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Gross domestic product is considered to measure the volume of goods and services generated in a

nation during a specific year. If we count all of the production's intermediate items, their value
addition will be double counted in the GDP because it is already factored into the end product's
price. Only the final products and services are considered when calculating GDP for a specific year to
prevent this double counting.

Selling stocks and bonds does not result in the creation of new products or services or increased
value. Their worth is only predicated on speculation on their future pricing, and when the actual
value exceeds the stock price based on the speculation, there is a profit from the stock. The actual
manufacture of goods and services is not included, though. It is not consequently counted toward
the Gross domestic product.

The cost of second-hand furniture has already been accounted for in the GDP of the year that it was
made and sold. Furniture resale does not entail any new production and is not counted in GDP.

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