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Name: Anter, Genesis Palallos

Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

My 3 Key Learning Points:

1) Learning Point 1 – Be Prompt. Be in your online class 10-15 minutes before the call
2) Learning Point 2 – Dress appropriately. No sleeveless, no topless, and no wearing of shorts
when attending the virtual class.
3) Learning Point 3 – Turn off your microphone when someone is speaking or when it is not
yet your turn to speak.

The most important insights that I gain are the 3 things that I indicated above. It is important
that all the students are prompt because if someone comes late it will disturb the discussion
and the class will be annoyed if someone does so. Second is everyone should dress
appropriately because it is a formal meeting and not just an ordinary meeting. Lastly, when it
is not your turn you should mute your microphone so that you will not bother the person who
is speaking.

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