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4 Seasons – Main Character


Name: Dearbhla

Age: 8

Height: Very Short, Average Height for an 8 Year Old, 4ft 2.5in.


Weight: Slim

Sex: Female

Race: White

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Ginger

Glasses or Contact Lenses: Yes, Small Rounded Glasses

Nationality: Irish

Skin Colour: Pale White

Shape of Face: Very Round

Clothes: How does he/she dress? – She can be seen mostly commonly wearing a
colourful T-shirts and Jeans usually covered by a bright red coat.

Mannerisms: Childlike

Habits: Can easily get lost by wandering down new paths.

Hobbies: Exploring

Sound of Voice: Peppy

Walking Style: Energic

Character’s Best Quality: Enjoys learning and exploring the world around her.

Character’s Greatest Flaw: Her Curiosity may get her into trouble at times.

Hometown: Fictional Rural Village in Ireland, Called Killymara

Current Residence: Killymara, Small Rural Village

Talents/Skills: Very Quick Learner, Good Listener and Picks Up New Skills

Family Status: Comes from a Small Family.


Educational Background: In Primary School, Primary 4

Intelligence Level: Smart for Her Age

Character's Goals in Life: To be the best explorer in the world!

How confident is the character? – She is very Confident.

Does the character seem ruled by emotion? No, she is ruled by her own curiosity.

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.

How does the character deal with:

● Sadness? – She Will Seek Support in those around her.

● Anger? – She is not quick to Anger, but she would get Angry and frustrated if she was
stuck indoors for too long. She will become quiet and reserved

● Conflict? – She doesn’t enjoy conflict and will try to avoid it as much as she can.
However during a conflict she would rather that things stay calm and try and get her
point across as much as she can.

● Change? – She quite enjoys change as she see’s change as an opportunity to learn
more about the world.

● Loss? – She would get very upset over loss, probably cry and seek support from her

What would the character like to change about his/her life? – She Wishes that she had
more time in the Day to Explore.

What motivates the character? – Her own Curiosity about the world around her.

What frightens the character? – Not being able to go outside and learn about the world.

What makes this character happy? – Being around Nature and Animals.

Relationship skills: She gets along better with Animals than Humans.
Time period: Modern Day

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