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What are Adverbs?

Adverbs are used to modify verbs. They can describe how, when, where, and how often
something is done. Here is a guide to the five types of adverbs.

Frequency Adverbs

We use frequency adverbs to describe how often something happens.

Adverbs of frequency are often used with the present simple because they indicate
repeated or routine activities.

For example:

They often go out for dinner.

Examples of Frequency Adverbs


constantly habitually chiefly predominantly typically continuously

usually normally mostly generally commonly largely regularly

often frequently


sometimes occasionally sporadically intermittently spasmodically

rarely infrequently seldom

It’s important to know …

Always" can't go at the beginning or end of the sentence.

"Never", "seldom", "rarely" can't go at the end of a sentence. They only go at the beginning
of a sentence in "polemic statements". Then they have to be followed by the word order for

Never has been a better time to overcome our differences!


Subject + adverb + main verb

We place the frequency adverbs BEFORE the main verb (in Present Simple).


I always remember to do my homework.

He normally gets good marks in exams.

I often go to the cinema.

She sometimes visits me at home.

We usually drink coffee.

I always go to the cinema.

She rarely study English because she is very intelligent.

An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be

Subject + to be + adverb

They are never pleased to see me.

She isn't usually bad tempered.
I am never late for work.
Peter is often at school.

When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.), the
adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb. This is also true for to be.

Subject + auxiliary + adverb + main verb


She can sometimes beat me in a race.

I would hardly ever be unkind to someone.

They might never see each other again.

They could occasionally be heard laughing.

We can also use the following adverbs at the start of a sentence

Usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally


Occasionally, I like to eat Thai food.

Sometimes, I go out to drink something with a friends.

We use hardly ever and never with positive, not negative verbs:

She hardly ever comes to my parties.

They never say 'thank you'.

How to ask sometime using frequency Adverbs

You have to use How often…? To ask about the frequency of an action.
We place it at the beginning of question.

Have you ever been to New Zealand?

I haven't ever been to Switzerland. (The same as 'I have never been Switzerland').

We can also use the following expressions when we want to be more specific about the

  every day - once a month - twice a year - four times a day - every other week


Once a month I have to go to the supermarket

She every day do exercises in her house.

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