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How is global warming affecting the
world and what people can do to help
stop it?
The aim of this essay is make predictions about how climate change will
affect the world and what we can do in order to avoid it

In these days, climate change is a serious problems due to the fact that we
longer care about our planet. According to a new research, by 2026,
1,000,000 animals will have died due to polllution and heat waves.
Not only will global warming affect animlas or the planet, but it will also
affect por people and even children. It is estimated that every minute a kid
dies because of hunger in Africa. Keep in mind that hunger is also a
consequence of global warming.
Global warming has some horryfing consequences which can affect human
life. Natural disaster like flood, hurricanes, etc are caused due to climate
I would say that people who live in rural areas will be the most affected by
climate change due to the fact that most of them don’t have enough money
to buy food and medicine. Take into consideration that climate change can
also affect our economy. By 2030, the US will have spent more than 60
million dollars to combat climate change.
But what about our country? Peru is regarded as one of the most polluted
countries in South America and the world. Unfortunatelly, peruvian people
don’t seem to be aware of this issue and they seem to be as if this wasn’t a
real problem. According to The United Nations, by 2060, The Amazonas
will have disappeared completely due to droughts.
One of the most effective ways in order to tackle this issue is by raising
awareness about global warming, global warming is a global problem that
is affecting all of us.
How is technology helping people in their
daily lives?

The purpose of this essay is to raise awareness about how important technology is

Without doubt, this pandemic has affected us in different ways. Not only has it affected
adults, but also children. Peruvian children weren’t able to study due to lack of money,
but thanks to this pandemic, it was posible
It is said that virtual classes are more effective than face-to-face classes because
students can now join their classes whenever they want and wherever they are. One
advantage of virtual classes is that they are more affordable, this is a great benefit for
those who live in rural areas such as Cusco, Ancash and Puno and without no doubt
they were effective

On the other hand, work has also been affected by the pandemic, many people lost their
job and they had to look for another one. When in comes to looking for a job, the
internet is a good way to do so. Nowadays, we have a wide range of website that we can
use in order to get a job, Computrabajo is one of them, in fact it is the most used website
to hire staff.

To sump up, although both of the arguments mentioned above are compelling, I would
be inclined to say that it is the internet that has had the greatest impact in our lives
because it has revolutionized the way we live

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