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A Research Paper

Submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

at Department of English Language Teaching Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education Muhammadiyah University of Kendari



Department of English Language Teaching

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Kendari

This is to certify that I have written the whole research paper by myself, entitled

“Students’Anxiety in Speaking Class at the Second Semester Students of

Muhammadiyah University of Kendari”. No part of this research paper indicates

plagiarism or had been written or published others. Anything related to others

works is written in quotation, the source which is listed on references. If then, this

pronouncement proved incorrect I would be ready for any academic punishment,

including the withdrawal or cancelation of my degree.

Kendari, 26 Oktober 2013



Firstly, I would like to say Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT who has given me the
mercies and blessings so that I can finish this study. Sholawat and Salam always
send for the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, his family and his
Many people have helped me throughout this study. My first and foremost
thanks go to my supervisors, Dr. Alauddin Madjid, M.pd and Isna Humaera,
S.Ag., S.Pd., M.Pd who are constant source of knowledge for me. For both of
you, thank you very much for your criticism and suggestion, without your
guidance, I can hardly imagine the completion of the research. I would like to
express my special remarks “you are an example of a cooperative lecture for me. I
enjoy the way of teaching, supervising and encouraging.” It has indeed been a
great privilege and joy to work under the guidance and scaffolding of both the
supervisors, which made the accomplishment of this skripsi as easy as possible.

I also would like to dedicate much thankfulness to the following people:

1. Dr. RifaiNur, M.Hum., as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of

2. Drs. H. Muh. Natsir, M.Si., the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational
Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.
3. Tri Indah Rusli S. Pd., M. Pd., The Head of English Study Program of
Teacher Training and Educational Faculty.
4. Abd. Halim, S,Pd., M.A TESOL, SarjaniahZur, S.Pd., M.Pd, Awaluddin R,
S.Pd., M.Pd As the examiner thank you very much for the valuable corrections
and suggestions.
5. Syahriani, S.Pd., as a proofreader, thank you for your corrections.
6. All the lecturers at the English Study Program thanks for advice, motivation,
and useful knowledge, also for staffs either in department or in faculty who
have helped the researcher in managing all formal needs during this skripsi
My grateful thank address to my beloved parents, Tahir and Nurnia, who I
will remember every day of my life . To my “outstanding father” who has always
believed in me and all I do. Also, for my lovely older brothers Paris (special
thanks for you), Pa’Rivan and my sisters Mabin, Nirta, Narwati, and Nima who
always pray for and support me. Special thank also for my beloved uncle Alimin
and aunt Sabonu. Thank for “Wai” who can make me laugh in hard situation. I
thank my family for loving me through this entire process.
I also would like to thank for all of my dear friends in English department,
especially for my beloved sisters K’ Mizra who support me in her own way,
Thank you for supporting me, as I wrote for endless hours. Special thank for Yaya
who always fight together, start in deciding ‘title’ until seminar examination.
Thanks a lot for your kindness. Also, Rika, Madil, Pety, Mala, Ela, Ucha, Bety,
Sisi, Eka, Mia, Rumi, Waliana, Salim, Muflihun, Rahmat, Boby, Awal, Risman,
Fa’at’s Dad and Farah’s Mom, Risma, Leny, Bulan, Indah, Devy, Lia, Sufy, Lili,
thanks for nice moment in Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. My
thankfulness also goes to all my friends in English Department who cannot be
mentioned here one by one. My brothers and sisters in speaking IIC academic
year 2012/2013 thank you very much for your cooperation. May you got an easy
way in finishing your study. The last but not least, for Ana who always beside me
in every moment, special thanks for your time.
Finally, I hope this skripsi can give a contribution for the readers even I
realize that this skripsi is still far from being perfect. Therefore, advice, critics,
and suggestions are expected for completing this skripsi.

Kendari, Oktober 2013

The writer




This study aims to uncover students’ anxiety in speaking class at the second
semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. Based on preliminary
study through classroom observation and interview conducted in second semester
students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari, it was found out that some
students felt anxiety in speaking class. Most of them feel nervous, afraid, shy, and
unconfident when they are deliver speaking. Therefore, this study investigates the
level of students’ anxiety, the causes and the students’ strategies in reducing their
own anxiety. The subject of the study was the students at the second semester
students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari who registered in 2013
academic year. It is class C. The numbers of the subjects were 30 students.
This study is a descriptive qualitative method that was designed to
describe phenomenon about second semester students’ anxiety in English
speaking class at the second semester of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.
The instruments were used observation sheet, questionnaire, and interview.
The result of the study show that most of the students got ‘mildly anxious’
in English speaking class based on Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale
(FLCAS). In addition, three of six component suggested by Young (1991) become
the causes of anxiety in this study. Those are learners’ beliefs about language
learning, personal component, and classroom procedures. Furthermore, every
student in this study used different strategies in reducing the anxiety that is
analyzed based on Kondo and Ling’s categorization (2004). It is Tactics for
Coping with Language Anxiety Organized by a Five-Cluster Solution. Most of
them used relaxation and preparation strategies, while the other used peer seeking,
positive thinking, and resignation.
Keywords: Speaking class, anxiety, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale

TITLE SHEET........................................................................................ i
LEGALIZATION SHEET……………………………………………... ii
PRONOUNCEMENT............................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT......................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………… vi
LIST OF CONTENT…………………………………………………... vii
LIST OF TABLE.................................................................................... ix
LIST OF APPENDIX…………………………………………………. x

A. Background to the Study................................................................... 1
B. Research Problems............................................................................ 4
C. Objectives of the Study.................................................................... 4
D. Significances of the Study................................................................. 4
E. Scope of the Study............................................................................. 5
F. Definition of Terms........................................................................... 5

A. Speaking Skill................................................................................... 7
B. The Nature and Types of Anxiety..................................................... 10
C. The Causes of Foreign Language Anxiety........................................ 11
D. Roles of Anxiety in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition
Theories………………………………………………………......... 15
E. The Effect of Anxiety on Learning Speaking................................... 15
F. Language Learning Strategies........................................................... 17
G. Review of Previous Study................................................................. 20

A. Design of the Study........................................................................... 21

B. Subject of the Study.......................................................................... 21
C. Instrument of the Study..................................................................... 23
D. Technique of Data Collection........................................................... 25
E. Technique of Data Analysis.............................................................. 26
F. Triangulation of the Data…………………………………………... 28

A. Findings………………………………………………………......... 29
1. The Anxiety Level of the Students………………………......... 29
2. The Causes of Anxiety Felt by the Students in English
Speaking Class……………………………………………......... 33
3. The Strategies Used by Students to Reduce Their Own
Anxiety………………………………………………………… 36
B. Discussion………………………………………………………….. 39

A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………. 46
B. Limitation of the Study…………………………………………..... 47
C. Recommendation…………………………………………………... 48
1. Suggestion for Further Researcher……………………….......... 49
2. Pedagogical Implication………………………………….......... 49

Table I : FLCAS Anxiety Scale………………………………… 24

Table II : Students’ FLCAS Result……………………………… 29

Table III : The Causes of Anxiety………………………………... 34

Table IV : The Students’ Strategies to Reduce Their Anxiety…… 37

Appendix I : Questionnaire…………………………………………. 54
Appendix II : Observation Sheet…………………………………….. 56
Appendix III : Interview Sheet……………………………………….. 64
Appendix IV : Interview Transcript…………………………………... 65


This chapter consists of six sections. Those are background to the study, research

question, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and

definition of terms.

A. Background to the Study

Speaking class activity requires learners to communicate based on the given topic

or question. One of the main reasons for including speaking activities in language

lessons is to help students improve habits of quick language processing in English

(Harmer, 2001). Therefore, speaking activity helps students to practice their

English. As Scrivener (2005) stated that, the goal of a communicative activity in

class is to make learners use language. They are studying to act out in real

communication, usually involving change statement.

On the other hand, to make students speak the target language is not

always easy. There can be several different reasons why this happen. According to

Brown (2001) one of the major barrier students have to control in learning to

speak is the anxiety. Which the anxiety produces over the risk of speaking

honestly without hesitation that is wrong, stupid or unreasonable. Thus, one of

learners’ problems in speaking is anxiety.

Anxiety is a feeling which is the learner tend to be strained and afraid in

language learning. As Horwitz cited in Juhana (2012) stated that anxiety is a

feeling of tension, apprehension and nervousness associated with the situation of

learning a foreign language. In addition, Arnold (1999) argued that Language

anxiety is fear or anxiety occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the

second or foreign language (p. 59). As a result, they will have bad performance

because they cannot speak well. “Anxiety makes us nervous and afraid and thus

contributes to poor performance” (Arnold, 1999, p. 9).

Anxiety is the most common problem that emerges in learning a foreign

language. As Arnold (1999) argued, “language anxiety ranks high among factors

influencing language learning” (p. 59). To find out the existing of anxiety, the

researcher did preliminary study in speaking class at the second semester students

of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari on March 18-19, 2013. The researcher

did classroom observation to see the students’ circumstance in speaking class.

After that, the researcher also did interview to some second semester students of

Muhammadiyah University of Kendari about their English speaking class. It

focused on their anxiety when they are speaking.

Based on preliminary study, some of second semester students in speaking

class experienced the anxiety also. In classroom observation, the researcher found

that some students tend to be silent in the class. Furthermore, the result of

interview found that some students felt the anxiety in speaking class. One of them

said “I always feel nervous when I’m in speaking class because I am afraid to

speak English“. The other said, “I feel shy to speak because I have limited

vocabulary, I forget what I’m going to say, my mind is blank when the teacher

calls me to speak”. The researcher tried to ask them the reason why they did not

want to speak in English speaking class. Then, the researcher discovered that
students feel uncomfortable when they try to speak. They feel nervous, the mind

went blank and afraid to speak in front of others. These problem was caused by

limited vocabulary, no preparation, and fear of negative feedback from the

lecturer. As a result, they get confused to convey arranging good sentence, they

cannot manage their speaking and they have poor performance.

In addition, some students think that she/he has bad English than others.

Therefore, they were shy and not confident enough to perform. Moreover, when

their lecturer called on them to speak, they become strained. They are confused

about what and how to say. Thus, some of students tend to be silent than try to

express their idea. These language learners experience bring a condition as anxiety

of foreign language speaking.

Based on the above explanation about students’ anxiety felt in speaking

class that is why the researcher is interested to see how anxiety exists in speaking

class among second semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.

Some notion that are going to be explored: level of anxiety, the causes of anxiety

and strategies that students used to reduced anxiety.

Some researchers have conducted about language anxiety. They are

Sugiharti (2007) showed that anxiety occurred in the level of mildly anxious and

mostly occurred in the type of communication apprehension; Damayanti (2009)

investigated the foreign language speaking anxiety in junior high school. Most of

the students were facing communication apprehension type of anxiety; Alwisidi

(2011) investigated the correlation of students’ anxiety towards speaking

achievement at the second semester students of Muhammadiyah University of

Kendari. He found that there is significant positive correlation between anxiety

and students’ achievement in speaking English skill.

B. Research Question

Based on the background above, research question of this study are as follow:

1. What level of anxiety do the students mostly feel in speaking class?

2. What are the causes of the anxiety felt by students in speaking class?

3. In what way do the students reduce their own anxiety?

C. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out the answers of the research questions,

they are:

1. To find out the level of anxiety do the students mostly feel in speaking class.

2. To find out the causes of anxiety felt by students in speaking class.

3. To find out strategies are used by the second semester students to reduce their

own anxiety.

D. Significance of the Study

There are some benefits expected from this study. First, this study will generally

provide for the improvement of the English language teaching and learning

quality, particularly in the teaching of speaking. Moreover, it can be input for

teacher to enhance their awareness that they are not only responsible for teaching,

but also investigating the causes of and the solution to their students’ inability to

speak English. Next, this study will help students to know the anxiety factors and
the strategies to reduce it in speaking class. Then, this study is expected to be used

an additional reference in conducting related topic.

E. Scope of the Study

This study focused on the level and the causes of anxiety in speaking class and the

strategies that students used to reduce their own anxiety. The study took place at

the second semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari in

academic year 2012/2013.

F. Definition of Terms

To avoid readers’ misunderstanding to the terms used in this study, the researcher

provided definition related to the study as follows:

1. Speaking is expressing thoughts, opinions, or feelings orally in order that

people will engage in communication. In this study, Speaking refers to

speaking activity in speaking class at the second semester students of

Muhammadiyah University of Kendari, as a part of English teaching.

2. Anxiety is a feeling where the people tend to be strained, afraid, shy and not

confident in particular situation. In this study, anxiety is recorded by using

observation sheet, questionnaire and interview session as qual data through

which the writer classifies the students’ level of unrealistic fear, worry, or

uneasiness to speak English.

3. Language anxiety is fear or anxiety occurring when a learner is expected to

perform in the second or foreign language (Arnold, 1999). In this study,

language anxiety is a feeling of apprehension that tends to be an obstacle in

language learning.

4. Level of anxiety is an anxiety range on a scale. In this study, level of anxiety

is gathered by using Foreign Language Clasroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)

questionnaire. There are five anxiety level, those are very anxious; anxious;

mildly anxious; relaxed; very relaxed.



This chapter contains the conceptualizations of speaking skill, the nature and

types of anxiety, the causes of foreign language anxiety, the role of anxiety in

second/foreign language acquisition theories, the effect of anxiety on learning

speaking, the language learning strategies, and review of previous study.

A. Speaking Skill

Speaking is one of skills in english language learning which enables us to express

our ideas, give response or comments on what we hear or read orally. Speaking is

a productive skill, like writing. It involved using speech to express meaning to

other people (Mary, 2005, p. 34). According to Thornbury (2006) Speaking is so

much a part of daily life that we take it for granted. It is interactive and requires

the ability to co-operate in the management of speaking turns. Thus, “Speaking in

a second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the

four skills” (Lazaraton in Murcia, 2001, p. 103).

In the case of speaking activity, the speaker needs interlocutor to take part

in responding. As Harmer (2001) stated that “most speaking involves interaction

with one or more participants” (p. 271). To speak in foreign language in order to

share understanding with other people requires attention to precise details of the

language. A speaker needs to find the most appropriate words and the correct

grammar to convey meaning accurately and precisely, and needs to organize the

language so that the listener will understand.

On the other hand, there are some aspects make english speaking is

difficult. Therefore, making students speak english is not easy. Nunan in

Lazaraton (1993) found that to be lack of motivation, getting students to speak ( a

cultural issue from some where speaking in class is prohibited except when called

on), and the use of first language are the biggest challenges in the EFL classroom.

Where the role of the first language in second langugae performance is often

reffered to as interference (Krashen, 2002, p. 64).

In this case, most of students feel comfortable by using the first language

in the classroom. There are some reasons why this happen. Those are the

language required by the activity, an entirely natural thing to do, when performing

pedagogical task and because the teacher themselves (Harmer, 2001, p. 131).

According to Brown (2001), there are some characteristic of spoken language that

can make oral performance easy as well as, in some cases, difficult. They are:

1. Clustering

Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize the output

both cognitively and physically (in breath groups) through such clustering.

2. Redundancy

The speaker has an opportunity to make meaning clearer through the

redundancy of language. Learners can take advantage on this feature of

spoken language.

3. Reduced forms

Contractions, elision, reduced vowels, etc., all form special problems in

teaching spoken english. Students who don’t learn colloquial contractions can
sometimes develop a stilted, bookish quality of speaking that in turn

stigmatizes them.

4. Performance variables

One of the advantages of spoken language is that the process of thinking when

speaking that allows to manifest a certain number of performance hesitations,

pauses, backtracking and corrections. Learners can actually be taught how to

pause and hesitate. For example, in english our “thinking time” is not silent;

we insert certain “fillers” such as uh, um, well, you know, I mean, like, etc.

one of the most main differences between native nad non native speakers of a

language is in their hesitation phenomena.

5. Colloquial language

The learners should be introduced with the words, idioms, and phrases of

informal language and that they get practice in producing these forms.

6. Rate of delivery

Another important characteristic of fluency is rate of delivery. One of tasks in

teaching spoken language is to help learners achieve an acceptable speed

along with other attributes of fluency.

7. Stress, rhythm and intonation.

This is the most important characteristic of english pronunciation. The stress-

timed rhythm of spoken english and its intonation patterns bring important

B. The Nature and Types of Anxiety

Anxiety is one of human body’s conditions which influence performance.

According to Arkin & Rucks, (2007) anxiety is related with increases in cardiac

reactivity such as heart rate and blood pressure, and with other physiological

indices such as blood flow to major muscle group, sweating, and trembling.

Physiological stimulation can be interpreted positively (as elation, surprise, or

attraction) or negatively (as fear, anger, or anxiety). In negative way, It most often

happen when someone is apprehensive about uncertain outcomes of an event or

set of circumtances (Huberty, 2009).

Anxiety is one of the most basic human emotions and occur in every

person at particular time. As Arnold (1999) said that Anxiety is the affective

factor that most completely impede learning process. It is related with negative

feelings such as uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension and tension (p.

8). In addition Huberty (2009) stated that anxiety is a normal human emotion that

can be harmful in a school setting, but good communication and support can help

minimize its negative impact (p. 12).

There are two forms of anxiety that are pertinent to understanding the

formation and maintenance of anxiety. As explained by Huberty (2009) “Trait

anxiety” refers to anxiety that is chronic and pervasive across situation and is not

triggered by specific events. While “State anxiety” refers to anxiety that occurs in

specific situations and usually has a clear trigger (p. 13). In this case, there is

correlation between both types of anxiety. Which is not all people who have high

state anxiety have high trait anxiety, but those who have high trait anxiety are
more likely to experience state anxiety (Spielberger as cited in Huberty, 2009, p.


In line with Huberty, Arkin & Rucks (2007) argued that anxiety is often

distinguished in terms of its state or trait nature. State anxiety is a temporary

upleasant emotional stimulation stemming from a cognitive judgment of a threat

of some type. While trait anxiety is a constant personality quality in the

inclination to respond to threat with state anxiety.

C. The Causes of Foreign Language Anxiety

Some aspects are related the causes of foreign language anxiety. Horwitz, Horwitz

& cope (1986) proposed that foreign language anxiety is related to

communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation.

Communication apprehension is a type of shyness that is felt when

communicating with people and that make clear itself through anxiety. Fear of

negative evaluation is defined as type of performance anxiety that arises from fear

of failure felt in academic evaluation environments. While test anxiety is, a type

associated with foreign language anxiety. It refers to a type of performance

anxiety blocking from a fear of failure.

Although communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative

evaluation provide useful conceptual building blocks for a description of foreign

language anxiety, it is explained that foreign language anxiety is not simply the

combination of these aspects. As Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986) defined

language anxiety as “a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings and

behaviors related to classroom language learning which arise from the uniqueness

of the language learning process” (p. 128). In other words, learning process

influences the existing of anxiety in language classroom.

In addition, the causes of anxiety can be from different dimension. Young

(1991) recognized six potential sources of language anxiety from three different

aspects: the learner, the teacher, and the instructional practice. He claimed that

language anxiety is caused by: 1) personality components; 2) learner beliefs about

language learning; 3) instructor beliefs about language teaching; 4) instructor-

learner interactions; 5) classroom procedures; and 6) language testing.

Personality components are caused by two significant sources of learner

anxiety. Those are low self-esteem and competitiveness. Bailey in Young (1991)

argued that competitiveness could lead to anxiety when language learners

compare themselves to others or to an idealized self-image. Similarly, Krashen

suggested that an individual’s degree of self-esteem is highly related to the

language anxiety. This is what causes anxiety in a lot of people. People with low

self-esteem worry about their peers think, they are concerned with pleasing others.

Price in Young (1991) reported that the majority of her subjects believed

their language skills to be weaker than those of the others in class; that they

“weren’t doing a good job and that everyone else looked down on them. They

should have done much better than they did; that if they had only worked a little

harder they could have been successful at this task.

Students' beliefs about language learning may have an impact on their

performance in class. For example, if a student believes that she does not have
very good aptitude for language learning, she may not make much effort to learn

the language. In other words, beliefs can become unfortunate self-fulfilling

prophecies. ‘Learners belief about language learning’, which refers to what

second or foreign language learning includes. Pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, etc. are all criteria that influence the way of learning a foreign

language so they affect language anxiety as well. If the learners believe that

pronunciation is the most important aspect of a language, they will end up

frustrated and stressed. In other words, when beliefs and reality clash, anxiety

result. Unrealistic beliefs about language learning can cause students to become


Similarly, language learners in Horwitz’ s study found: 1) expressed great

concern over the correctness of their utterances; 2) placed a great deal of stress on

speaking with “an excellent accent”; 3) supported the notion that language

learning is primarily translating from English; 4) believed that two years is

enough time to become fluent in another language; and 5) believed some people

were more able to learn a foreign language than others. As several of these beliefs

are unrealistic for the language learners , they could lead to anxiety.

Besides, ‘teacher belief about language learning’, including the teacher’s

private speculation about the need to treat the students so as to encourage them to

learn the language are also the causes of foreign language anxiety. Some teacher’s

beliefs may be contributing to learner language anxiety. Firstly, instructors who

believe their role are to correct students constantly when they make any error.

Then, who feel that they cannot have students working in pairs because the class
may get out of control. Next, who believe that the teacher should be doing most of

the talking and teaching, and who think their role is more like a drill sergeant’s

than a facilitator’s.

Afterwards, ‘the interaction between learner and the teacher’ include as a

source of anxiety in the classroom. As harsh manner of correcting students’ errors

is often cited as provoking anxiety. In addition, learners consistently report

anxiety over responding incorrectly and being incorrect in front of their peers, and

looking or sounding “dumb”. They also express concerns over how mistakes are

perceived in the language classroom.

After that, ‘the processes, atmosphere and events in classes, involving the

need to speak in front of the class, the fear of being called on to blackboard, fear

of being personally asked or the fear of one’s turn to give a certain answer usually

would make some students feel anxious. Anxieties associated with classroom

procedures center primarily on having to speak in the target language in front of a

group. Other strong sources of anxiety were oral quizzes and being called on to

respond orally in the target language.

Then, anxieties can stem from aspects from language testing. In language

testing, the greater the degree of students’ evaluation and the more unfamiliar the

test tasks and formats, the more the learner anxiety produced. Students also

experience anxiety when they spend hours studying the material emphasized in

class only to find that their tests assess different material or utilize question-types

with which they have no experience.

D. Roles of Anxiety in Second / Foreign Language Acquisition Theories

Language acquisition is one of way getting language in subconscious process.

Language acquisition refers to the process of natural absorption, involving instinct

and subconscious learning, which is the result of real interactions between people

where the learner is an active participant (Krashen, 2002). One of kinds of

affective or attitudinal variables related to second language acquisition is anxiety.

The learner's emotional state, according to Krashen, is just like an adjustable

filter, which freely passes or hinders input necessary to acquisition (Richards

&Rodgers, 1986). In other words, input must be achieved in low-anxiety contexts

since acquirers with a low affective filter receive more input and interact with


Besides, anxiety is one of self-factors that inhibit language process in

language learning. Horwitz (2001) stated, “Anxiety is a well-known source of

interference in all kinds of learning and wonder why the case of language learning

should be different” (p. 119). In addition, in both language learning and

communication, language anxiety can take a siginificant role in forming

individual differences (MacIntyre, 1995). It means that learners’ performances is

influenced by anxiety in different level based on the individual.

E. The Effect of Anxiety on Learning Speaking

However, foreign language anxiety will affect the language learning, there are

debilitating and facilitating types of anxiety. Which is debilitating anxiety poses

an obstacle to language learning, whereas facilitating anxiety facilitates or fosters

it (Arnold, 1999). Although both types exist, studies have mostly concentrated on

the former. Anxiety helps learner to have preparation before performing. It means

that the existing of anxiety makes students realize that they cannot be careless on

language learning. According to Scovel in Arnold (1999), he stated that anxiety

could be helpful or facilitating in some ways such as keeping students being

awake. In other words, anxiety makes students be ready on learning. On the

contrary, the negative kind of anxiety is sometimes called debilitating anxiety,

because it harms learners’ performance in many ways. Decline motivation,

negative behavior and beliefs, and language performance difficulties relate with

harmful anxiety.

In line with Arnold, Occhipinti (2009) said that two interesting definitions

of anxiety have been given throughout the investigation. The first one, termed

facilitating anxiety, is described as the positive force, which may lead the students

to become even more motivated for language learning. By contrast, debilitating

anxiety motivates the learner to withdraw from the language task and leads him to

adopt avoidance behaviors.

Anxiety arises in learners’ activity in the classroom, especially in speaking

class. When anxiety exist in the classroom, it will give effect to the learners. Their

performance will be influenced by anxiety. Arnold (1999) argued that “anxiety

makes us nervous and afraid and thus contributes to poor performance” (p. 9).

Therefore, we can not come forward totally. Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986)

indicated that students with high level of anxiety were afraid of speaking in the

foreign langugae. Moreover, anxiety may cause a lack of cognitive processing and
damage task performance, it should be confessed that task performance can incite

anxiety (MacIntyre, 1995).

Afterwards, the anxious students interpret that learning a foreign language

seems difficult. According to Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986) “the most

anxious students tends to avoid attempting difficult or personal message in the

target language” (p. 126). Thus, students experience apprehension, worry even

reluctance. They have difficulty concentrating, become forgetful, sweat and have

heartbeat. As a result, those feelings influence students’ performance in learning a

foreign language.

F. Language Learning Strategies

Language learning strategies are learners’ style that is used in learning process. It

help students to enhance the value of language learning. Second language learning

startegies are specific attitude or thought processes that students use to expand

their own second language learning (Oxford, 2003). This definition is further

expanded to include “specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier,

faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable

to new situations” (Oxford, 2003, p. 8). This case show that the importance in

foreign language teaching and learning is changing from teacher centered to

learner centered instruction.

Learning strategies are defined as “specific actions, behaviors, steps, or

techniques such as seeking out conversation partners, or giving oneself

encouragement to tackle a difficult language task used by students to enhance

their own learning (Oxford, 2003, p. 2). Learning strategies can be classified into

six group: cognitive, metacognitive, memory-related, compensatory, affective and

social. These six strategies are divided by Oxford in direct and indirect categories.

Those three groups that belong to the direct strategies are memory, cognitive, and

compensation. While metacognitive, affective and social strategies include

indirect categories (Oxford, 2003).

The direct strategies have some advantages for the learners. They help

saving and restore information, produce language even when there is space in

knowledge, and help to understand and use the new language. Cognitive strategies

enable to transformed the language material by repeating, analyzing or

summarizing. Memory related strategies help learners connect one-second

language item or concept with another but do not necessarily involve deep

interpretation. Many learners make use of visual images, but some find it easy to

connect words and phrases with sound, motion or touch. Compensation strategies

help the learner make up for missing knowledge. Learners use this strategy for

understanding of the target language when they have inadequate knowledge of the

target language.

Indirect language learning strategies help learner arrange the learning

process. Metacognitive strategies go beyond the cognitive method and give

learners to synchronize their learning. Learning is influenced by affective factors

such as emotion, attitude, motivation, and values in an important way. In this

strategy, include lowering anxiety, encouraging self and taking emotional

temperature. Social strategies consist of asking question, cooperating with others

and empathizing with others. These strategies help the learner to work with others

and understand the target language (Oxford, 2003).

The study of Kondo and Ling (2003, p. 262) mention the five strategies

students use to cope with the anxiety they experience in English language

classroom. Those are: the first category, preparation, refers to attempts at

controlling the impending threat by improving learning and study strategies (e.g.

studying hard, trying to obtain to summaries of lectures notes), the second

category, relaxation, involves tactics that aim at reducing somatic anxiety

symptoms (e.g. taking a deep breath, trying to calm down).

The third strategy set, positive thinking, is characterized by its palliative

function of suppressing problematic cognitive processes that underlie students’

anxiety (e.g. imagining oneself giving a great performance, trying to enjoy the

tension). The fourth category, peer seeking, is distinguished by students’

willingness to look for other students who seem to have trouble understanding the

class and/or controlling their anxiety (e.g. looking for others who are having

difficulty controlling their anxiety, asking others students if they understand the

class). The final strategy set is labeled resignation. It is characterized by students’

reluctance to do anything to alleviate their language anxiety (e.g. giving up,

sleeping in class). Students reporting example of resignation seem intent on

minimizing the impact of anxiety by refusing to face the problem. Those are five

strategies students use to deal with their anxiety.

G. Review of Previous Study

Foreign language learning anxiety has been the subject of a growing body of

research that indicated anxiety routinely affects many language learners. Three

researchers conducted about language anxiety. They are Sugiharti (2007) who

involved 23 college students in English for communication class, showed that

anxiety occurred in the level of mildly anxious and mostly occurred in the type of

communication apprehension.

Damayanti (2009) investigated the foreign language speaking anxiety in

junior high school. Most of the students were facing communication apprehension

type of anxiety. That study concluded that internal and external factors might

determine level of each student’s anxiety. One of study that had been conducted

the same research was done by Alwisidi (2011). He investigated the correlation of

students’ anxiety towards speaking achievement at the second semester students

of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. He found that there is significant

positive correlation between anxiety and students’ achievement in speaking

English skill. This current research is expected to be the one that can add

information about language anxiety of second semester students’ anxiety in

speaking class because it investigated the causes and the students’ strategies in

reducing their own anxiety.



This chapter contains explanation on how the research is conducted to find out the

answers of the research questions. In accordance with it, the research

methodology covered design of the study, subject of the study, instrument of the

study, technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.

A. Design of the Study

This research used a descriptive qualitative method. It was used to describe

phenomenon about second semester students’ anxiety in English speaking class at

the second semester of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. According to

William (2007) “Qualitative research is a holistic approach that involves

discovery (p. 67). In addition, Qualitative research is involved with the concepts

and more than one identities of a select group; therefore, the findings or theory

may only applicable to a similar group (Thompson, 2011). Furthermore, it also

describes as an explanation model that occurs in a natural setting. Which it

enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the

actual experiences (Creswell in Williams, 2007).

B. Subject of the Study

To gather the data, purposive sampling was employed in selecting the

participants. Purposive sampling is a technique of taking sample with some

consideration. In this case, consideration refers to the subject that suitable under
investigation (Sugiyono, 2010, p. 218). In this study, the researcher was interested

to investigated the students’ anxiety in speaking class that was felt by the second

semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. The reason from

choosing this respondent was based on assumption that the second semester are

still in the state to adapt to their environment. They may find new environment

either facilitates or deliberates their speaking competence in English class. Thus,

the second semester was representative enough to describe about anxiety and the

provoking situation might affect their speaking anxiety.

The participants of this study were 30 students from a class of the classes

at the second semester who took English-speaking subject. It was class C. There

were some reasons why the researcher choosed this class. Based on preliminary

study, the researcher found that most students in this class tend to be passive

among other classes. Furthermore, the lecturer who handled this class suggested

to the researcher to take this class as the subject. That is why the researcher was

interested to see how the existing of anxiety in this class.

In this study, 30 students were taken to fill the questionnaire. It was aimed

to find out the level of anxiety in that class. While the causes and the strategies

that student used to reduce the anxiety, it was investigated by interview. In this

case, the researcher decided only 10 students as interviwee to be easy in collecting

data. In fact, when did classroom observation the researcher can build a good

raport to the subjects. As a result, most of them were ready to be interviewed.

Therefore, there are 18 interviewees in this study. It enlarged information about

the causes of anxiety and the students’ strategies in reducing anxiety.

C. Instrument of the Study

The instruments used in this study included observation sheet, questionnaire and

semi-structured interview. The first instrument was observation sheet that was

made by the researcher. In this case, the observation was done to observe the

natural occurrences of anxiety symptom experienced by students under

investigation. Marshal in Sugiyono (2010) stated, “Through observation, the

researcher learns about behavior and the meaning attached to those behavior. In

doing observation, the researcher used observation sheet and videotaping. Which

is videotaping was utilized to capture students’ circumstance in English speaking


Afterward, the second instrument was questionnaire. The questionnaire

enabled the researcher to collect data, and the data themselves are more

acceptable to quantification (Nunan, 2008 ). In this study, the questionnaire used

to obtain specific information data gathered from the participant. The

questionnaire in this research is an adaptation from Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope

(1986) namely Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). In the

FLCAS there are questions items and a scale ranging from “strongly agree” to

“strongly disagree” (five points). Students’ anxiety score is gained by summing

the rating of all the items. The theoretical range of this scale is from 33-165

(Mueller, 1986, p. 13). The higher the total points are, the most anxious student is.

FLCAS is used as the data source of level of students’ anxiety may

perform in English speaking class. The data from questionnaire will give specific

information about level of foreign language speaking anxiety. As a measure to

identify the level of anxiety among the students, Likert scaling procedure

(Mueller, 1986) is also employed to identify the range of FLCAS score. It would

be useful to identify which level the students are. The results showed that the level

of anxiety is based on the categorization of FLCAS scale below:

Table I
FLCAS Anxiety Scale

Range Level

124-165 Very anxious

107-123 Anxious

86-106 Mildly anxious

65-85 Relaxed

33-64 Very relaxed

Adopted from Likert scale (Mueller, 1986)

Afterward, to get broader information about students’ anxiety experience,

the researcher used interview. The interview was done to find the causes and the

students’ strategy in reducing their anxiety. Stainback in Sugiyono (2010) stated

that interviewing provide the researcher a means to get a deeper understanding of

how the participant explain a situation or phenomenon that can be acquired

through observation alone. In this study, the researcher used semi structured

interview. In a semi-structured interview, “the interviewer has a general idea of

where he/she wants the interview to go, and what should come out of it, but does

not enter the interview with a list of predetermined question” (Nunan, 2008, p.

D. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data of this research, there are several steps have taken:

1. Observing the class was done to get information related to the students’

anxiety. It was done four times while using observation sheet and videotaping.

2. Distributing the questionnaire to the respondents.

3. Collecting the result of questionnaire.

4. Scoring the questionnaire answers.

5. Classifying the score into groups in order to simplify their tabulation and

interpretation based on the percentage statistics. The respondents’ answer

were then classified into five classifications based on FLCAS.

6. Doing interview to collect the data from the students about their anxiety of

foreign language.

7. Recording interview with the respondent.

8. Retyping the result of interview of each respondent as the transcript.

9. Analyzing the answer of respondents.

10. Classifying the data into the selected categories.

11. Clarifying the answer of respondents.

12. Interpreting the meaning of the respondents’ answer.

13. Presenting the result into a coherent description.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

Miles and Huberman model was used as a technique of data analysis in this study.

Miles and Huberman (1984) said that there are three steps in data analysis. Those

are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Reducing

data refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and

transforming field notes, interview transcription and other raw data. The data is

summerrized, sorted, and organized the data. Within the context of qualitative

data analysis, a display is organized and compressed assembly of information. It

makes the data compact and immediately accessible. The procces of verification

involves testing the meanings that are emerging from the data for their likelihood

and for whether or not they can be confirmed.

In presenting the result, the data from this research were gained and

analyzed by Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope’s (1991) Foreign Language Classroom

Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). In the FLCAS, there are 33 questions. Based on a five–

point Likert Scale (Vagias, 2006) the questionnaires consist of a 5-point scale

ranging from “strongly agree” (1 points) to “strongly disagree” (5 point) for

positive statement. Then, (5 to 1 point) for negative statement. In FLCAS, there

are two kinds of statement. The positive statements are in questions number 2, 5,

8, 11, 14, 18, 22, 24, 28 and 32. While the negative statements are in questions

number 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29,30,31,

and 33.

Students’ anxiety score was gained by summing the rating of all the items.

Level of anxiety depends on the total points whether it is positive or negative

statement. The theoretical range of this scale is from 33-165. The higher the total

points are the most anxious student is. The level of anxiety starts from higher to

lower point. Those are “very anxious”, “anxious”, “mildly anxious”, “relaxed”,

and “very relaxed”.

Furthermore, to analyze the causes of anxiety perceived by students in

speaking class, the six components suggested by Young (1991) was used as the

basis of discussion. Those are: 1) personality component; 2) learner beliefs about

language learning; 3) instructor beliefs about language teaching; 4) instructor-

learner interactions; 5) classroom procedures; and 6) language testing. The data

was analyzed based on the above six components.

While the students’ strategies that they used in English speaking class to

reduce anxiety, was analyzed based on the five strategies. According to study of

Kondo and Ling (2004, p. 262), they mentioned the five strategies students use to

cope with the anxiety they experience in English language classroom. It is Tactics

for Coping with Language Anxiety Organized by a Five-Cluster Solution Those

are preparation, relaxation, positive thinking, peer seeking and resignation.

Further, the data was evaluated belong to the above strategies.

The causes of anxiety and the strategies that students used in reducing

anxiety was taken through interview. The result of interview was analyzed by

above mention categories.

F. Triangulation of the Data

Triangulation is implemented by using some sources. As Ridjal in Bungin (2001)

stated that in triangulation, the researcher used several techniques in collecting

data from some different sources. Miles and Huberman in Mathison (1988) stated

that “triangulation is supposed to support a finding by showing that independent

measures of it agree with it or, at least, do not contradict it”. Moreover, Stainback

in Sugiyono (2006) explains that “the aim is not to determine the truth about some

social phenomenon, rather the purposes of triangulation is to increase one’s

understanding of whatever is being investigated” (p.330).

By triangulating data, the researcher was expected to focus on gaining the

understanding of research findings. Therefore, the researcher employed the

triangulation to strengthen the types of collected data. The data that was gathered

through observation sheet and questionnaire then the data was added through in

depth-interview. Semi-structured interview was used to gain access to the subjects

of what the causes and their strategy in reducing anxiety.



In this chapter, the researcher reported the findings during data collection in the

second semester students. As an effort to answered the research questions, the

findings and discussion of the research will be divided into three parts. The first

part deals with the level of anxiety does the student in English speaking class

mostly have. The second is to mention the causes of anxiety felt by them. The last

is to identify the strategies used by the students to reduce their own anxiety. The

discussion will follow the findings.

A. Findings

1. The Anxiety Level of the Students

Based on the scores the respondents gained through FLCAS questionnaire, the

anxiety level perceived is as follows.

Table II
Students’ FLCAS Results

No Anxiety level Range Total students Percentage

1 Very anxious 124-165 2 6.67%
2 Anxious 107-123 8 26.67%
3 Mildly anxious 86-106 13 43.33%
4 Relaxed 65-85 7 23.33%
5 Very relaxed 33-64 0 0
6 Total 30 100%
The table shows students’ anxiety level in speaking class. There are five

levels of anxiety that might be felt by the students. Those are very anxious,

anxious, mildly anxious, relaxed, and very relaxed. In general, the students in

speaking class experienced mildly anxious level (13 out of 30 students or 43.33 %

of the total respondents) when they are speaking in English speaking class.

However, the number of ‘very anxious’ and ‘anxious’ students also cannot be

ignored. There are 2 student who felt ‘very anxious’ (6.67 %). In addition, there

are some students who felt anxious (8 students or 26.67 %), almost the same as

those who felt relaxed (7 students or 23.33 %). From the result of FLCAS

questionnaire, it is found that there is no students who felt very relaxed in

speaking class. The lowest score from this questionnaire is 67 and the highest is


The numbers of students who endorse the statement in FLCAS

questionnaire are “I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in my

English class” (10 students agree and 4 students strongly agree). “I don’t worry

about making mistakes in English class” (6 students agree and 1student strongly

agree). “I tremble when I know that I’m going to be called on in English class”

(14 Students agree and 3 students strongly agree). “It frightens me when I don’t

understand what the teacher is saying in English class” (7 students agree and 2

students strongly agree). “It wouldn’t bother me at all to take more English class”

(7 students agree and 1 student strongly agree). “During speaking class, I find

myself thinking about things that have nothing to do with the course” (7 students

agree and 1 student strongly agree). “I keep thinking that the other students are
better at English than I am” (14 students agree and 1 student strongly agree). “I

am usually at ease during tests in my English class” (9 students agree). “I start to

panic when I have to speak without preparation in English class” (14 students

agree and 6 students strongly agree). “I worry about the consequences of failing

my English class” (9 students agree and 3 students strongly agree).

“I don’t understand why some people get so upset over English class” (7

students agree and 2 students strongly agree). “In speaking class, I can get so

nervous I forget things I know” (6 students agree and 2 students strongly agree).

“It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my speaking class” (11 students agree

and 5 students strongly agree). “I would not be nervous speaking English with

native speakers” (7 students agree and 2 students strongly agree). “I get upset

when I don’t understand what the teacher is correcting” (13 students agree and 2

students strongly agree). “Even if I am well prepared for speaking class, I feel

anxious about it” (15 students agree and 6 students strongly agree). “I often feel

like not going to my speaking class” (11 students agree and 1 student strongly

agree). “I feel confident when I speak in speaking class” (7 students agree). “I am

afraid that my English teacher is ready to correct every mistake I make” (9

students agree and 2 students strongly agree). “I can feel my heart pounding when

I’m going to be called on in speaking class” (12 students agree and 5 students

strongly agree). “The more I study for an English test, the more confused I get”

(5 students agree). “I don’t feel pressure to prepare very well for speaking class”

(5 students agree). “I always feel that the other students speak English better than

I do” (13 students agree and 3 students strongly agree).

“I feel very self-conscious about speaking English in front of other

students” (4 students agree). “Speaking class moves so quickly I worry about

getting left behind” (15 students agree and 1 student strongly agree). “I feel more

tense and nervous in speaking class than in my other classes” (9 students agree

and 5 students strongly agree). “I get nervous and confused when I’m speaking in

my English class” (10 students agree and 3 students strongly agree). “When I’m

on my way to speaking class, I feel very sure and relaxed” (6 students agree). “I

get nervous when I don’t understand every word the English teacher says” (10

students agree and 2 students strongly agree). “I feel overwhelmed by the number

of rules you have to learn to speak English” (8 students agree). “I am afraid that

the other students will laugh at me when I speak English” (11 students agree and 2

students strongly agree). “I would probably comfortable around native speakers

of English” (2 students agree and 1 students strongly agree). “I get nervous when

the English teacher asks questions which I haven’t prepared in advance” (15

agree and 2 strongly agree) (See appendix I).

These conditions revealed that students in speaking class faced language

anxiety. There were not students that had no anxiety during the speaking class.

The result found that almost a half of class perceiving anxieties as problem in

speaking class. It indicated that most students experience anxiety when their using

their English in speaking class. This was in line with data from interview. All the

interviewees told that speaking brought the most pressure in English speaking

class. They felt nervous when they got a chance to speak in English.
During the observation, second semester students in class C tend to be

passive if the lecturer asked questions. They were reluctant to volunteer in

answering lecturer’s question. Moreover, some students speak in a low voice

when the lecturer asked them. In addition, they just answer by using first


However, this condition revealed that the anxiety was a problem for them

in learning English. When the researcher did interview in some second semester

students, most of them said that they usually got anxious or nervous when they

have to speak in speaking class. Furthermore, there were some students included

in ‘relaxed’ category said that they sometimes felt nervous when they have to

speak in front of others. Here are some responses when they are asked “Did you

feel nervous or worry in your speaking class?” “I always nervous, sometimes I shy

if I am speaking in front of the class”, “yes I’m always nervous” .

The result of this study that most of the students got ‘mildly anxious’ in

English speaking class was same as some previous researchers that conducted

similar study (Damayanti, 2009 and Alwisidi, 2011 ).

2. The Causes of Anxiety Felt by the Students in English Speaking Class

The causes of anxiety can be from different dimension. Young (1991) recognized

six potential sources of language anxiety to analyze the causes of anxiety

perceived by students in speaking class. The six components suggested by Young

(1991) will be used as the basis of discussion. Those are: 1) personal and

interpersonal anxiety/personal component (PC); 2) learner beliefs about language

learning (LB); 3) instructor beliefs about language teaching (IB); 4) instructor-

learner interactions (I-LI); 5) classroom procedures (CP); and 6) language testing

(LT). The data will be analyzed based on the above six components.

Table III

Causes of Anxiety

No Student Causes of anxiety Category

1 A depend on my partner, I am afraid make mistake, PC, LB
limited vocabulary, feel uncomfortable with negative
evaluation from others friends.
2 B I have limited vocabulary, I feel afraid make mistake LB, CP
and i`m shy with my other friends
3 C I feel I have bad grammar, I am afraid if my LB
pronunciation is wrong when speaking.
4 D I am afraid if my speaking is not understandable by PC, LB
others, problem with vocabulary.
5 E I don’t know what I’m going to say, my grammar and PC, LB
my vocabulary more less
6 F I have limited vocabulary; if the lecturer asked then I LB, CP
do not know what he said.
7 G Grammatical problem, limited vocabulary, LB
pronunciation problem
8 H I feel afraid when I start to speak, my English is rusty. PC, LB
9karena saya
I t my speaking is not fluent, I afraid if be LB,
asked by the PC, LB
lecturer and then I don’t know what I have to answer, I
have limited vocabulary
10 J I feel shy when I’m speaking in front of the class, I CP, PC,
feel nervous when I’m a captain in my group, I think LB
my friend laughed me when I’m speaking, usually my
grammatical is error.
11 K I don’t know what I’m going to say if I don’t PC, LB
understand what the lecturer said, the problem with
grammar and vocabulary.
12 L I have limited vocabulary, I afraid making mistake LB, PC
when speaking, I feel shy to my friend because I think
they are better than me.
13 M if I am not ready to get questions, problem with CP, LB
14 N I got confuse what I’m going to say, my pronunciation PC, LB
is quite bad
15 O if there is a questions then I don’t know how to CP, LB
answer it, I have limited vocabulary.
16 P I can’t speak English, I am not master in English text, LB, CP
I got confuse to utter the words, I feel shy to speak in
front of my friends.
17 Q I doubt, I feel shy, I have few knowledge in English. PC, LB
18 R Limited vocabulary LB

Anxiety can be facilitating or debilitating. This study found that anxiety

has become debilitating factor in learning English. Students were afraid to speak

because of their anxiety. It is caused by various sources. Three of six components

that are suggested by Young become the causes of anxiety in this study. Learners’

belief about language learning becomes the main source of anxiety provoking

situation. These students believe that they have low skill knowledge especially in

vocabulary. Some of them said that they feel nervous when they are speaking

because they have limited vocabulary. As a result, they cannot speak well. In

addition, grammar and pronunciation also have influence in this case. The
students worry about their pronunciation and grammatical error when they are


Moreover, the other anxiety source in this study is personal component. It

contains of low self-esteem and competitiveness as a source of anxiety. The

findings show that students’ self-esteem has big effects also. Most of the

respondents got confuse what they are going to say in speaking class. The other

said that she feels shy to her friends because she thinks that her friends are better

than she is. This condition brings students in language anxiety.

Furthermore, classroom procedure gives influence also to the students’

anxiety in speaking class. Some students said that they feel nervous when they are

asked to speak in front of others. In addition, they do not know to answer the

question if being called on to respond orally in the target language. Therefore,

classroom procedure becomes one of sources of students’ anxiety in this study.

3. The Strategies Used by Students to Reduce Their Own Anxiety

After conducting the research, it is found that the students in English speaking

class used different strategies to reduce their own anxiety. The strategies used by

them is categorized as the strategies mentioned by Kondo and Ling (2003, p. 262).

It is Tactics for Coping with Language Anxiety Organized by a Five-Cluster

Solution (see Appendix IV). Those are ‘preparation’, ‘relaxation’, ‘positive

thinking’, ‘peer seeking’, and ‘resignation’. The finding will be analyzed based on

the five strategies. In gaining the data about the strategies used by the students to

reduce their own anxiety, the researcher used the question “what is your strategy

to reduce your nervous?” and their answer are:

Table IV
The Students’ Strategies to Reduce Their Anxiety
No Student The answers Strategies
1 A I grasp my hand, eyes on my friends, my She used relaxation
hand should be moved, need support by strategy,
clap hand or pay attention to me. preparation,
2 B study hard, biting fingers She used
preparation and
3 C prepare, memorize vocabulary, speak with He used
myself in the mirror. preparation
4 D open my dictionary She used
5 E just smiling She used positive
6 F I saying ‘Bismillah’, I grasp my hand, She used positive
deceive myself) thinking and
7 G must confidence, I know many people like She used positive
me thinking.
8 H hold my pen, scratching She used
9 I Writing, playing handphone Playing She used
facebook preparation and
10 J playing fingers She used
11 K I keep silent, I think how to answer, doing He used relaxation,
something, asking help. preparation, and
peer seeking)
12 L take a deep breath, I think my friends are She used relaxation
nothing and positive
13 M Ask friends She used peer
14 N study hard She used
15 O see my friend beside me, scribbling, She used peer
scratch my head seeking,
resignation, and
16 P playing handphone, talk to my friend She used
resignation and
peer seeking.
17 Q I ask my other friend She used
18 R playing pen She used

Those finding show that every students in second semester students in

class C used different kind of strategies in reducing their own anxiety. Several

students used more than one strategy. As a result, from 18 interviewees, 8

interviewees used relaxation strategies; 8 interviewees used preparation strategies;

4 interviewees used peer seeking strategies; 4 interviewees used positive thinking

strategies; and there are 3 interviewees used resignation strategies.

Most of interviewees used relaxation strategies because this strategy will

help them control their emotion. They think that their anxiety will be less if they
are relaxed. Moreover, it can help them to speak English in speaking class. In

addition, the interviewees told that the feeling of anxiety would be reduced if they

did preparation before. It usually done by studying hard, asking help from friends,

checking the dictionary and memorizing vocabulary.

Besides that, some interviewees kept asking questions to their friends or

even chatting while the lesson is take place. They did it because they thought that

if they found their friend was in the same condition that is anxious, it would make

them feel calmer. Furthermore, they used resignation strategies by playing phone,

playing face book, or scribbling. This strategy is characterized by students’

reluctance to do anything to facilitate their nervous. The anxiety can be reduce by

avoiding the lesson for a moment.

B. Discussion

The level of anxiety felt by most of students in English speaking class in this

study was ‘mildly anxious’. There were 13 out of 30 students who filled the

questionnaire were in this level. There were 2 students who felt ‘very anxious’

(6.67 %). In addition, there were some students who felt anxious (8 students or

26.67 %), almost the same as those who felt relaxed (7 students or 23.33 %).

Some students in every level were interviewed also to see more their anxiety. One

of students in ‘very anxious’ level said that she was strained if she cannot answer

lecturer’s question. As more information, when the researcher did classroom

observation this student tend to be silent in speaking class. She said also to the

researcher that she felt shy and not confident enough to speak English. Other
students in anxious level said that she felt anxious because she had limited

vocabulary and some grammatical problem.

Some students in mildly anxious level also found that they felt anxiety

when they are in speaking class. One of them said that she felt shy when should

speak in front of others, she was nervous to be a capten in her group. Many people

would feel greater nervousness when they were on the stage and afraid of

interacting with the audience. Research have shown that during a foreign language

class, where students are speaking in front of teachers and classmates, that is the

moment that they will get the most anxiety (Horwitz & Young, 1991). Students

feel afraid of the idea making mistakes, as they are worried that their friends will

laugh at them and receive negative evaluations from their peers if they make

mistake in speaking English (Juhana, 2012). The other said that he strained if he

did not understand what the lecturer is talking about.

Moreover, students who were in relaxed category also felt nervous in some

stages. One of them said that she felt nervous if the other students did not

understand what she was going to say. When the audience remains in silence, the

speakers will get much anxiety, and forget what they want to say (Kenneth and

Melvin, 2008). Furthermore, Horwitz and Young (1991) described that anxiety is

an obstacle when we are lerning foreign language and trying to speak up. Even

those students felt nervous, they also did some strategies to reduce it.

These related to the result of observation sheet (see appendix II), several

students perceived anxiety in communication apprehension. The researcher noted

that during speaking class, some of students tend to do reading than speaking. In
other words, the students read a note while speaking even the lecturer did not

allow it. In addition, some students deliver speaking in a short sentence and in a

low voice. Furthermore, some students seem unconfident and hesitant when they

are speaking. Therefore, the students cannot manage their speaking.

In doing observation, the rsearcher also found that, test anxiety gave

influence to the students’ performance. Some students got confuse what they were

going to say in speaking class. Moreover, most students avoid delivering

questions during presentation even it will be scored by the lecturer. Besides that,

they need more time to do the task.

Furthermore, fear of negative evaluation made students reluctant to speak.

In some meetings, the rsearcher found that only a few students who want to be a

volunteer when the lecturer deliver question. Sometimes students responded

slowly to answer questions that they have not prepared in advance. They also still

nervous even they did preparation before.

In addition, the causes and the students’ strategies to reduce anxiety was

found out by using interview. In this case, the researcher did interview by using

Indonesian language for some subjects because of a reason. Some subjects felt

more comfortable if be interviewed using Indonesian. They felt understand easily.

The students’ anxiety came from some sources. Based on interview that

was done by the researcher, it was found that learners’ belief about language

learning be a main sources in provoking students’ anxiety. The students felt that

thay cannot speak well because they have limited vocabulary, grammatical

problem, bad pronunciation and they have little knowledge in English. As Hiebert
& kamil (2005) stated that vocabulary is the knowledge of meaning of words. It

means that, when the students have limited vocabulary they cannot arrange good

sentence in English. As a result, they reluctant to speak in English class. As

Brown (2001) said that shyness and anxiety are considered as the main causes of

students’ reluctance to speak. This was also in line with Gebhard in Juhana (2012)

who said that the students’ problem in speaking is caused mostly by their shyness

and anxiety.

Besides that, some students felt that they did not mastery in grammatical

structure. It made them think that grammatical problem is one of causes of their

anxiety. They cannot speak well without good grammatical structure. It is

generally accepted that an understanding of the grammar can help in constructing

well formed language when it is important to do so, such as writing done in

formal context or for a wide audience (Mary, 2005). Learning some grammatical

rules and terms make language learning easier for learners in order to understand

better out language or learn another language. An understanding of grammar is a

necessary part of successful learning at some stage.

In addition, some students assumed that they have bad pronunciation.

Therefore, they tend to speak in low voice to avoid error correcting in

pronunciation. Hakim (2012) said that in speaking, pronunciation is a crucial

thing. Moreover, Harmer (2001) stated that pronunciation is the knowledge of

how to say a word – that is how to pronounce it. Having a good pronunciation of

the language can help in normal communication, particularly intelligibility. If the

students believe that pronunciation is the most important aspect of a language,

they will end up frustrated and stressed. When beliefs and reality clash, anxiety

result (Young, 1991). Therefore, in this study the lack of knowledge skill become

a main source in students’ anxiety.

Other sources were personal component in some students. The students

felt afraid and shy to speak in speaking class. Moreover, they were not ready to

answer questions therefore, they got confuse what they were going to say. Besides

that, they also felt that their friends were better in English. In this case, the

students compared themselves with others. Bailey in Arnold (1999) asserted that

competitiveness could lead to language anxiety. This happen when language

learners compare themselves to others or to idealized self-image. In addition,

Krashen in Young (1991) suggested that an individual‘s degree of self-esteem is

highly related to language anxiety. He said also that people with low self-esteem

worry about what their peers think; they are concerned with pleasing others. This

is what causes anxiety in a lot of people.

The last source of anxiety that was covered in this study was classroom

procedure. The students said that they get anxiety if be asked by the lecturer

something they do not know. In addition, the students felt uncomfortable to speak

in front of class. This was in line with Young’s (1991) result, she found that more

than sixty-eight percent of her subjects reported feeling more comfortable when

they did not have to get in front of the class to speak. She said that one of other

strong anxiety is being called on to respond orally in the target language.

Those causes of students’ anxiety were covered by some strategies. The

findings show that, all interviewees used strategies that was categorized by Kondo
and Ling (2003). It is Tactics for Coping with Language Anxiety Organized by a

Five-Cluster Solution. In this study, the students used preparation, relaxation,

positive thinking, peer seeking and resignation strategies. Sme students used more

than one strategy in reducing anxiety. This study found that most of students used

relaxation strategies as same as preparation strategies.

Relaxation strategies were done by some students through grasp hand,

biting fingers, hold pen, sctratcing, playing fingers, keep silent and take a depth

breath. While preparation strategies were done through study hard, memorize

vocabulary, write note and asking help. Kondo and Ling (2003) stated that

relaxation strategy is characterized by its affective quality in that it aims at

making flexible bodily tension associated with emotional stimulation. While

preparation strategy can be considered a behavioral strategy because it focused in

behavioral components of language learning that related to effective performance

in class.

Other students did peer-seeking strategies through talk to friends. As

Oxford (2003) said that social strategy includes asking question, cooperating and

emphathizing with others help the learner to work with others and understand the

target language. Kondo and Ling (2004) stated that for the anxious students, the

realization that others are having the same problem may serve as a source of

emotional regulation by social comparison. In addition, several students did

positive thinking through say a prayer, smilling and try not to think of people

around her. This strategy was intended to divert attention from the stressful

situation to positive and pleasant cues, and bring relief to the anxious student.
The last strategies also used by three students of eighteen interviewees. It was

resignation that was used through playing mobile phone and scribbling. The

resignation category is characterized by students’ reluctance to do anything to

alleviate their language anxiety (Kondo & Ling, 2004).

Those some strategies were students’ effort to involve in speaking class.

On the other side, the role of the lecturer was very important. Horwitz, Horwitz

and Cope (1986) state that in general, educators have two options when dealing

with anxious student. They can help them learn to cope with the existing anxiety

provoking situation or they can make the learning context less stressful. In other

words, the lecturer can help students reduce their anxiety levels by focusing on the

students’ characteristics that are causing the anxiety. As suggested by Harmer

(2007), to reduce this anxiety feeling, teachers need to pay attention to each

students’ strengths and weaknesses so that they can create a learning method

which accommodates all students in classroom.

In doing observation, the researcher found that some students tend to be

silent. They were not involving in speaking activity. In this case, it was needed the

lecturer’s role to encourage them to speak. They should be given an opportunity to

speak while controlling the active one. The researcher thinks that the students will

enjoy the lesson if they feel motivated in learning. Furthermore, their anxiety

could lessen also. All these indicate the importance for lectures to help students

reduce those feeling to maximize their learning to speak in English (Juhana,



This last chapter consists of conclusion, suggestion, recommendation and

limitation of the study. The first part of this study is aimed at giving concluding

remarks on the present study about second semester students’ anxiety in speaking

class. The second part of this chapter presents several suggestions. The next part

presents recommendation for further studies. While the last part about the

limitation related to the study.

A. Conclusion

The present study was conducted to investigate the level of foreign language

anxiety, the causes of students’ anxiety and the studets’ strategies in reducing

their own anxiety at the second semester students of Muhammadiyah University

of Kendari. It took place in class C. Furthermore, this study used descriptive

qualitative method to describe phenomenon about students’ anxiety in speaking


The findings of this study showed that most of second semester students of

Muhammadiyah University of Kendari are ‘mildly anxious’ in speaking class.

This condition reveals that in this class there two poles about their anxiety. A half

of students felt nervous when speaking and the others felt enjoying the class.
From all respondents, only two students who felt very anxious even no one

student felt very relaxed in speaking class. In addition, the number of students

who were in relaxed category almost the same as those who felt anxious.

Their anxiety was caused by some sources. Most of respondents in this

study said that their proficiency of English is not quite good. That is why they felt

unconfident to speak in front of others. The most problem was their limited

vocabulary. Moreover, the other source of their anxiety was their personal

component. Some students said that they got confuse what they were going to say

in speaking class. The other think that other students were better than him/her in

English that is why they feel shy to speak. In addition, classroom procedure is also

give influence to the students’ anxiety in speaking class. Therefore, anxiety may

came from their surrounding such as their lecturer and classmate behavior.

The last but not least, students used some strategies in reducing their

anxiety such as relaxation, preparation, positive thinking, peer seeking, and

resignation. Those strategies are categorized by Kondo and Ling (2003, p. 262).

Most of them used preparation as same as who used relaxation strategies. The

preparation strategies help them to be ready in performing. Furthermore, the

relaxation strategies made them feel better before speaking.

B. Limitation of the Study

The researcher did classroom observation to filled observation sheet and took a

video related with the language anxiety students. In filling observation sheet, the

researcher put someone to help in taking video but in the next meeting, there were
two researchers did observation also in the same class. Therefore, the researcher

filled observation sheet while taking video by herself because it was not possible

to allowed more researchers at the same time. Furthermore, the speaking class has

a large number of students in rather a small room.

Further, the researcher lost the first result in video taking because of

technical error but collecting data will be strengthened through observation sheet,

questionnaire and interview. In addition, the data for answering second research

question only analyzed by three of six components which are suggested by Young


C. Recommendation

1) Suggestion for Further Researcher

The present study examined the level of anxiety perceived by most of students at

the second semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari, the causes

of their anxiety, and their strategies in reducing their anxiety. For the next

researcher, it was suggested to analyze the causes of anxiety based on six

components that was categorized by Young (1991). It was aimed to enlarge the

finding in tis study. The teacher’s role in reducing the students’ anxiety was

needed to be examined as this aspect seems important in encouraging students’

involvement in speaking activity.

Moreover, other researcher also can try to found out students’ anxiety in

other skill such as writing, reading, or listening. Furthermore, students’ anxiety in

learning English can be investigated in level of Junior or Senior high school. In

addition, the comparative study about the anxiety perceived by each different

level of semester would be interesting to be investigated.

2) Pedagogical Implication

In speaking class, anxiety is one of the problems that would be faced by the

students. After knowing the language anxiety to the subjects, the researcher

delivered some suggestions. For the English Department, as can be seen in the

finding of this study that some students have used strategies in reducing their

anxiety but in fact, the conclusion showed that most of students felt anxiety. In

this case, need to decided the written standard in this subject. Therefore, there

would be a big effort in teaching and learning process. As the result, the students

who are in this subject should have ability to produce english communication

even though in a low standard.

For the English lecturer, they should realize that there were some students’

problems in speaking class. One of them was language anxiety. The English

lecturer should try to encouraged the students to speak in the class. Even the

lecturer used some methods in speaking class, In fact, some students cannot say

any words when they were in speaking class. Students need to be motivated also.

In putting students in group work, the lecturer must control the active student then

encouraged and motivate the passive one to involved them in speaking activity. It

was aimed to give students equal participation.

For the students, the more practice would be better for them. Their

speaking activity was only done in the class, it had better to apply in their
environment. The students could make English club activity among them as a

forum to practice their English. Moreover, When the English speaking activity

became habit in some students, it would not be a big obstacle in speaking class.
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Appendix I:


For the following statements, please indicate to which you feel that best fits (using a mark
“√”). (SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neither agree nor disagree; A = agree;
SA = strongly agree). Positive statement: 5 to 1 point; Negative statement: 1 to 5 point

No Items SD D N A SA

1 I never feel quite sure of myself when I am

speaking in my English class
2 I don’t worry about making mistakes in English
3 I tremble when I know that I’m going to be called
on in English class
4 It frightens me when I don’t understand what the
teacher is saying in English class
5 It wouldn’t bother me at all to take more English
6 During speaking class, I find myself thinking
about things that have nothing to do with the
7 I keep thinking that the other students are better at
English than I am
8 I am usually at ease during tests in my English
9 I start to panic when I have to speak without
preparation in English class
10 I worry about the consequences of failing my
English class
11 I don’t understand why some people get so upset
over English class
12 In speaking class, I can get so nervous I forget
things I know
13 It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my
speaking class
14 I would not be nervous speaking English with
native speakers
15 I get upset when I don’t understand what the
teacher is correcting
16 Even if I am well prepared for speaking class, I
feel anxious about it
17 I often feel like not going to my speaking class

18 I feel confident when I speak in speaking class

19 I am afraid that my English teacher is ready to

correct every mistake I make
20 I can feel my heart pounding when I’m going to be
called on in speaking class
21 The more I study for an English tests, the more
confused I get
22 I don’t feel pressure to prepare very well for
speaking class
23 I always feel that the other students speak English
better than I do
24 I feel very self-conscious about speaking English
in front of other students
25 Speaking class moves so quickly I worry about
getting left behind
26 I feel more tense and nervous in speaking class
than in my other classes
27 I get nervous and confused when I’m speaking in
my English class
28 When I’m on my way to speaking class, I feel very
sure and relaxed
29 I get nervous when I don’t understand every word
the English teacher says
30 I feel overwhelmed by the number of rules you
have to learn to speak English
31 I am afraid that the other students will laugh at me
when I speak English
32 I would probably comfortable around native
speakers of English
33 I get nervous when the English teacher asks
questions which I haven’t prepared in advance

Adapted from Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope (1986)

Appendix II:
Meeting :I
Day/Date : Monday/May 13 2013
Topic : giving opinion
Table I :
No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment
(communication apprehension)
1 students never feel quite sure of √ Some of them tend to do
themselves when they are speaking reading than speaking
in speaking class
2 It frightens students when they
don’t understand what the teacher is
saying in English class
3 Student starts to panic when they √ Some of them cannot
have to speak without preparation manage their speaking
in English class
4 students get upset when they don’t √ The lecturer did not do the
understand what the teacher is correction
5 Students feel confident when they √ Most of them seem
speak in speaking class unconfident
6 Students feel very self-conscious √ Only a few students feel
about speaking English in front of self-conscious
other students
7 Students get nervous and confused √ Students speak by reading a
when they are speaking in class note, in a short sentence
and I low voice
8 Students get nervous when they √ Some students seem
don’t understand every word the confused
English teacher says

Table II :

No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment

(Test anxiety)
1 students tremble when they know √ The lecturer never point a
that they are going to be called on in students to answer the
English class question
2 During speaking class, students find √ Some of them try to involve
themselves thinking about things in speaking class
that have nothing to do with the
3 Students are usually at ease during √ They need more time to do
tests in speaking class the task
4 In speaking class, students can get √ Some of them use notes
so nervous they forget things they when speaking
5 Even if students are well prepared √ Some students cannot
for speaking class, they feel anxious manage their speaking even
about it they have a note to be read
6 Students seem nervous they are √ The lecturer did not point
going to be called on in speaking out the students to speak
7 Students don’t feel pressure to √ They try open dictionary
prepare very well for speaking class and asking friends
8 Students feel more tense and √ Only a few students be
nervous in speaking class active in speaking activity
in line with the result of
9 When students are on their way to √ They seem relaxed entering
speaking class, they feel very sure the class
and relaxed

Table III :

No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment

(Fear of negative evaluation)
1 Students don’t worry about making √ Some of them try to speak
mistakes in speaking class out even in tangled
2 It embarrasses students to volunteer √ Only a few student be a
answers in speaking class volunteer when the lecturer
give a question, also in a
low voice
3 Students seem afraid that English √ The lecturer did not do
teacher is ready to correct every feedback
mistake they make
4 Students get nervous when the √ They did not answer the
English teacher asks questions question
which they haven’t prepared in

Kendari, May 13 2013



Meeting : II
Day/Date : Monday/May 20 2013
Topic : Pro and Contra

Table I :
No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment
(communication apprehension)
1 students never feel quite sure of √ They read a note when
themselves when they are speaking speaking even the lecturer
in speaking class did not allow it
2 It frightens students when they
don’t understand what the teacher is
saying in English class
3 Student starts to panic when they √ They are given time to
have to speak without preparation discuss with their friends in
in English class small group
4 students get upset when they don’t √ They seem fine
understand what the teacher is
5 Students feel confident when they √ They read more their notes
speak in speaking class
6 Students feel very self-conscious √ But only a few students
about speaking English in front of
other students
7 Students get nervous and confused √ They read a note
when they are speaking in class
8 Students get nervous when they
don’t understand every word the
English teacher says

Table II :

No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment

(Test anxiety)
1 students tremble when they know √ When they should be a
that they are going to be called on in volunteer in their group
English class
2 During speaking class, students find √ Some of them try to
themselves thinking about things that involve discussion in small
have nothing to do with the course group
3 Students are usually at ease during √ Need a long time to do
tests in speaking class preparation
4 In speaking class, students can get so √ Because they read a note
nervous they forget things they know
5 Even if students are well prepared √ Some students deliver short
for speaking class, they feel anxious statement
about it
6 Students seem nervous they are √ The lecturer just deliver
going to be called on in speaking question for the whole class
7 Students don’t feel pressure to √ Some students did not
prepare very well for speaking class involve in discussion
8 Students feel more tense and nervous √ Most of them seem not
in speaking class ready to speak
9 When students are on their way to √ They enjoy waiting the
speaking class, they feel very sure lecturer
and relaxed

Table III :

No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment

(Fear of negative evaluation)
1 Students don’t worry about making √ They try to speak out freely
mistakes in speaking class
2 It embarrasses students to volunteer √ They hesitate
answers in speaking class
3 Students seem afraid that English √ No every mistake is
teacher is ready to correct every corrected
mistake they make
4 Students get nervous when the √ Students respond slowly
English teacher asks questions which
they haven’t prepared in advance

Kendari, May 20 2013



Meeting : III
Day/Date : Monday/May 27 2013
Topic : Agreement and Disagreement

Table I :
No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment
(communication apprehension)
1 students never feel quite sure of √ Most of them read a note
themselves when they are speaking when speaking
in speaking class
2 It frightens students when they don’t
understand what the teacher is saying
in English class
3 Student starts to panic when they √ They are given time to do
have to speak without preparation in preparation before deliver
English class statement
4 students get upset when they don’t
understand what the teacher is
5 Students feel confident when they √ But only a few students
speak in speaking class feel confident
6 Students feel very self-conscious √ Not at all
about speaking English in front of
other students
7 Students get nervous and confused √ They did preparation
when they are speaking in class before
8 Students get nervous when they
don’t understand every word the
English teacher says

Table II :

No Aspect of Observation Ye No Comment

(Test anxiety) s
1 students tremble when they know √ Students confuse what they
that they are going to be called on in are going to say
English class
2 During speaking class, students find √ Some of them seem like that
themselves thinking about things
that have nothing to do with the
3 Students are usually at ease during √ Need more time to do
tests in speaking class preparation
4 In speaking class, students can get √ They cannot speak well
so nervous they forget things they
5 Even if students are well prepared √ They cannot manage their
for speaking class, they feel anxious speaking
about it
6 Students seem nervous they are √ They seem confuse
going to be called on in speaking
7 Students don’t feel pressure to √ Most of them enjoy did
prepare very well for speaking class preparation
8 Students feel more tense and √ They read more, the others
nervous in speaking class tend to passive
9 When students are on their way to
speaking class, they feel very sure
and relaxed

Table III :

No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment

(Fear of negative evaluation)
1 Students don’t worry about making √ They try to speak out
mistakes in speaking class
2 It embarrasses students to volunteer √ Students respond the
answers in speaking class lecturer’s question slowly,
also in a low voice
3 Students seem afraid that English
teacher is ready to correct every
mistake they make
4 Students get nervous when the √ They still nervous even
English teacher asks questions which they did preparation before
they haven’t prepared in advance

Kendari, May 27 2013



Meeting : IV
Day/Date : Monday/June 03 2013
Topic : presentation

Table I :
No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment
(communication apprehension)
1 students never feel quite sure of √ Some of them seem
themselves when they are speaking unconfident when speaking
in speaking class
2 It frightens students when they
don’t understand what the teacher is
saying in English class
3 Student starts to panic when they √ Even do preparation
have to speak without preparation
in English class
4 students get upset when they don’t
understand what the teacher is
5 Students feel confident when they √ Need a long time to
speak in speaking class prepare before answer the
question from other group
6 Students feel very self-conscious √ Not at all
about speaking English in front of
other students
7 Students get nervous and confused √ They need more time to
when they are speaking in class prepare, they are not fluent
when speaking, they seem
8 Students get nervous when they
don’t understand every word the
English teacher says

Table II :

No Aspect of Observation Ye No Comment

(Test anxiety) s
1 students tremble when they know √ They seem confuse
that they are going to be called on in
English class
2 During speaking class, students find √ Most students avoid to
themselves thinking about things that deliver question when
have nothing to do with the course discussion
3 Students are usually at ease during √ Need a long time to prepare
tests in speaking class answer the question
4 In speaking class, students can get so √ Because they read a note
nervous they forget things they know when speaking
5 Even if students are well prepared √ They feel unconfident
for speaking class, they feel anxious
about it
6 Students seem nervous they are
going to be called on in speaking
7 Students don’t feel pressure to √ They seem confused in
prepare very well for speaking class preparing answer for other
groups’ question
8 Students feel more tense and nervous √ Because it need
in speaking class performance in front of
9 When students are on their way to √ They seem tense because
speaking class, they feel very sure they are going to do
and relaxed presentation in front class

Table III :

No Aspect of Observation Yes No Comment

(Fear of negative evaluation)
1 Students don’t worry about making √ Only a few students deliver
mistakes in speaking class question when discussion
2 It embarrasses students to volunteer √ Need more time to be ready
answers in speaking class delivering question
3 Students seem afraid that English
teacher is ready to correct every
mistake they make
4 Students get nervous when the
English teacher asks questions which
they haven’t prepared in advance

Kendari, June 03 2013



Appendix III:


(semi-structured interview)


1. What is your opinion about speaking class?

2. Do you always feel nervous or worry if be asked to speak English? Why?

 Do you feel shy to the other students when you are speaking?

 Do you feel that grammatical error, pronunciation and lack of vocabulary

make you anxiety?

 Do you feel anxiety if you are given error correction constantly?

 Do you feel anxiety if you are given a harsh manner of correcting?

 Do you feel anxiety if you are given oral quizzes and being called on to

respond orally in the target language?

 Do you feel anxiety if you are given hard evaluation?

3. What did you do to reduce your apprehension when you are going to speak?

Kendari, May 28-June 03, 2013



Appendix IV:

Interview Transcript

Interview 1:
Interviewer : Rika sa interviewko nah
Interviewee 1 : ya interview
Interviewer : emmm……apa di pertanyaan ku? Apa pendapatmu tentang
kelas speakingmu?
Interviewee 1 : emm ….menurutku di kelas speaking itu sangat menarik karena
ee…di dalam kelas speaking itu ee terkadang kita di beri, eee di
buat menjadi 1 group yaitu pairwork atau group, just it
Interviewer : emm…ko enjoy di kelas speaking?
Interviewee 1 : sometimes ee..karena ee.. terkadang juga mut ee..mut,
tergantung moodku juga kalo mutku bagus ee..saya enjoy tapi
kalau tidak ee..saya juga tidak enjoy dalam kelas
Interviewer : pada saat speaking ko nervous tidak?
Interviewee 1 : Nervous tapi emm.. tergantung teman partner saya kalo
misalnya di pairwork e..kalo teman saya lebih dari saya
terkadang saya nerves tapi kalo menurut saya, saya yang lebih
di banding dia saya tidak nervous karena kami saling menutupi
satu sama lain kekurangan.
Interviewer : ada alasan lain yang menyebabkan nervous pada saat speaking?

Interviewee 1 : Nervous ee….takut salah seperti ee..kurangnya kosa kata

yang saya tau itu, ee.. kemudian apa kemudian e.. kalo
kita tidak nyaman sama teman-teman kita misalnya ee.. ada
salah satu teman kita ee.. yang, apa ..yang menurut kita itu dia
mampu dan biasa mengkritik orang e..itulah e..kita takut untuk

Interviewer : kalo nervous jadi ko nda bisa bicara?

Interviewee 1 : ee.. tidak juga tapi.. kedengarannya itu gemetar kalo pada saat
mengeluarkan e..kata-kata yang ingin di ucapkan

Interviewer : emm.,..trus kalo ko nerves, trus untuk mengurangi rasa

nervesmu supaya bisa speaking apa yang ko lakukan
Interviewee 1 : emm…terkadang ee…saya menggenggam tangan saya
kemudian e..kalo berdiri didepan misalkan guru saya menyuruh
saya untuk berspeaking emm di depan kelas terkadang ee..saya
menatap teman-teman saya kemudian ee…tangan-tangan saya
itu harus di gerakkan tapi, bukan di gerakkan secara berlebihan
tapi, cukup di tekan-tekan saja.

Interviewer : oh.. jadi untuk mengurangi nerves ko mainkan tangan mu?

Interviewee 1 : ya..di mainkan itu bukan berarti di mainkan secara berlebihan

tapi Cuma di tekan atau di tepuk kalo misalnya e.. sesuai dengan
apa yang kita bicarakan
Interviewer : Selain tekhnik itu apa lagi yang ko lakukan supaya nervousmu
dia agak berkurang, kayak begitu

Interviewee 1 : Kalo menurut saya emm…menurut saya pribadi saya pengen

teman-teman saya itu memberikan support yaitu dengan tepuk
tangan ato melihat saya dengan serius
Interviewer : Ok thank you rika
Interviewee 1 : Iya sama-sama
Interviewer : See you
Interviewee 1 : See you

Interview 2:

Interviewer : hai…
Interviewee 2 : hai..
Interviewer : what is your name ?
Interviewee 2 : ee.. my name is waode hasnidar
Interviewer : what I call you?
Interviewee 2 : ee.. ayu
Interviewer : ok ayu, mm.. now i`m going to give you some questions, are
you ready to answer?
Interviewee 2 : ee.. yes ready
Interviewer : ok, my first question is, what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 2 : ee.. apa maksudnya?
Interviewer : maksudnya apa pendapatnya ayu tentang speaking kelasnya? Is
it interesting or something? You can explain ya.
Interviewee 2 : about speaking class, ee..oh is very interesting
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 2 : why. Because ee… speaking class e..can learn us, how
us , how we speaking for we can speak in the apa..di luar
Interviewer : ok so,..did you feel enjoy in your speaking class?
Interviewee 2 : yes i`m enjoy
Interviewer : ok my next question, did you feel nervous or worry or shy when
you are speaking?
Interviewee 2 : ee..sometimes i`m shy
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 2 : ee.. because e..if very many people and i`m shy e…because e..
maybe my vocab e..belum terlalu banyak
Interviewer : is there any other things that make you nervous? Ada hal lain
yang membuat kamu nervous?
Interviewee 2 : emm..ada, i`m afraid if I, I mistake, i`m afraid.
Interviewer : do you feel afraid if you make mistake?
Interviewee 2 : yes
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 2 : I don`t know i`m afraid and i`m shy with my other friends
Interviewer : ok, when you nervous mm… in your speaking class what did
you do to reduce your nervous?
Interviewee 2 : maksudnya?
Interviewer : apa yang kamu lakukan ketika kamu nerves di speaking class,
apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengurangi rasa nervous kamu
supaya kamu bisa berbicara?
Interviewee 2 : ee…in the first may be I need to improve my vocabulary and if
I can I must hard, and I have to many many speaking
Interviewer : ya..biasanya kalo di kelaskan kayak kita takut mau bicara kayak
begitu, kayak kita gugup, itukan biasanya pada saat gugup
supaya bisa tetap bicara dengan baik biasanya mm.. ada hal yang
di lakukan, misalnya strategy apa, misalnya tarik nafas dulu ato
apa kayak begitu,
Interviewee 2 : oh di saat gugup? Seandainya saya berada di depan kelas
biasanya kalo gugup ee..saya kadang gigit jari
Interviewer : gigit jari atau gigit kuku?
Interviewee 2 : kuku
Interviewer : oh kuku ya…hehehehe….
Interviewee 2 : kuku iya betul
Interviewer : ada strategy lain yang biasa di pake supaya tidak gugup pada
saat speaking?
Interviewee 2 : ee….strategy lain, kayaknya tidak ada, saya biasa gigit-gigit
kuku dan sambil berfikir
Interviewer : ok. Thank you, ayu ya.., see you next time

Interview 3:

Interviewer : hai ruslan

Interviewee 3 : hai kak Natria
Interviewer : how are you ?
Interviewee 3 : fine, how about you?
Interviewer : ya…fine too, ok emm… are you ready if I give you some
questions about your speaking class?
Interviewee 3 : yes, i`m ready
Interviewer : ok, could we start? ya
Interviewee 3 : yes,
Interviewer : ok, mm… my first question is, what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 3 : I think ee…my speaking class ee.. is good because the lecture
ee…sangat bagus mengajarnya, and then ee..we giving the
material about ee..discuses, suchee.. such agreement or
Interviewer : emm… so, do you feel enjoy in your speaking class?
Interviewee 3 : yes, i`m enjoy my speaking class
Interviewer : why? Ok well, my next question is emmm, did you feel nervous
or worry when you speaking in your class?
Interviewee 3 : ya, ee…sometimes i`m nervous ee.. but I try to lose my
Interviewer : actually why you feel nervous?
Interviewee 3 : i`m afraid if I say because ee..saya merasa ee..grammar saya
waktu itu belum bagus, e..artinya mo sampaikan sesuatu
e..mungkin jangan sampai dia salah
Interviewer : ok, any other problems that make you nervous when you , any
other problem ee..beside grammar?
Interviewee 3 : yes, any problem, ee..about grammar of e..grammar and ee..
pronunciation, I think so.
Interviewer : ok, well my last question is, what did you do to reduce your
nervous when you are speaking?
Interviewee 3 : ee.. for example before I presentasi e..before I presentation
ee…i`m prepare before so when I speak may be no wrong ee…
yang salah, tidak banyak yang salah, and then ee..saya
ee..memperbanyak-banyak vocabulary, kemudian ee..
Interviewer : apa lagi biasanya di lakukan supaya tidak nervous?
Interviewee 3 : kadang ee.. because ee..i speak with myself in the mirror,
Interviewer : ok jus it, ok thank you so much.. ruslan ya..
Interviewee 3 : you are welcome
Interviewer : ok see you next tine
Interviewee 3 : see you

Interview 4:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 4 : hi ka’
Interviewer : andi Rosita yach’
Interviewee 4 : iya betul
Interviewer : what I call you?
Interviewee 4 : sita
Interviewer : okay sita well, could we start?
Interviewee 4 : yes yes
Interviewer : okay are you ready
Interviewee 4 : ee yes of course
Interviewer : okay mmm my first question what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 4 : mmm pendapat saya menurut kelas speaking menurut saya
bagus but mungkin terlalu cepat dosennya dia mengajar begitu
jadinya kurang ee apa biasa ee kurang bisa mengikuti karenakan
kita masih baru toch jadi harus dia sesuaikan dengan yang
semester semester awal jangan disesuaikan dengan yang seperti
semester yang sudah tinggi begitu yang senior
Interviewer : what do you hope your lecture mm if lower when he is
teaching, lebih lambat kayak begitu
Interviewee 4 : yes, supaya kita bisa mengikuti apa yang diajarkan supaya itu
yang diajarkan bisa masuk di otak
Interviewer : but in your speaking class sometime you speak well you speak
right ?
Interviewee 4 : yes sometime but sometime
Interviewer : okay when you are speaking did you feel nervous or worry
Interviewee 4 : yes of course because ee speaking make me nervous I’ m
afraid if my speak is not understand with other
Interviewer : what is your problem that make you nervous when you are
speaking is there any problem
Interviewee 4 : yes any problem my problem is mm voceb voceb saya masih
kurang belum terlalu banyak jadi saya harus lagi ungkapkan
Interviewer : in
Interviewee 4 : I think my pronunciation is good not bad
Interviewer : okay very good did you feel confident speak even you have
limited vocabulary
Interviewee 4 : ee yes I’m confident
Interviewer : okay very good, mm what did you do to reduce your nervous.
Do you get my point ?
Interviewee 4 : ee no
Interviewer : apa yang kamu lakukan ketika kamu nervous pada saat
berspeaking apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengurangi rasa
nervous kamu?
Interviewee 4 : may be I….. my vocab
Interviewer : did you open your dictionary
Interviewee 4 : yes I open my dictionary if I bring for my house
Interviewer : any others things that you do to reduce your anxiety, what other
things sometimes you do to reduce your anxiety…. Mmmm
Playing hand, go to toilet or something ?
Interviewee 4 : no , I just stay in class
Interviewer : so to reduce your nervous you just open your dictionary?
Interviewee 4 : yes I just open my dictionary
Interviewer : just it
Interviewee 4 : yes, just it not other
Interviewer : thank you so much
Interviewee 4 : you are welcome
Interviewer : see you
Interviewee 4 : see you

Interview 5:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 5 : hi
Interviewer : yuliana right?
Interviewee 5 : right
Interviewer : okay, what I call you ?
Interviewee 5 : yul or yuli
Interviewer : okay, yul… I love,,, yul
Interviewee 5 :
Interviewer : okay now I need some information about your speaking class
could you give me your information
Interviewee 5 : ee but class speaking I think yach
Interviewer : okay could we start, bisa kita mulai?
Interviewee 5 : okay
Interviewer : okay my first question, what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 5 : about my speaking class ee I think speaking class is very
interesting for me ee because ee in the speaking class mm we
will to improve our speaking and then we will be better to speak
ee to speak in English and practice English everyday
Interviewer : okay so it means do you enjoy with your speaking class?
Interviewee 5 : yes of course
Interviewer : okay but when you are speaking did you feel nervous or worry
when you are in class and you must speaking
Interviewee 5 : sometime when I speak in the front of my friend I feel nervous
because I don’t know what what
Interviewer : what you are going to say
Interviewee 5 : that’s best means
Interviewer : that you mean
Interviewee 5 : yach that I mean
Interviewer : okay, what some problem other problem that make you ee that
make you nervous to speak there are some problem ee beside
what is that you didn’t know how what you are going to say is
there any other problem?
Interviewee 5 : yes any other problem such as my vocabulary and then I feel
my grammar not to bad when I speak and then my I think its all
my grammar and my vocabulary more less
Interviewer : okay and then my last question when you feel nerveous in class
what did you do to reduce it
Interviewee 5 : I just smiling
Interviewer : oh just smile
Interviewee 5 : just smile I can be menghilangkan my nerveous
Interviewer : oh so when you are in class when you nervous and then you
smile you can speak well at the end
Interviewee 5 : yach I feel like that
Interviewer : okay very good is there any other method to reduce your
Interviewee 5 : ee nothing
Interviewer : just smile
Interviewee 5 : just smile
Interviewer : okay you re thank so much
Interviewee 5 : youre welcome
Interviewer : see you next time
Interviewee 5 : see you next time

Interview 6:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 6 : hi
Interviewer : what is your name?
Interviewee 6 : my name is meilani
Interviewer : what I call you?
Interviewee 6 : mey
Interviewer : okay mey are you ready?
Interviewee 6 : insyaAllah
Interviewer : are you okay
Interviewee 6 : okay okay
Interviewer : you feel nervous why??
Interviewee 6 : because apa yach saya malu dech
Interviewer : no… don’t be shame,,, just with me
Interviewee 6 : bismilah
Interviewer : could we start?
Interviewee 6 : yes
Interviewer : okay my first questionwhat is you are opinion about your
speaking class
Interviewee 6 : bahasa Indonesia bisa
Interviewer : yach
Interviewee 6 : pendapat saya apa yach berbahasa inggris adalah bahasa
internasiopnal yang seharusnya buat diriku pribadi bahasa
inggris adalah bahsa yang penting untuk kita ketahui bahasa
inggris adalah bahasa internasional yang dimana saat sekarang
nda zaman lagi kalo nda memakai bahasa inggris hahaha aduchh
dan apalagi yachh
Interviewer : pendapatmu tentang kelas speakingmu apa?
Interviewee 6 : pendapat saya
Interviewer : menyenangkan?
Interviewee 6 : yach menyenangkan
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 6 : no no no mm yang membuat saya menyenangkan karena selain
saya bisa tahu tentang cara berbahsa inggris kayak gimana dan
selain itu pula tadinya saya tidak tahu cara berbahasa inggris itu
seperti apa dan setelah saya masuk dikelas bahasa inggris
ternyata dikelas bahasa inggris itu menyenangkan dan dari yang
saya tidak tahu menjadi tahu dan insyallah saya akan
mempermantap untuk cara saya berbahsa inggris
Interviewer : okay, did you feel nervous or worry or shame when you
Interviewee 6 : ee jangan terlalu dekat nervous oww,.. can you repeat ?
Interviewer : apakah kamu merasa gugup atau takut ketika berspeaking?
Interviewee 6 : nervous banget
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 6 : karena, saya belum terlalu banyak apalagi kosa kata dan disaat
saya ditanya oleh dosen saya kadang tidak mengerti apa yang di
omongkan yang di omongin sama dosen itu dn mungkin disini
saya akan mempermatap vocabulary saya
Interviewer : okay my last question what did you do to reduce your nervous
do you get my point?
Interviewee 6 : artinya artinya artinya coba kita ulang?
Interviewer : ee biasanya ketika kamu nerves apa yang kamu lakukan untuk
mengurangi rasa takut kamu rasa nerves kamu ketika mau
Interviewee 6 : apa yach yang pertama
Interviewer : apakah kamu melompat-lompat, keluar masuk wc atau apa?
Interviewee 6 : saya membaca bismillah sesudah itu saya menggemgam
tangan saya kadang mengelabui diri sendiri dech supaya bisa
apalagi menyeimbangkan biar saya tidak nervous
Interviewer : just it apalagi yang biasa kamu lakukan supaya tidak nervous
Interviewee 6 : apa dich tidak ada jie itu ji itu saja
Interviewer : just it okay thank you so much
Interviewee 6 : okay thank you you are welcome
Interviewer : see you
Interviewee 6 : see you too

Interview 7:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 7 : hi
Interviewer : could we start
Interviewee 7 : yes
Interviewer : okay, just now I need some information about you speaking
class are you ready?
Interviewee 7 : yes of course
Interviewer : okay, my first question is what is your opinion about your
speaking class
Interviewee 7 : okay about speaking , speaking is in the subject in my class and
then subject in my subject in the campus
Interviewer : okay, how do you feel in your speaking class
Interviewee 7 : not bad but not good
Interviewer : do you like your lecture?
Interviewee 7 : may be
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 7 : first I don’t like the manner from him the manner from him and
then I don’t suddenly I don’e get the point confuse why I must
how I get the point from the him
Interviewer : but in your speaking class you feel nerves or worry when you
are speaking?
Interviewee 7 : I usually nervous
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 7 : I nerves about my grammar vocabulary pronounciation
Interviewer : what’s the matter with your grammar vocabulary
pronounciation, something wrong with them?
Interviewee 7 : susunan and in my grammar is random I just know the little
vocabulary and then about the pronounciation I think tidak
sesuai if I choose one jika saya memilih salaah satu biasanya
tidak nyambung dengan arti yang sebenarnya
Interviewer : because of the 3 problem make you nervous?
Interviewee 7 : yes I’m very nervous
Interviewer : when I did observation in your class
Interviewee 7 : some with my reason about grammar, vocab and pronunciation.
If I don’t read about about grammar I don’t my object in the
book I cannot to mengembangkan my speak. I just write the
Interviewer : so when you are speaking and then you nervous what did you
do to reduce your nervous?
Interviewee 7 : yes, how can I lose my nervous first I must confidence if I can
speak and I know many people like me nervous not about
grammar and I think it’s not problem so I must know I can and I
must confidence
Interviewer : ok thank you so much for your information.
Interviewee 7 : you’re welcome
Interviewer : see you
Interviewee 7 : bye bye

Interview 8:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 8 : hi
Interviewer : what is your name ?
Interviewee 8 : my name is widya astuti
Interviewer : what I call you
Interviewee 8 : windi
Interviewer : are you ready to give me your information about your speaking
Interviewee 8 : InsyAllah I’m ready
Interviewer : okay well my first question is what is your opinion about your
speaking class
Interviewee 8 : my opinion is mm bahasa inggris itu adalah mm bahasa yang
merupakan kunci yang bisa membuat kita lebih maju intinya ee
bahsa inggris adalah bahasa yang very very important for me
Interviewer : did you enjoy in your speaking class
Interviewee 8 :….
Interviewer : apakah kamu senang di kelas speaking
Interviewee 8 : yes
Interviewer : why
Interviewee 8 : ee bacaue eee in my class make me enjoy
Interviewer : do you always feel nervous or worry if you are speaking in
Interviewee 8 :yes I’m always nervous
Interviewer : why
Interviewee 8 : karena ketika saya akan memulai berbicara ada rasa rasa
takut yang selalu ada di dipikiran saya
Interviewer : why you feel afraid? Kenapa kamu merasa takut ?
Interviewee 8 : mmm karena saya belum apa di ……. Karena saya belum
because my English rusty
Interviewer : why you feel your English is bad
Interviewee 8 : because eek arena saya kurang berlatih gitu …berlatih untuk
berbicara tidak ada yang apa ..eee.. tanpa ada yang bisa
membantu ee untuk membuat lebih maju lagi,, sebenarnya ada
tapi ada rasa malu untuk meminta bantuan kepada mereka
Interviewer :okay mm my last question what did you do to reduce your
nervous? Do you get my point? Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk
mengurangi rasa nervous kamu ketika speaking
Interviewee 8 : ee dengan cara seperti memegang pulpen mmm garuk garuk
kepala istilahnya,,,, enough enough
Interviewer : when you hold your pen, playing your head after that you can
speak well ?
Interviewee 8 : a little
Interviewer : okay winy are you okay
Interviewee 8 : yes its time okay, I’m deg degan
Interviewer : I just think you now you feel nervous with me
Interviewee 8 : yes, sista
Interviewer : thank you so much
Interviewee 8 : never mind
Interviewer : see you
Interviewee 8 : see you

Interview 9:

Interviewer : Hi
Interviewee 9 : Hi
Interviewer : Ok Are you Wana, right?
Interviewee 9 : Yes
Interviewer : Well, I need some information about your speaking class and I
would like to give you some question, are you ready to give me
your information?
Interviewee 9 : Yes,
Interviewer : Ok, the first mmm…..what is your opinion about your speaking
Interviewee 9 : Hmmm………….speaking class is aaamm…..aaaa……. happy,
aa membuat happy aa but aaa kadang-kadang juga mambuat
Interviewer : Oh. Boring. Why, why you feel boring in your class?
Interviewee 9 : Tergantung dari dosennya,aaaaa……… bagaimana caranya dia
membawakan materi
Interviewer : Hmmm…. Do you feel hmmm….but you always feel enjoy in
your speaking class? You feel enjoy in your speaking class?
Interviewee 9 : Ya
Interviewer : But when you’re speaking do you feel nervous or worry when
you are speaking?
Interviewee 9 : yes
Interviewer : Why
Interviewee 9 : Hmmm……………why, apa ya hmm nervous…karena saya
tidak terlalu lancar dalam berspeaking, takut tiba-tiba ditanya
dosen trus tidak tau harus jawab apa
Interviewer : How about the vocabulary, is it give you influence?
Interviewee 9 : Aaaa….pengaruhnya vocab?
Interviewer : I mean your vocabulary…. Maybe….hmm… some students
can’t speak well because I have limited vocabulary, I have little
vocabulary that’s why I can’t speak well
Interviewee 9 : I don’t know
Interviewer : Maksudnya sebagian besar orang itu terkadang alasannya saya
tidak bisa bicara bahasa inggris karena vocab saya kurang, do
you feel like that?
Interviewee 9 : yes
Interviewer : ok hmm But in your class aaaa…., when you get nervous when
you get anxiety what did you do to reduce your anxiety
Interviewee 9 : Maybe dengan written….writing or Playing…playing
Interviewer : Any else? Ada lagi?
Interviewee 9 : Playing facebook
Interviewer : Wow playing facebook, so after you playing facebook, playing
handphone hmm at the end you can speak well?
Interviewee 9 : Hmmm………
Interviewer : Setelah maen facebook, sudah bisa ngomong sedikit?
Interviewee 9 : Maybe
Interviewer : You mean after playing facebook,,,hmmmm…you get enjoy
you feel enjoy ya. If you do some preparation , like
aaaa…….you did writing before speaking or you study last night
ya in your home, is it make your… it make your speak well,
speaking well?
Interviewee 9 : ……………
Interviewer : Ketika kamu melakukan persiapan misalnya menulis dulu
sebelum bicara atau belajar memang dirumah itu membuat kamu
bisa berbicara dengan baik nda?
Interviewee 9 : Hmmm………Menurut saya itu, kalau saya, biasanya menulis
dulu, baru saya bicara
Interviewer : When you’re speaking you read your written or just speak out
Interviewee 9 : ….
Interviewer : Do you get my point? I mean you read your paper When you’re
speaking? Could I say it is reading not speaking
Interviewee 9 : Ya,,,,Because…..Karena kalo saya nda menulis dulu saya nda
tau apa yang ingin saya katakan
Interviewer : Ok… thank you wana, see you
Interviewee 9 : See you too.

Interview 10:

Interviewer : Hi cahya
Interviewee 10 : Hi
Interviewer : Well Are you okay this morning?
Interviewee 10 : Yes okay
Interviewer : Ok Are you ready if I give you some questions about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 10 : Yes insyaAllah
Interviewer : Okay my first question is what is your opininion about your
speaking class?
Interviewer 10 : Speaking class………hmmm I think speaking is very important
for me and sometimes I want to practice in my speaking but
sometimes I always nervous sometimes I shy if I am speaking in
front of the class but sometimes saya selalu ingin menghilangkan
rasa nervous itu kadang-kadang ingin sebelum maju atau disuruh
oleh dosen didepan saya untuk berbicara didepan saya kadang
memainkan jari agar perasaanku lebih tenang sedikit
Interviewer : Well you say that when you’re speaking sometime you feel
nervous or you shy and hmmm….you did eeee………. playing
hand to reduce your nervous,so when you playing your hand you
can speak well
Interviewee 10 : aaaaa tidak juga tapi eeee… setidaknya agar mengurangi rasa
nervous begitu
Interviewer : so in every your speaking class in eee….I mean in every your
schedule you always playing your hand, every meeting I mean
Interviewee 10 : oh no but sometimes if the lecturer eee for example speaking in
front of the class eee for example…funny story eee…. Or
Interviewer : oh do you mean you just get nervous if you speak in front of the
Interviewee 10 : Eeee…. Yes But sometimes when we make a group and if I’m
a capten in the group hm sometimes wah I’m nervous
Interviewer : hehehe…you feel nervous when you’re a capten in your group
Interviewee 10 : hehehe yes
Interviewer : hmm actually eee…why you feel nervous?
Interviewee 10 : because I think jangan sampai saya bicara bahasa inggris
saya ditertawai teman-temanku atau biasanya jangan sampai
grammarnya error biasanya begitu
Interviewer : how about the vocabulary, is it give you influence? Eee… in
your speaking because sometimes eee…some students say I can’t
speak well because I have limited vocabulary, because I have
bad vocabulary that’s why I can’t speak well. Do you feel like
Interviewee 10 : yah sometimes but always is eeee…… kalo vocabulary
misalnya banyak tapi saya tidak biasa praktekkan tidak berguna
juga bagi saya ee.. jadi kalo misalnya memang vocabulary itu
bagi saya penting tapi eee…bukan berarti saya terus menerus
saya hafal vocabulary tapi tidak juga saya praktekkan
Interviewer : so it means that the practice is more…..eee….better than
memorize vocabulary?
Interviewee 10 : ee… my opinion like that but eee…but eee…vocabulary juga
penting tapi setidaknya menambah vocabulary itu setidaknya
diimbangi dengan practicenya dalam speaking
Interviewer : oke Cahya, I still have one question. Why you read your text
when you are speaking?
Interviewee 10 : because if I write maka saya akan ingat apa yang ada dalam
pikiranku…eee…sehingga pada saat saya berbicara saya tidak
lupa apa yang ada dalam pikiranku karena pada saat saya
berbicara kadang rasa grogi akhirnya biasa saya tulis dulu untuk
mengurangi rasa….untuk menambah rasa percaya diriku
sehingga pada saat saya berbicara tidak tersendat-sendat.
Interviewer : ok, so could I say when you read your text it can reduce your
Interviewee 10 : yaa…I think so but.. yah setidaknya bisa menambah keberanian
saya untuk berbicara .
Interviewer : okey, hmm….thank you cah..ya
Interviewee 10 : okey, you’re welcome
Interviewer : see you next time
Interview 11:

Interviewer : Hi
Interviewee 11 : Hi
Interviewer : Alamsyah right?
Interviewee 11 : yes
Interviewer : what I call you?
Interviewee 11 : alam
Interviewer : okey, could we start?
Interviewee 11 : yes
Interviewer : okey, My first question is what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 11 : …………………..
Interviewer : Apa pendapatmu kamu tentang speaking class? Is it interesting
Apakah menurut kamu itu menarik or something?
Interviewee 11 : Menarik ya menarik …menarik ya Cuma kadang juga grogi-
groginya juga
Interviewer : why you think that your speaking class is interesting? Kenapa
kamu pikir bahwa kelas speaking kamu itu menarik?
Interviewee 11 : Eeee……..yang pertama menarik yaaa….bisa memperlancar
juga bahasa inggris trus….. banyak kegiatan didalamnya bukan
Cuma sekedar speaking berbicara eee…………bisa juga
menambah wawasan
Interviewer : okey… Are you okay
Interviewee 11 : yes I’m okay
Interviewer : okey very good, my next question is… when you’re speaking in
your class do you feel nervous or worry?
Interviewee 11 : sometimes I am Nervous
Interviewer : why?
Interviewee 11 : eee.. if bagaimana jika saya ditanya sesuatu yang nda terlalu
saya tahu kadang nervous emm…..apalagi kalau tidak
mengerti apa ucapannya dosen saya kadang nervous tidak tahu
mau berkata apa
Interviewer : how about your vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation is it give
you influence? Apakah itu memberi pengaruh terhadap speaking
Interviewee 11 : Iya kalau grammarnya kacau yaa jelas kadang tidak bisa
berbicara walaupun kadang dimengerti kadang-kadang juga
tidak… sama juga dengan vocab
Interviewer : so when you’re speaking sometimes you feel nevous? Ketika
kamu berspeaking jadi kamu kadang nervous dikelas?
Interviewee 11 : Iya
Interviewer : ok, hmm when you feel nervous what did you do to reduce it?
Ketika kamu nervous apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengurangi
rasa nervous kamu?
Interviewee 11 : Ya biasanya saya diam trus eeee……….berpikir bagaimana
supaya saya bisa menjawab atau supaya saya tidak nervous lagi
melakukan sesuatu atau mungkin minta bantuan
Interviewer : is there any other things that sometimes you do to reduce your
nervous? Ada hal lain yang kadang kamu lakukan untuk
mengurangi rasa nevous kamu?
Interviewee 11 : Tidak ada cuman itu doang
Interviewer : okey thank you Alamsyah, thank you so much
Interviewee 11 : you’re welcome
Interviewer : see you
Interviewee 11 : see you.

Interview 12:
Interviewer : hi Iva, how are you?
Interviewee 12 : I’m fine
Interviewer : now, I’m going to ask you some questions. Hmmm….are you
ready to answer?
Interviewee 12 : eee…yes
Interviewer : oke, we start ya? Oke, my first question is, what is your opinion
about your speaking class?
Interviewee 12 : in my class?...............
Interviewer : apa pendapat kamu tentang kelas speakingmu?
Interviewee 12 : hmmm….speaking in my class…hmmm according to me
speaking in my class is good because…the lecturer is …hmm the
lecturer is smart and he always give us the motivation to study
Interviewer : hmm ok, just it. Hmmm so do feel enjoy in your speaking
Interviewee 12 : sometimes..sometimes I feel enjoy but hmmm eeee….kadang
juga saya merasa nervous
Interviewer : why you feel nervous in your speaking class?
Interviewee 12 : hmmm… because If the lecturer give me the question hmm
actually I know what the meaning of questionbut hmm… saya
tidak tau bagaimana caranya untuk menjawab karena mungkin
saya I don’t have many vocabulary
Interviewer : hmm..instead of vocabulary is there any other things that make
you feel nervous? Ada hal lain yang membuat kamu nervous
selain vocabulary?
Interviewee 12 : yes I always afraid saya selalu takut membuat kesalahan
dalam berbicara dan hmmm I shy…I shy to my friend because
saya melihat sepertinya mereka lebih mampu begitu dari saya
Interviewer : ok, jadi..sometimes what did you do ..apa yang kamu lakukan
to reduce your nervous? Untuk mengurangi rasa nervous kamu
Interviewee 12 : hmm……
Interviewer : biasanya Iva bikin apa supaya tidak nervous, supaya tidak
gugup… biasanya…maen-maen apa…??

Interviewee 12 : biasanya kalo supaya tidak nervous untuk berbicara misalnya

mau mulai bicara saya tarik nafas…… tarik nafas trus saya
menganggap bahwa semua teman-teman…hmmmm apa di?
Maksudnya tidak ada begitu supaya saya lebih lancar berbicara.
Interviewer : ok thank you for your information
Interviewee 12 : you’re welcome.
Interviewer : see you Iva.
Interviewee 12 : see you.

Interview 13:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 13 : hi
Interviewer : what I call you misrawati?
Interviewee 13 : hmm………..
Interviewer : saya panggil apa?
Interviewee 13 : misra
Interviewer : misra or mis
Interviewee 13 : misra
Interviewer : just misra. Ok. Hmm are you okay?
Interviewee 13 : ok
Interviewer : did you feel nervous now? Sekarang nervous yah? Nda?
Interviewee 13 : eee…sedikit hehehe
Interviewer : sedikit oh hehehe….now I’m going to ask you some questions
because I need information about your peaking class yah could
we start? Bisa kita mulai?
Interviewee 13 : boleh
Interviewer : my first question what is your op…oh maunya bahasa
indonesia, apa pendapat kamu tentang kelas speaking,,,,kelas
speaking kamu?
Interviewee 13 : Eee…..pendapat saya khususnya kelas speaking saya
eeee…..menarik karena didalamnya itu sering diadakan eee…
kelompok-kelompok, dibuat grup-grup, trus eeee….mencari
setiap grup itu di …..ini…..mencari setiap permasalahan, itu
dapat melatih kita kelancaran dalam berspeaking.
Interviewer : Hmm well sebelum kita lanjutkan boleh saya tau kenapa misra
maunya di interview pake baha sa Indonesia ?
interviewee 13 : Sa nda terlalu paham, mungkin boleh dikata dari vocab saya
yang belum terlalu….
Interviewer : mmm…oke saya tanya tadi kalau pada saat dikelas speaking itu
menarik karena ee…metode dosennya menarik yah,,, jadi pada
saat kelas speaking berlangsung misra merasa enjoy dikelas
Interviewee 13 : Hmmm iya enjoy
Interviewer : okey pada saat speaking misra kadang-kadang merasa nervous
atau takut untuk berbicara
Interviewee 13 : Eee…sering, tergantung jika itu eeeee….pada saat saya
mengetahui saya santai saja, pada saat pertanyaan itu tiba-tiba
untuk saya dan saya dalam keadaan tidak siap tidak tau
Interviewer : alasan lain kenapa misra nervous dikelas speaking apa saja?
Interviewee 13 : Hmmm…mungkin karena itu dari my vocab ya….kalau untuk
menjawab saya tau tapi dalam bahasa inggrisnya begitu agak
kesulitan karena vocab saya belum terlalu
Interviewer : misra merasa malu atau tidak pede kalau mau berbahasa inggris
Interviewee 13 : eee.. tergantung.. tidak juga
Interviewer : pada saat misra merasa nervous toh, merasa gugup dikelas apa
yang misra lakukan untuk mengurangi perasaan nervous ketika
mau berspeaking?
Interviewee 13 : Biasanya kan saya gugup itu datang karena saya tidak mengerti
apa maksudnya eee….dari dosen eee…. Caranya saya bertanya
pada teman apa maksud dosen tersebut
Interviewer : ada cara lain yang biasa misra lakukan? Melompat-lompat
mungkin? Hehehe…………
Interviewee 13 : hehehehe tidak…
Interviewer : hehehe supaya nda gugup jadi lompat hehehe
Interviewee 13 : hehe nda
Interviewer : jadi Cuman bertanya sama teman saja
Interviewee 13 : iya
Interviewer : Just it, hanya itu?
Interviewee 13 : Yah
Interviewer : Ok thank you so much for your information
Interviewee 13 : You’re welcome
Interviewer : See you
Interviewee 13 : See you

Interview 14:

Interviewer : Hi
Interviewee 14 : Hi
Interviewer : Hmm what is your name?
Interviewee 14 : My name is anton
Interviewer : What I call you just anton
Interviewee 14 : Yah Anton
Interviewer : Could we start?
Interviewee 14 : Ok…
Interviewer : Are you okay?
Interviewee 14 : Yah I’m okay
Interviewer : Ok, My first question is What is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 14 :Hmm well…..about speaking class is….yah…i think is
eee….hmm…I think my speaking class baiklah kak artinya yah
bagaimana yah….
Interviewer : Is it interesting or fun?
Interviewee 14 : Yah I think it’s interesting… fun…and I’m….. bagaimanakah
Interviewer : Menarik dikelas speakingnya?
Interviewee 14 :Yah Saya pikir sangat menarik kak yah because disitu kita …
bagaimana yah..disitu diajar how to speak English disitu juga
kita dilatih untuk berbicara
Interviewer : So do you enjoy with your speaking class?
Interviewee 14 : Of course, I enjoy I think enjoy ketika saya berada dikelas
speaking why because eee… disana saya eee…bagaimana yah
dilatih untuk berbicara dan disitu saya tau bagaimana cara
bagaimana yah…dikelas speaking in speaking class there are I
know my ability how to speak English.. eeee bagaimana dih
kak…… yah I think very interesting eeee…. it give me more apa
dih….yah dikelas speaking itu pokonya eeeee….saya disitu
merasa bagaimana yah saya disitu mengetahui kemampuan saya
speakingku ternyata misalnya dari semester lalu dibandingkan
semester sekarang yah Alhamdulillah kalau semester ini yah saya
lebih yah bagaimana yah
Interviewer : It means there is a development, ada perkembangan?
Interviewee 14 :Yah I think so but eee masih sedikitlah tapi setidaknya ada
perkembangan sedikitlah kak hehehe
Interviewer : Ok well my next questions when you’re speaking , ketika kamu
berspeaking did you feel nervous or worry?
Interviewee 14 : Oh not at all but I sometimes..eee….i`m not shy saya kadang ,
jujur kalau misalnya speaking saya tidak ada misalnya nervous
begitu, but saya cuman bingung, kadang saya bingung apa
yang saya harus katakan, bingungnya itu bukan tidak tau
berbicara but I can`t speak, saya belum bisa berbicara speaking
bahasa inggris
Interviewer : Why? is there any problem why you can`t speak?
Interviewee 14 : Yes ee….may be ee.. my problem my speaking is my
pronounce apa the pronunciation is so i`m happy that
of……..yah kadang sa ragu untuk berbicara kadang takut salah
ya..karena saya pikir sa punya pronunciation itu masih sangat
bagaimana ya, yah… belum baguslah so ee.. kadang sometimes
saya itu bagaimana ya agak apa ya tapi kalo mau di bilang
nervous itu nda ada kak , I never nervous but in speaking
sometimes itu kadang sa bingung apa yang harus katakan.
Interviewer : ee.. so did you feel enjoy, did you feel confident when you are
speaking? Confident means percaya diri ketika kamu
Interviewee 14 : Of course i`m very confident but ee…my speaking is very ee..
bagaima ya sangat tidak bagaimana ya belum lancer
speakingnyalah kak yah…
Interviewer problem yah your pronunciation, so what did you do to make
your self to be better in speaking?
Interviewee 14 : Emm may be I should study hard and how to artinya apa to
develop my knowledge language especially ee.. my
pronunciation my vocabulary yah I think I should study hard
how to develop my pronunciation in English
Interviewer : Ok ee… thank you so much Anton
Interviewee 14 : are welcome
Interviewer : See you
Interviewee 14 : See you

Interview 15:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 15 : hi
Interviewer : what is your name?
Interviewee 15 : my name is Nia
Interviewer : okay..hmm are you ready if I give you some questions?
Interviewee 15 : yes
Interviewer : ok, my first question is, what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 15 : oke, menurut saya kelas speaking kalau dikelas itu sangat cara
belajarnya bagus karena setiap kali pertemuan dibagi kelompok,
dan setiap kelompok bisa mengeluarkan pertanyaan dan
masing-masing bisa menanggapi eee….trus emmm…dosennya
juga menyenangkan akhirnya bisa menjadi motivasi untuk
mengikuti pelajaran
Interviewer : so do you enjoy your speaking class?
Interviewee 15 : no, ee….tegang sangat menegangkan
Interviewer : why? Kenapa tegang?
Interviewee 15 : tegang, maksudnya kalau misalkan ada pertanyaan nanti saya
tidak tau bisa menjawab atau tidak karena saking tegangnya
Interviewer : ada hal lain yang membuat kamu nervous dikelas speaking?
Interviewee 15 : ya ada, ketika dosennya bertanya secara tiba-tiba saya nda tau
harus menjawab bagaimana, kadang untuk mengurangi
nervous juga kadang agruk-garuk kepala , coret-coret dibuku
Interviewer : kenapa lagi biasanya nervous? Ada lagi yang
menyebabkan ..ada hal lain emmm…misalnya kalau teman-
temannya yang lain itu…saya nervous karena vocab saya
kurang atau apa? Nia ada yang kayak begitu juga, vocab,
pronunciation, atau grammar…mempengaruhi?
Interviewee 15 : ya terutama dari vocab, vocab saya kurang dan mungkin kalau
masalah dispeakingkan kalau berbicara grammarnya bisa nda
teratur, yang penting yang bertanya bisa mengerti apa yang kita
Interviewer : kalau dispeaking Nia merasa nervous biasanya bikin apa
supaya nervousnya berkurang?
Interviewee 15 : biasa balik kiri-kanan, coret-coret, garuk-garuk kepala, itu
saja kak.
Interviewer : ada lagi yang biasa dilakukan supaya rasa nervousnya itu
Interviewee 15 : yang biasa sering saya lakukan balik kiri-kanan, Cuma Tanya
teman begitu.
Interviewer : okay, thank you so much Nia
Interviewee 15 : you’re welcome.

Interview 16:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 16 : hi
Interviewer : what is your name?
Interviewee 16 : my name is Elismawati
Interviewer : what I call you?
Interviewee 16 : eee… you can call me ..Lisa
Interviewer : eee…oke Lisa emmm…now I need some information about
your speaking class, so I wanna ask you some questions, are you
Interviewee 16 : yes, I ready.
Interviewer : oke, my first questions, what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 16 : emm… my opinion in speaking class ..i think.. in the class
speaking…emm…em…saya piker ee…sangat sulit eee…ketika
berbicara bahasa inggris apa lagi eee.. didepan tapi
dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris eee..very interesting. Sangat
menarik ketika kita berbahasa, apa lagi…ketika teman-teman
yang lain bisa kenapa kita tidak bisa gitu
Interviewer : oke, jadi Lisa enjoy, do you feel enjoy in your speaking class?
Interviewee 16 : yes, ee…I enjoy
Interviewer : oke..emmm.. my next question did you feel nervous or worry
when you’re speaking?
Interviewee 16 : ya….emm….if be i…berbahasa in English I nervous ee….i feel
emm…tidak mampu ee…berbahasa inggris
Interviewer : eee…because you cannot… speak actually why you can’t
speak? kenapa kamu nervous, ada masalah lagi yang membuat
kamu nervous?
Interviewee 16 : yes, eee….may be ee…karena belum menguasai ee.. dalam
text berbahasa inggris jadi belum bisa ee….apa
ya….emm..istilah dalam umum belum mampu mempublikasikan
kepada teman-teman yang lain
Interviewer : apa-apa saja masalahnya dalam bahasa inggris seingga masih
nervous kalau speaking?
Interviewee 16 : dalam berbahasa inggris ee…
Interviewer : mungkin vocabnya, grammarnya atau apa?
Interviewee 16 : ee.. dalam berbahasa inggris saya tau bahwa tidak diperlukan
grammar ya…kecuali dalam writing mungkin diperlukan dalam
grammar… tapi yang saya ini ee…membingungkan ketika
kepikiran berbahasa inggris tetapi untuk mengucapkannya
Interviewer : kenapa susah?
Interviewee 16 : eee….karena malu, malu karena akan kesalahan dalam
berbahasa inggris jadi eee…malu I shy the friend
Interviewer : oh you shy to speak in front of your friends?
Interviewee 16 : yes
Interviewer : my last question emmm…what is your strategy? Biasanya bikin
apa dikelas supaya rasa nervousnya berkurang?
Interviewee 16 : eee….ketika dalam kelas misalnya kalau untuk menghilangkan
nervous berbahasa inggris dalam speaking eee…biasanya
mengutak-atik handphone melihat juga kalau ada vocab yang
belum dikuasai gitu
Interviewer : is there ada hal lain yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi nervous
selain utak-atik HP?
Interviewee 16 : bicara sama teman mungkin ee…biasanya ya….
Interviewer : itu saja, okay thank you Lisa, thank you so much
Interviewee 16 : you’re welcome.
Interview 17:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 17 : hi
Interviewer : siapa namata?
Interviewee 17 : namaku Irda
Interviewer : oke Irda, emmm…saya mau tanya beberpa pertanyaan
mengenai kelas speakingnya, boleh?
Interviewee 17 : oh iya
Interviewer : pertanyaan pertama saya emmm…apa pendapatmu tentang
kelas speaking? ee…apa kelas speakingnya menarik atau fun
atau bagaimana menurut Irda?
Interviewee 17 : menurut saya ee…kelas speaking itu menarik ee… kalau
menurut saya sih saya punya beberapa masalah kalau dispeaking
…menarik karena belajar speaking kita bisa banyak tau tentang
apa…..bahasa inggris gitu
Interviewer : biasanya kalau dikelas speaking biasa Irda nervous tidak untuk
Interviewee 17 : sangat
Interviewer : ee… sangat nervous, kenapa?
Interviewer : karena mungkin ragu-ragu..begitu, sebenarnya tahu tapi
mungkin malu
Interviewer : ada masalah lain kenapa Irda nervous? Mungkin malu atau
Interviewee 17 : emm.. pengetahuan bahasa inggrisnya belum terlalu banyak
Interviewer : trus kalo pada saat Irda nervous apa yang Irda lakukan untuk
mengurangi rasa nervous supaya bisa speaking?
Interviewee 17 : emmm… mungkin saya bertanya sama teman yang lain,
mungkin bisa membantu
Interviewer : ada hal lain yang biasa dilakukan ..main-mainin tangna atau
Interviewee 17 : palingan ..apa yah….nda ada
Interviewer : ok, thank you Irda
Interviewee 17 : makasih

Interview 18:

Interviewer : hi
Interviewee 18 : hi
Interviewer : what is your name?
Interviewee 18 : my name is Nurfitri
Interviewer : nurfitri oke could I ask you some questions about your speaking
Interviewee 18 : yes
Interviewer : ok my first question is, what is your opinion about your
speaking class?
Interviewee 18 : my opininion about speaking class ee….i..eee…saya selalu
merasa kalau didalam kelas itu masih setengah mati untuk
berbahasa inggris karena kekurangan vocab dan selalu merasa
kalau ada teman-teman yang lebih pintar dari itu
Interviewer : tapi kalau kelas spekaingnya menurut Fitri is it interesting or
something? Is it fun?
Interviewee 18 : eee…fun…because my lecturer..apa…menarik begitu baek…
bagus caranya menjelaskan ee…kemudian apa dih kelas
speaking disini eee…yang saya inginkan kalau dosen mengajar
sering mengadakan feedback jangan hanya itu eee…
mengeluarkan argument tapi tidak ada feedback dari teman-
teman ee.. kan kalau kelas speaking alangkah baiknya begitu
feedback untuk teman-teman supaya lebih banyak berbicara
Interviewer : oke eem…katanya tadi one of problem why you nervous
because your vocabulary ya, is there any other problem beside
Interviewee 18 : ada eee….
Interviewer : ada,,,eee…jadi masalah nervousnya Cuma karena vocab?
Interviewee 18 : iya
Interviewer : when you nervous, what did you do to reduce your nervous?
Interviewee 18 : when I nervous I do , sometimes pegang pulpen kemudian di
putar-putar hehhe …..kemudian menulis dibuku dan setelah
menulis baru berbicara berspeaking
Interviewer : kalau mau speaking itu pake text apa harus dibaca textnya?
Interviewee 18 : karena saya pikir inikan kelas speaking bukan kelas reading
Interviewer : oke, is there any other strategy that you do to reduce your
nervous? Ada strategy lain?
Interviewee 18 : nda ada
Interviewer : okey thank you Fitri
Interviewee 18 : okey thank you kak.

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