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1. No Squealing
2. No Malingering
3. Swallow your Pride
4. No Back Fighting
5. No Wearing of Jewelries
6. No Answering back
7. No Courting
8. No Familiarization
9. No Smoking/ Drinking Liquor
10. Comply First Before You Complain
11. Always Stand at Attention when you’re talking with
your Senior Officer
12. Always end your Statement with Ma’am/ Sir
13. Always Walk with Military Manner
14. Always Walk with Double
15. Always knock three times (3) when entering the
DMST Office and say remarkable words
16. When meeting or passing with your senior officer
always execute sidestep
17. Don’t sit on the table
18. Salute three times a day
19. When reporting/ complying always execute salute
20. No bringing of deadly weapons
21. When walking with your senior officer always stay on
the left side
22. Don’t open any conversation with your senior officer
unless they told to do so
23. Execute salute within the area of responsibility
24. Visit the DMST office three (3) times a day

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