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The story revolves around the adventures of four characters whose name are Jack, his wife Tonya,
and his friends Max and Sasha. They have a lot of money from their old business, and they don’t w
ant to work any more — they want an exciting life.

Paragraph 1

Jack talk to his family and friends about their fututre plan on the boat. He wants to sail to Australia.
His friends are surprised at first, but soon after, they like the idea and become excited. The four
friends prepare a lot for the trip. On their mind, they want to visit several places on the way in their
journey. They feel extremely happy and excited on the day of their adventure, but somewhere in
their hearts, there is still a slight sadness, a lingering feeling when they have to part way with their
family and their friends.

Paragraph 2

The wind is strong, and the weather gets hotter as they sail to the South. During the trip, they visit
many places, meet many people, and explore many customs and habits of foreign people. They are
satisfied with the joy they had on the trip. Some day later, they see a big fishing boat, the crew does
not look happy, and the boat is moving very quickly. There is something trapped in its net. The
fishing boat escapes and leaves the net behind. The four friends slowly approach and see a wounded
baby orca. Jack jumps into the water and set it free. Suddenly there are other killer whales near the
boat Tonya warns him and Jack rushes to his boat.

Paragraph 3 Minh

It begins to rain as they move away from the killer whales. Suddenly it is raining very hard and there
is a lot of wind. Therefore, they have to get away from the wind. Fortunately, Jack sees a town, so
they try to move to it. They are all frightened because of the wind. The town gets nearer but the
waves get bigger and bigger. Suddenly a very big wave hits the boat. Although Jack, Max and Sasha
are all ok, Tonya is not on the boat; she is in the water. They look in the cold, dark water for hours
and try shouting to find Tonya. The wind gets stronger, and the boat is full of water. Another big
wave hits the boat. They decided to stop looking for Tonya because they can’t do anymore and must
leave for the lives. Max says that Tonya is wearing a life jacket and she can swim very well. Max
begins to steer the boat. But the wind is too strong. Some time later the boat hits a beach. The three
friends get out. They are very tired. They stop there. Max and Sasha sleep on the beach, but Jack sits
near the water. He looks at the sea, thinking about Tonya.

Paragraph 4 Mai

Tonya is five hundred meters out to sea and starts to swim, but the waves are too big, and the water
is too cold. She finds some wood and wraps her arms around it. With a strong desire to survive, she
is thinking that she must be strong and try not to give up if she wants to see the sun again. Jack is
going to find her. Tonya sees a boat in the distance. She moves her arms and screams for help, but
no one hears her voice because the wind keeps her away from the boat. She starts to feel hopeless
and falls asleep. Suddenly, she is not sleeping since there is no wind anymore, which makes her be
able to see the sun. She looks everywhere for help. Although there is a beach in front of her, she
cannot swim to it. She is cold and tired. No one is here except the birds. When she is listening to the
noise of the sea, she hears something like a baby crying. But it is not a baby – They are five-meter
killer whales. Tonya thinks Killer whales eat people, and she is going to die as she gets closer to
them. She starts to swim away from them and shout for help. Suddenly, she is on the biggest whale’s
back. "Perhaps they are not hungry". Tonya thinks. The killer whale moves slowly to the shore. He is
taking Tonya to the beach. Soon, she is sleeping again.

Paragrarph 5 Tran

While Max and Sasha sleep, Jack sits on the beach then thinks about Tonya and how to find out a
way to get a new sailboat. After that Jack walks along the beach and sees something that resembles
a woman. “Tonya? Is that you?”Jack shouted. Afterward, Jack and Tonya meet together in joy. Jack is
too excited to be speechless. Thus, he kisses Tonya and cries a lot. Then Tonya asks him about Max
and Sasha. They sit together and look at the sea. The fin gently waves and goes out to the sea, so
Tonya thinks that the small whales are waving farewell to her. Jack and Tonya believe that they are
very lucky.

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