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Facultad de Filosofía, Letras Y Ciencias de la Educación

Name: Raissa Maldonado Soriano

Subject: English for Academic Purposes 1
Teacher: MSc. Nora Gonzales C.
Course: 6-3 NO

Planning essay structures – Activity

(a) The prompt you selected

“Suggest effective measures to combat terrorism.” (Problem-Solution)

Topic: to combat terrorism

Topic focus: effective measures
Task Language: suggest.

(b) The main ideas you would include for each body paragraph,

States desist from supporting terrorist groups.

Make it difficult for terrorists to access the means to carry out their attacks.

Develop the capacity of States to prevent terrorism.

Defending human rights in the context of terrorism and the fight against terrorism

(c) How you would structure the essay and organize those main ideas

Point-by-point structure

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