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COVID-19(acronym) COronaVIrus Disease-2019

The World Health Organisation

Outbreak: When a disease suddenly appears and spreads fast in a limited area.

Epidemic:A disease that has a large number of cases at the same time in a larger area.

Pandemic: A disease which affects a very large population, having spread from a
community to several countries across the world.

Diagnose: to detect and identify someone with a disease.

Contagious: It can be spread from one person to another.

Have Covid-19 / have coronavirus

Test positive / test negative:‘He tested positive for coronavirus’



Asymptomatic: Someone who is infected but does not present any kind of symptoms
(dry cough, respiratory problems, body aches...) at the time of testing positive

Quarantine (n, v), Isolation(n), Isolate(v), Self-quarantine, Self-isolation (n), Self-

isolate (v)

Quarantine (Be in quarantine) Keep someone who was in close contact with someone
who has Covid-19 away from others. That person may not show symptoms.

Isolation (Be in isolation) Keep someone who is sick or tested positive away from
others, even in their own home.

State of alarm ‘The state of alarm was declared’

Lockdown(Be in lockdown):Restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to

public spaces due to an emergency.

Be confined to our homes

Curfew: When people are only allowed to leave their homes during certain hours.

Maintain social distancing: avoid close contact with people.

Maintain physical distancing: keep at least 2 metres away from people.

Face mask

Hand sanitiser: to reduce or eliminate germs.

Ban large gatherings

Restrict travel / Close borders

Shut non-essential businesses

Stock up on groceries

First wave, second wave...

The number of coronavirus infections has risen/fallen

Mortality rate

Flatten the curve: Slowing down the rate of infection.

Ease restrictions

PPE: Personal protective equipment (a specialised clothing item used as a safeguard)

PCR test (noun): It detects viral particles in blood.

WFH: Acronym for “working from home” or “work from home”


Herd immunity: This will happen when a large percentage of the population develop
the virus, they will also develop immunity to it.

 How did you feel during the lockdown?
 How has COVID-19 changed social relationships?
 How did the pandemic change your English classroom and your way to learn?
 What can governments do to stop the pandemic?

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