits
e. Many wanted to escape persecution or spread the gospel
ii. Political Changes
1. Monarchs became interested in exploration to expand pocketbook
2. Rivalries between countries
3. Began funding expeditions and controlling new colonies
4. Spread christianity
5. As the age of exploration began trade concentrated in the Med.
Sea area moved to the Atlantic Nations such as Portugal, Spain
and France
iii. Renaissance
1. The Renaissance led to a more secular spirit, interest in worldly
2. New confidence in human achievement
3. Look forward to the fame their achievements might bring
4. Attitude prompted many to seek glory through adventure,
discovery, and conquest
iv. Economic Changes
1. Period between 1400 and 1750 known as the commercial
2. Standardized money
a. Italy led the way in minting coins with fixed value
b. International trade could be done with confidence
c. Banks handled enough money to lend larger amounts
3. Joint Stock companies
a. Merchants combined resources to form a system of
investments for large projects
v. Mercantilism ( goes with political changes)
1. Idea that a country’s government needs to do everything in its
power to increase wealth of country
a. Only certain amount of wealth in the world so countries
fought over these fixed amounts
2. Balance of trade
a. Countries tried to sell more in other countries than it
i. Accomplished this through tariffs in other own
ii. Encouraged manufactures goods to be sold
iii. Offered subsidies to certain industries to support
vi. Technological advances
1. Opened the door to new exploration
2. Mapmaking
3. Navigation instruments
4. New ships
5. The cannon
CAUSES: Fur trade (important industry in North A) Land English colonists bought
500,000 acres of land, this made French mad, fur trade was hard French- originally claimed
land, used ohio R. British- colonies grew and prospered. The English government built forts
and started to grant land to citizens Indians- French like Indians, English want their land. The
French only wanted furs, not land. The French become good friends. TENSION: Both britain
and france want land, English hoped to convert the wilderness into good farmland. French
soldiers captured several English trading posts. THE WAR English tried to take Fort Duquesne
under George Washington. Thus began the French and Indian War. French forces also
outnumbered George Washington and the Virginia militia. Washington built Fort Necessity. In
America, they fought over control of the entire Western frontier including the Ohio River Valley In
Europe, France and England began to fight in what was called the Seven Years War. Britain had
a larger population, unorganized militia. Control seas.(France cant get imports) France had a
single gov. One government meant less discussion during decision making. Good fortified
settlements. INDIANS PART IN THE WAR: Chief of the Mohawks, Joseph Brant, Became a
colonel in the British army. Algonquins, Ottawas, and the Hurons help the French. Albany
Congress to discuss strategy for common defense. The British sent a force from Virginia to
attack Fort Duquesne. Both the British commander, Braddock, and the French commander
Beaujeu, were killed. First 2 yrs were humiliating for Britain. Fort Williams- French massacre
British. In 1757, expansion advocate William Pitt became the British Prime. This is Good for
Britain. began capturing strategic French forts and cutting off their supply lines. Battle of Quebec
is turning point of the war. Found Hidden path to French Fort and light em up. France and
Britain continued fighting in Europe for three more years. RESULT Treaty of Paris is signed on
February 10, 1763-this ended the war France surrendered all land in North America to Britain.
Spanish were also forced to give up Florida, since they helped the French. Britain gained control
over half the North American continent, including French Canada, all French territorial claims-
everything east of the Mississippi River, and Spanish Florida. They want to reestablish control
over colonies. Pontiac (Indian) gets pissed and starts a rebellion. Proclamation Line of 1763,
stops colonies from moving west. Tension Between Colonies and Britain. War is stirring and
blood is going everywhere. It’s a crap show

Chapter 1
1. Who, what, why, when signs of Christs return - Exam Essay
2. Changes in Europe that lead to Exploration
3. What were two significant consequences for West Africa and the Americas in Africans
trade with Portugal?
4. Explain the expansion of the slave trade from Africa to the Americas
5. Multiple Choice from quiz
Chapter 2
1. Multiple choice from quiz
2. Explorers that explored the US area
3. List the differences in treaty agreements ideals of the native american and the british
4. Describe the effects of the pequot war and king philip's war
5. Describe the puritans “city upon a hill’. How did they try to achieve this goal?
(incorporate the church and the state along with the importance of the family) were they
right/wrong in establishing a “city upon a hill”/ why?
Chapter 3
6. Comparison between colonies
7. Number of colonies
8. Map
Section 1
1. Mercantilism
2. Navigation Acts
3. Tensions-
4. Salutary Neglect
5. The seed ofs of self-govt
Section 2
1. Southern Economy
2. Life in Southern Society
3. Slavery in the South
4. Triangular trade
5. Middle Passage
6. Africans Cope in Their New World
Section 3
1. North Diversified economy and society
2. Why was the North’s economy and society diversified
3. Port Cities
4. Philadelphia
5. Compae and contrast slavery in th North and the South
6. American Enlightenment- thinkers and effect
7. Great Awakening- people and effects on American Society
Section 4
1. French and Indian War
2. General happenings of the war
3. People-places
4. Role of the Indians
5. View point of the Indians
6. Pontiac’s rebellion
7. Royal Proclamation
8. Growing Problems between Colonies and Britain
9. Reasons the British won
Review Questions
1. Wheat
a. North
2. Cash Crops
a. South
3. Smaller farms
a. North
4. High value of education
a. North
5. Indigo
a. South
6. Larger plantations
a. South
7. Manufacturing and trading
a. North
8. Indentured Servants
a. South
9. Culturally diverse
a. North
10. Lumber
a. North
11. Great awakening speaker
a. Jonathan Edwards
12. Exchange of plants, animals and goods from North and South America to Europe
a. Columbian Exchange
13. What did the columbian exchange fuel
a. Population shift to the americas
14. Who explored the Mississippi and Arkansas River to the Gulf of Mexico
a. De LaSAlle
15. De soto, de laSalle, ponce de leon, jean rivault,
16. Who explored florida and tried to start a spanish colony in florida
a. Juan Ponce de leon
17. Who explored Florida, Georgia Carolinas, and Tennessee
a. Hernando De Soto
18. Which European country took over New Netherlands
a. Britain
19. One of the reasons the europeans dominated the Native Americans
a. Disease, guns, horses
20. Who claimed the area around the Hudson Bay
a. Great britain
21. Who claimed southwest to north america
a. Spain
22. Who claimed the area around the Mississippi
a. France
23. The idea that countries must get gold to become self sufficient
a. Mercantilism
24. What made Jamestown Flourish
a. Tobacco
25. Msoe of the early Africans brought to the Americas were called what?
a. Indentured servants
26. Which act restricted colonial trade
a. Navigation Act
27. Colonists were economically loyal
a. Solitary neglect
28. Which colony did the pilgrims start
a. Plymouth
29. Who helped Jamestown out of their struggles
a. John Smith
30. The passage that brought slaves from africa to america
a. Middle Passage
31. How many colonies did the british have in
a. 13
32. Name the port city in the South
a. Charles Town
33. Trade between Europe and Africa and the AMERICAS
a. Triangular Trade
34. Southern economy based on
a. Agriculture
35. Indian rebellion against the british in the ohio river valley whose goal was to weaken the
british and lure the french into America
a. Pontiac Rebellion
36. Which native american leader resisted the spanish
a. pope
37. In the treaty of paris people can’t settle themselves west of this line
a. Proclamation line
38. What was the battle that was the turning point in the French and Indian War
a. Battle of Quebec
39. What was britain's new boundary in north america given them by the treaty of paris
a. Mississippi River
40. Which colony was drawn using system something with grid pattern
a. Philadelphia
41. Give an important american enlightenment figure
a. Benjamin Franklin

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