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Document 1 CPE

CPE Preparatory Course

For people interested in the course
The CPE Preparatory Course has been especially designed for people who want to sit the Cambridge C2
Proficiency Exam (also known as CPE). This course will extend your knowledge of the English Language and
at the same time provide you with the strategies necessary to enable you to take the exam. Please, read the
following information carefully before registering:
a) Length of the course
The course consists of 5 cycles of 27 hours each. It is offered in two systems:
Daily course: Monday to Friday (July-November)
Every other day course: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday (June-December)
b) Venue
The course is offered in Miraflores and San Isidro.
c) CPE course content
The Cambridge English: Proficiency Exam has been revised and the format has changed since March
2013. The course will offer you guidance and exam training for the 4 papers:
Paper 1: Reading and Use of English Paper 3: Listening
Paper 2: Writing Paper 4: Speaking

d) Requirements
- DNI or similar document with a photo will be required to identify candidates.
- Present your CAE Certificate or statement of result from Cambridge University
- If you don’t hold this Certificate, you will be requested to sit a placement exam to confirm your level of
Pre Course Writing Task
As part of the requirements of the CPE, on registering you will receive a CPE Pre-Course Writing
Task, which you are expected to complete and hand in to your Teacher on the first day of class.
The teacher will keep this piece of writing until the end of CPE5. It will be given back to you in
order to provide evidence of how you have improved over the duration of the course.
e) What is expected from CPE participants
- Full involvement of participants in the course. The course requires active participation and a lot more
than just attending sessions.
- You need to work hard both inside and outside the classroom
- Do the homework assigned by the tutor: Coursebook tasks; readings; web site work; writing tasks, etc.
- Regular attendance and punctuality are vital.
f) Attendance and Evaluation
All participants are expected to have regular attendance for each CPE cycle in order to obtain a Final
Mark based on their performance at the end of each cycle.
This means that students will be considered as FDA (Fail Due to Absences) and the cycle will be considered
as incomplete if they exceed the number of hours they can be absent in each cycle(see details in Guía del
Estudiante), but will still be permitted to continue studying in the next CPE cycle.
g) Certification
Certificates will be issued at the end of the course (CPE 5) to participants gaining an overall passing grade
(A, B or C) based on their performance and who have complied with the minimum attendance for each
of the 5 cycles.
Information about performance during the course will be recorded on the certificate.
h) For further information
For more information, phone 615-3434, visit our web page: or contact us at


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